
时间:2024-05-29 10:06:18编辑:阿奇


2019年英语六级阅读理解试题库及答案(11)   In the 1962 movie Lawrence of Arabia, one scene shows an American newspaper reporter eagerly snapping photos of men looting a sabotaged train. One of the looters, Chief Auda abu Tayi of the Howeitat clan, suddenly notices the camera and snatches it. "Am I in this?" he asks, before smashing it open. To the dismayed reporter, Lawrence explains, "He thinks these things will steal his virtue. He thinks you're a kind of thief."   As soon as colonizers and explorers began taking cameras into distant lands, stories began circulating about how indigenous peoples saw them as tools for black magic. The "ignorant natives" may have had a point. When photography first became available, scientists welcomed it as a more objective way of recording faraway societies than early travelers' exaggerated accounts. But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back. Up into the 1950s and 1960s, many ethnographers sought "pure" pictures of "primitive" cultures, routinely deleting modern accoutrements such as clocks and Western dress. They paid men and women to re-enact rituals or to pose as members of war or hunting parties, often with little regard for veracity. Edward Curtis, the legendary photographer of North American Indians, for example, got one Makah man to pose as a whaler with a spear in 1915--even though the Makah had not hunted whales in a generation.   These photographs reinforced widely accepted stereotypes that indigenous cultures were isolated, primitive, and unchanging. For instance, National Geographic magazine's photographs have taught millions of Americans about other cultures. As Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins point out in their 1993 book Reading National Geographic, the magazine since its founding in 1888 has kept a tradition of presenting beautiful photos that don't challenge white, middle-class American conventions. While dark-skinned women can be shown without tops, for example, white women's breasts are taboo. Photos that could unsettle or disturb, such as areas of the world torn asunder by war or famine, are discarded in favor of those that reassure, to conform with the society's stated pledge to present only "kindly" visions of foreign societies. The result, Lutz and Collins say, is the depiction of "an idealized and exotic world relatively free of pain or class conflict."   Lutz actually likes National Geographic a lot. She read the magazine as a child, and its lush imagery influenced her eventual choice of anthropology as a career. She just thinks that as people look at the photographs of other cultures, they should be alert to the choice of composition and images.   练习题   1. The main idea of the passage is ______________.   [A] Photographs taken by Western explorers reflect more Westerners’ perception of the indigenous cultures and the Western values.   [B] There is a complicated relationship between the Western explorers and the primitive peoples.   [C] Popular magazines such as National Geographic should show pictures of the exotic and idealized worlds to maintain high sales.   [D] Anthropologists ask the natives to pose for their pictures, compromising the truthfulness of their pictures.   2. We can infer from the passage that early travelers to the native lands often _________.   [A] took pictures with the natives   [B] gave exaggerated accounts of the native lands   [C] ask for pictures from the natives   [D] gave the natives clocks and Western dresses   3. The author mentions the movie Lawrence of Arabia to ___________.   [A] show how people in the indigenous societies are portrayed by Westerners.   [B] illustrate how people from primitive societies see cameras as tools of black magic that steal their virtues.   [C] show how anthropologists portray untruthful pictures of native people.   [D] show the cruel and barbarian side of the native people.   4. “But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back.” In this sentence, the “one [culture] that stares back” refers to _______.   [A] the indigenous culture   [B] the Western culture   [C] the academic culture   [D] the news business culture   5. With which of the following statements would Cat   herine Lutz most probably agree?   [A] Reporters from the Western societies should routinely delete modern elements in pictures taken of the indigenous societies.   [B] The primitive cultures are inferior to the more advanced Western culture.   [C] The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies.   [D] People in the Western news business should try not to challenge the well-established white middle-class values.   答案及解析   1. 答案是[A] Photographs taken by Western explorers reflect more Westerners’ perception of the indigenous cultures and the Western values.   解析:本文的主题是,西方的媒体,为了迎合西方读者猎奇的心理,同时,为了不与西方读者的中产阶级价值观发生冲突,在他们拍摄的照片中,并不是真正客观公正地反映经济发展水平较为落后的社会中人们的生活。他们经常有意删除照片中反映西方文明烙印的成分,甚至摆布照片中的主人公,以描绘出一个西方读者想象中的,经济不发达的,有异域风情的,没有痛苦和阶级斗争的经济落后社会的画面。他们甚至避免刊登那些反映饥荒,战争,灾害的照片,以满足西方媒体“只刊登外国社会美好一面的照片”的默契。   2. 答案是[B] gave exaggerated accounts of the native lands   解析:文章第二段说,When photography first became available, scientists welcomed it as a more objective way of recording faraway societies than early travelers' exaggerated accounts.可见早期到原始社会旅行回来的人往往对当地的情况夸大其词。在照相机发明之后,科学家能更好地客观反映那些远方地区的真实情况。   3. 答案是[B] illustrate how people from primitive societies see cameras as tools of black magic that steal their virtues.   解析:文章的第一段介绍的是著名的1962年获得7项奥斯卡大奖的电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(导演:DAVID LEAN)中的一个片段。该电影本来与作者要讲的题目并无直接关系。作者仅仅通过一个电影中描述的场景来说明一个论点。那就是比较原始,开化较晚的社会,那里的人们对现代的文明,和从没见过的现代文明的产物容易产生误解。电影中的土著抢走了LAWRENCE的照相机,因为他怀疑,那从未见过的玩意儿会偷走他的“美好品德(VIRTUE)”。但是,作者在下文说,那些土著居民的担心并非全无道理。因为西方的记者和学者们,为了描绘一个西方人心目中固有的土著社会(或者经济发展欠发达社会)的形象,故意篡改照片,满足西方读者的好奇心,并且有意迎合西方中产阶级的趣味。在短文中,作者有时候并不开宗明义,直奔主题,而是利用人们都熟悉的文化元素,例如诗歌,书籍,电影,歌曲等,引起读者对其讨论话题的兴趣,然后再引入主题。并不是每一篇文章都会开门见山,读者不应该把每篇文章的首尾句都当成对文章大意的总结。   4. 答案是[A] the indigenous culture   解析:But in some ways, anthropological photographs reveal more about the culture that holds the camera than the one that stares back.本句是文章切入主题的重点句。考生应该格外注意在阅读文章靠前部分出现的,以转折词(例如,HOWEVER, BUT,NEVERTHELESS, NONETHELESS等)开头的句子。那往往是作者叙述传统论点,或者普遍看法的关键地方。本句可以理解为:但是,在某些方面,人类学家拍摄的照片展现的与其说是那个盯视着照相机的(被拍摄的)文化,不如说是反映了拿着照相机的(西方)文化。作者暗示,照片反映了西方摄影者的偏见和对落后文化固有的看法,反映的是西方的价值观,并不是完全真实客观的那些不发达社会的写照。这句话基本上是对文章中心意思的总结。如果对文章的主题有大致的认识,就不会将本题选错。   5. 答案是[C] The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies.   解析:Catherine Lutz是文章中提到的1993年出版的READING NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC的作者之一。她们在书中写道,《国家地理》杂志自从1888年创刊以来,就一直刊登那些不和美国中产阶级白人的价值观发生冲突的照片。照片中可以表现袒露胸部的黑色皮肤的妇女,但是白人妇女的胸部就是禁止刊登的对象。她们认为,这样做的后果就是,在那些西方主流杂志中展现的,似乎是相对而言没有痛苦的,也不存在阶级斗争的社会。因此答案C The western media are not presenting a realistic picture of the faraway societies(西方媒体并没有展现落后地区的真实画面)最能表现该作者的观点。 2019年英语六级阅读理解试题库及答案(12)   The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination. Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.   There is general agreement that there should be zero tolerance of cheating in a profession based on trust and one on which human lives depend. It is reasonable to assume that cheaters in medical school will be more likely than others to continue to act dishonestly with patients, colleagues, insurers, and government.   The behaviours under question are multifactorial in origin. There are familial, religious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and others where cheating is rampant; there are homes which imbue young people with high standards of ethical behaviour and others which leave ethical training to the harmful influence of television and the market place.   Medical schools reflect society and cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society. The selection proce   ss of medical students might be expected to favour candidates with integrity and positive ethical behaviour—if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance. Medical schools should be the major focus of attention for imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity. Unfortunately there are troubling, if inconclusive, data that suggest that during medical school the ethical behaviour of medical students does not necessarily improve; indeed, moral development may actually stop or even regress.   The creation of a pervasive institutional culture of integrity is essential. It is critical that the academic and clinical leaders of the institution set a personal example of integrity. Medical schools must make their institutional position and their expectations of students absolutely clear from day one. The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing. Moreover, the school's examination system and general treatment of students must be perceived as fair. Finally, the treatment of infractions must be firm, fair, transparent, and consistent.   练习题   1. What does the author say about cheating in medical schools?   [A] Extensive research has been done about this phenomenon.   [B] We have sufficient data to prove that prevention is feasible.   [C] We are safe to conclude that this phenomenon exists on a grand scale.   [D] Reliable data about the extent, prevention and management of the phenomenon is lacking.   2. According to the author, it is important to prevent cheating in medical schools because ____________.   [A] The medical profession is based on trust.   [B] There is zero tolerance of cheating in medicine.   [C] The medical profession depends on the government.   [D] Cheating exists extensively in medical schools.   3. What does the author say about the cause(s) of cheating?   [A] Family, culture and society play an active part.   [B] Bad school environment is the leading cause of student cheating.   [C] Parents are always to blame for their children’s cheating behaviour.   [D] Cheating exists primarily because students learn bad things from TV.   4. According to the author, what precautions should medical schools take to prevent students from cheating?   [A] Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity.   [B] Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society.   [C] Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values.   [D] There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students.   5. The author will probably agree with which of the following statements?   [A] Medical schools should make exams easier for the students to alleviate the fierce competition.   [B] Prominent figures in the medical institution should create a set of moral standards to be applied in medical schools.   [C] Medical students should play an active role in the creation and preservation of a culture of integrity.   [D] Those students who cheat in the exams should be instantly expelled from school.   答案及解析   1. 答案是[D] Reliable data about the extent, prevention and management of the phenomenon is lacking.   解析:文章第一段说,Although we have insufficient reliable data about the extent of this phenomenon, its prevention, or its effective management, much can be concluded and acted upon on the basis of common sense and concepts with face validity.可见,到目前为止,我们还不很了解医学院作弊现象的严重程度,也不甚明了如何对该类现象进行预防和管理。既然目前所掌握的DATA是insufficient(不充足的),那么[A][B][C]所说的都不符合文章的原意,故均为错误选项。只有[D]的叙述正确。   2. 答案是[A] The medical profession is based on trust.   解析:作者在第二段说,人们一致认为,医学的基础就是诚信。在医学院就作弊的学生通常比其他人更容易做出欺骗病人,同事,和政府的事情。因此,医学以诚信为本的性质就决定了, 对医学院的作弊行为应该坚决打击。[B]项说的是打击作弊行为的结果,而不是原因。[C]医学依靠政府,[D]医学院中作弊行为普遍存在,都不符合文章内容。   3. 答案是[A] Family, culture and society play an active part.   解析:[A]的内容符合文章的原意。作者在讨论作弊现象的根源时,结论是,作弊现象存在,原因是多方面的。学生在上医学院之前受到的家庭,社会和文化的熏陶在很大程度上决定他们是否会在考试中作弊。也就是选项[A]的内容。[B][C][D]的说法虽然都有道理,但是都过于绝对。学校的环境,家长的教育,电视的影响,虽然都起一定作用,但是都不能说是决定性的。Leading,always,primarily之类的用词决定了它们都不是最佳选项。   4. 答案是[C] Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values.   解析:[A]“医学院应该确立明确道德标准,淘汰道德素质低下的申请者”是错误选项。因为文章谈到如何甄别申请医学院学生的道德素质的时候,作者用的是虚拟语气have的过去式had(if one had a reliable method for detecting such characteristics in advance):如果能有可靠的标准,能预先了解学生的道德水平,医学院在录取的时候应该照顾那些恪守道德准则的学生。可见目前并没有这样的标准可循。[B] Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society.和文章的内容相反。因为文章明确地说Medical schools...cannot be expected to remedy all the ills of a society.[C]项错,因为文章的本意是,医学院的学生在学期间,道德素质不仅不会提高,而且可能下降(regress)。但是作者并没有说,医学院在提高学生素质方面无计可施,而是敦促学校采取相应措施,imbuing future doctors with integrity and ethical sensitivity,(增强未来的医师们的道德感)。   5. 答案是[C] Medical students should play an active role in the creation and preservation of a culture of integrity.   解析:[C]项和文章最后一段的The development of a school's culture of integrity requires a partnership with the students in which they play an active role in its creation and nurturing相呼应。[A]错,因为作者没有建议医(转载自中国教育文摘http://www.edUzhai.net,请保留此标记。)学院应该降低考试难度。[B]的叙述不准确,因为作者的本意是医学界的要人应该树立楷模,而不是让他们设定一套人人遵循的行规。[D]错,作者仅提议医学院对有违反道德准则学生的处罚应该是坚决,公正,透明和统一的。作者并没有明确倡议一旦有作弊行为就将其开除出校。


  2022年下半年英语六级考试备考时间已经不多了,还没有开始准备的考生可以开始准备考试了。英语备考,离不开日常的练习,下面是我为大家准备的2022年下半年英语六级阅读理解练习题,有在备考六级的考生可以参考一下。   2022年下半年英语六级阅读理解练习题   阅读理解(一)   The Last Dinner   Jesus spent his last few hours of liberty quietly in the suburb of Bethany. It was the day of Passover. The Jews observed this feast by eating roast lamb and unleavened bread.   Jesus asked his disciples to go to town and reserve a room in one of the smaller inns and order a dinner that they might all be together.   When evening came, Judas, looking bland and innocent, left the house together with the others. They went down the Mount of Olives and entered the city and found that everything was ready. They took their seats around one long table and began to eat.   But it was not a cheerful meal. They felt the dread of those coming events which already were casting their terrible shadow over the small group of faithful friends.   Jesus spoke very little. The others sat in gloomy silence. At last Peter could stand it no longer, and he blurted out what was in everybody’s mind . “Master, ”he said,“we want to know. Do you have reason to suspect one of us?” Softly Jesus answered, “ Yes. One among you who is now sitting at this table will bring disaster upon us all. ” Then all the disciples got up and crowded around him. They protested their innocence. At that moment Judas slipped quietly out of the room. They now all knew what was to come. They could no longer remain in that little room. They needed fresh air, and they left the inn and walked out of the gate and went back to the Mount of Olives and opened the wicket to a garden which a friend had told them to use whenever they wished to be alone . It was called Gethsemane , after an old oil-press which stood in a corner. After a while Jesus walked away from the little group. But three of the disciples who were closest to him, followed at a distance.   He turned around and bade them wait and watch while he prayed.   The time had come for a final decision. Escape was still possible , but escape would mean a silent confession of guilt and defeat for his ideas.   He was alone among the silent trees and fought his last great battle . He was a man in the fullness of his years. Life still held a great promise. Death, once his enemies captured him, would come in a most terrible form. He made his choice . He stayed. He went back to his friends. And behold! They were fast asleep . A moment later, the whole garden was in an uproar. Led by Judas, the guards of the Sanhedrin rushed upon the prophet. Judas was at their head. He threw his arms around his master and kissed him. That was the sign for which the soldiers had waited. At that moment, Peter realized what was happening.   阅读自测   Ⅰ. Welcome to the Eden of animals . According to Chinese , choose the correct English word: ( bee, rabbit, butterfly, lark, lion, mouse, donkey)   1. Tom always has a lot of things to do. Every time you see him, he is as busy as a ________( 忙得团团转) .   2. Although it was an easy problem, I still made a mistake . It really made feel that I was as stupid as a ________( 蠢如驴) .   3. Cathy is dressed very well and looks as beautiful as a ________( 像蝴蝶一样漂亮) .   4. The villagers beat the enemy and lived as merry as a ________( 非常快活) .   5. Tom and Jerry are twins, but they are quite different. Tom is as timid as a ( 胆小如鼠) while Jerry as bold as a________ ( 莽如雄狮) .   6. After the company went into bankruptcy ________( 宣告破产) , he was as poor as a church ________( 一贫如洗) .   Ⅱ. Can you crack the riddle ?   Have you heard of Sphinx ( 斯芬克司) of Greek mythology?   Sphinx was a monster with the head and breast of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of a bird, a serpent’s tail and lion’s paws. It had a human voice and usually asked passers-by to guess her riddle. If the man was unable to find the answer, she would eat them. If he could, she would kill herself. The riddle is this: What goes on four feet, on two feet, and three , but the more feet it goes on, the weaker it be ?   Do you get the answer? Explain yourself.   阅读理解(二)   However you view credit cards. it's hard to live in the modem world without one. And if you have one, you owe it to yourself to use it properly.   Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the "live now pay later" syndrome. Along with hire purchase, rental and leasing schemes. they provide encouragement to spend more money. They can allow you to pile up debts that you have difficulty paying off, they can also let you spend next month's salary today. Of course, it is only the foolhardy who succumb to the temptation to live. temporarily at least, beyond their means. and such people would no doubt manage to do so even without credit cards.   Advertising campaigns have. however, promoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small pieces of plastic. They obviate the need to carry large amounts of cash and are always useful in emergencies. All the credit card organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may work out as high as 25 per cent a year. yet judicious purchasing using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks interest freecredit. Using me card abroad where items frequently take a long time to be included on your account can extend this period even further.   It is worthwhile shopping around before deciding on a particular credit card. It is necessary to consider the amount of credit granted; interest rates, which may vary slightly; che number and range of outlets, chough most cards cover major garages, hotels. restaurants and departments stores: and of course. what happens if your card is lost or stolen A credit card chief may be sitting on a potential gold mine particularlyif there is delay in reporting the loss of the card.   Using a credit card wisely takes discipline and a little self-control. Once you realize your debt is someone else’s profit margin, your approach to your plastic will change. With a bit of discipline and some practical knowledge, you can make your cards work for you. rather than the other way round. As a matter of fact, a credit card can cost nothing or at least help to tide you over a period of financial difficulty.    people suspect that credit cards lure people to_______________.    author seems to believe that even in the absence of credit cards. some people would undoubtedly_________________.    Para. 3, in addition to the advantages of no need lo carry cash and being useful in emergencies, whatelse is said to be the advantage of credit cards?    is the main idea of Para.4?   5.A credit card user can control himself to take better advantage of credit card if he knows well the truth that____________________.   阅读理解(三)   Children are getting so fat-they may be the first generation to die before their parents. an expert claimed yesterday. Today's youngsters are already falling prey to potential killers such as diabetes because of their weight. Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young, says Professor Andrew Prentice. from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.   At the same time. the shape of the human body is going through a huge evolutionary shift because adults are getting so fat. Here in Britain. latest research shows that the average waist size for a man is 36-38 inches and may be 42-44, inches by compares with only 32.6 inches in 1972. Women's waists have grown from an average of 22 inches in l920 to 24 inches in the Fifties and 30 inches now. One of the major reasons why children now are at greater risk is that we are getting fatter younger. In the UK alone. more than one million under-1.6s are classed as overweight or obese-double the number in the mid-Eighties. One inten four-year-olds are also medically classified as obesity pandemic-an extensive epidemic-whichstarted m the US, has now spread to Europe. Australia, Central America and the Middle East.   Many nations now record more than 20 per cent of- their population as clinically obese and well over half the population as overweight. Prof. Prentice said the change in our shape has been caused by a glut of easily available high-energy foods combined with a dramatic drop in the energy we use as a result of technology developments.   He is not alone in his concern. Only last week one medical journal revealed how obesity was fuelling a rise in cancer cases. Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease. An averagely obese person's lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more.   Prof. Prentice said: "So will parents outlive their children. as claimed recently by an American obesity specialist?" The answer is yes-and no. Yes,when the offspring become grossly obese. This is now becoming an alarmingly common occurrence in the US. Such children and adolescents have a greatly reduced quality of life in terms of both their physical and psychosocial health. So say No to that doughnut and burger.   essor Andrew Prentice says kids will die young because of their__________________.    Britain, overweight or obese under-16s in the mid-Eighties were___________________today.    should be responsible for the change in our body shape according to the passage?    risk of some diseases such as cancer. strokes and heart disease may become greater due to_____________.    does the author suggest we do by saying "say No to that doughnut and burger" ?   阅读理解(四)   To fully understand the concept of the "Paperless Office",one must understand what it conceptually was supposed to mean,as well as what it has evolved into as its current y forms of the paperless office would have concentrated around word processing documents and the ability to create,store and manage their existence ver,you were limited in scope as to what you could do to"manage"these of the management revolved around viewing and perhaps sharing it with other users in the e were no automated programs that handled workflow,scanning,tagging and management of these documents ners were (at a cost-effective price)too expensive for the average office to acquire based on the return on the corporate level,there was no direction as to handle workflow and to analyze where paper came from and where it had to go internally and if there was a process in place,the tools were not mature enough or existing to handle it.   In the last few years,technology has finally been catching up to the needs and requirements of the office ners that previously cost tens of thousands of dollars now can be acquired for tal copiers/printers now incorporate high speed scanning and OCR capability,even at the lowest technology initiative has now been transferred to the IT and MIS departments of corporations as well as law rly,the tools necessary to transform paper-full to a paperless office are now widely then,is stopping the widespread adoption of the concept of the paperless office?Cultural issues are probably one of the largest obstructions to the implementation of the concept of the paperless nly,people feel comfortable doing what they know how to do best(shuffle paper around)and modifying theirhabits requires a focus that makes them feel that they are,in fact,doing things better and more ementing a paperless office environment that introduces processes that are more difficult and technologically challenging than the previous environment is doomed to fail from the start,Keep all processes simple,introdu ce technology that is easy to learn and use,and document the workflow.    did the early forms of paperless office lack for efficient management?   ners used not to be considered worthwhile when a company considers its_________________.    is implied that the concept of the paperless office is now adopted on a______________________scale.    is found that most people refuse the concept of the paperless office due to____________________factor.    does the author think about the processes of the paperless office environment in comparison with the paper-full office environment?   阅读理解(五)   Faced with the rapidly rising costs of employee benefits, companies are scaling back. It's become distressingly clear that employees are increasingly on their own when it comes to retirement savings and health care.   Employers don't typically trash (丢弃) an important employee benefit-too much negative press-but they are shifting more of these costs onto workers. who feel it in the form of higher health-care premiums, rising co-payments on drugs and much less certainty about their retirement finances.   Towers Perrin. a global human-resources-consulting firm, recently surveyed hundreds of U.S. companies representing more than 13 million employees on changer they are making-or contemplating making-to their employee-benefits packages. The knife cuts deepest on the most expensive benefits, with the biggest often being healty care.   It costs the average American company more than $14,000 per year to provide coverage to an employee and her family. The employer's response: shift more of that growing burden to workers. As a result, companies have seen their health-care spending rise 29% over the past five employees have seen their outlays-for premiums, co-pays and deductibles-rise 40%.   Retiree health care is getting hit hardest-just when the boomer generation needs it most. Of the employerssurveyed, 45% have already reduced or eliminated subsidized health-care coverage for future retirees, and an additional 24% are planning to do so or considering it. Of those offering the perk(额外补贴), roughly 25% put a dollar limit on how much they will spend per retiree. "Once the limit is reached, future inflation risk transfers to the retiree," notes Ron Fontanetta. an executive with Towers Perrin.   Corporate pensions, the third leg of the proverbial retirement stool (the other two being Social Security and personal savings), are also being eroded as the foundering (下挫的) stock market wreaks havoc on employer pension funds. At the end of 2008. employer-sponsored pension plans were underfunded by more than $400billion, according to Mercer, a management-consulting firn. The recent stock-market rally has halved that deficit. but it remains a funding sore spot and is one more reason that companies are turning away from this benefit.   "Companies initiated many of these benefits in a different time," says Fontanetta. "Retiree benefits started being offered when many companies had a young workforce with few retirees. so it was not really a cost they had to contend with.” Today it's the reverse, particularly in old-line oit’s Big Three automakers, for example, have more than Four rimes as many retirees as active hourly workers.   1. Instead of ending important employee benefits. employers are_____________.   2. According to Towers Perrin's survey, which 8spect of employee benefits is the most profoundly impacted?   3. The scaling down of retiree health greatly affected_________________.   4. Because of the stock market slump, companies are giving up_________________.   5. The last paragraph implies that companies cut back on retiree benefits because of_____________________.    阅读理解(六)   Some of the old worries about artificial intelligence were closely linked to the question of whether computers could first massive electronic computers,capable of rapid calculation and little or no creative activity,were soon dubbed(取绰号)"electronic brains".A reaction to this terminology quickly followed,computers were called"high speed idiots",an effort to protect human not everyone realized theimplications of the high-speed idiot has not been pointed out enough that even the human idiot is one of the most intelligent life forms on the early computers were even that intelligent,it was already a remarkable state of affairs.   One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in soon became clear that we were not sure what we meant bysuch terms as thought and tend to assume that human beings think,some more than others,though we often call people thoughtless or ms cause a problem,partly because they usually happen outside our are obviously some type of mental experience,but are they a type of thinking?And the question of nonhuman life forms adds further of us would maintain that some of the higheranimals-dogs,cats,apes,and so on-are capable of at least basic thought,but what about fish and insects?If thinking is demonstrated by evident electrical activity in the brain,then many species are capable of we have formulated clear ideas on what thought is in biological creatures,it will be easier to discuss the question of thought in artifacts(人工制品) what is true of thought is also true of the many other mental of the immense benefits of a research is that we are being forced to scrutinize,with new rigor,the working of the human mind.   It is already clear that machines have superior mental abilities to many life fern or oak tree can play chess as well as even the simplest digital computer,nor can frogs weld car bodies as well as seems that,viewed in terms of intellect ,the computer should be set well above plants and most the higher animals can compete with computers with regard to intellect and even then with diminishing success.    did people think of the early computers?   rding to the author,the early computers is__________________than human idiots.    a result of speculating whether computer could think,we had to research more carefully to get_____________________.    do dreams cause the problem whether they are a type of thinking,according to the author?    does the author want to illustrate by mentioning the fern and the oak tree?


  现在有很多青少年出国留学,认为这种做法是有益的,你觉得呢?我为您带来“2018年12月英语六级写作试题:出国留学4篇”,供你学习参考!希望可以给您带来帮助!考试加油哦,考出好成绩! 2018年12月英语六级写作试题:出国留学(1)   Teenagers' Studying Abroad   1. 现在有很多青少年出国留学   2.有些人认为这种做法是有益的   3.我认为这种观点是不对的    写作范文:   Recently it seems that among the students who choose to study abroad, there are more and more-teenagers who study in high schools or even elementary schools. Many people, especially the parents, think it will certainly do good to their chidren because the independent life will make them learn confidence and perseverance. Moreover, the quality of overseas education is often higher, thus the child sta

