
时间:2024-05-29 15:46:45编辑:阿奇

frontier boundary border 这三者之间有什么区别


boundary 指地图上明确的界限,汉语一般说“边界线”,如:

the boundary between France and Germany


border 指沿边界线延伸的地区,汉语一般说“边境”,如:

the Franco-German border


frontier 的意思是“靠外国的边界”

The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country.

Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.

boundary 、border、frontier的区别和用法

区别和用法:boundary, border, frontier, limitThese nouns all denote a line or an area separating one piece of territory from another. A 所有这些名词都指分隔一地域与另一地域的线或地区。boundary is a limiting line: boundary 是限制线:A stone wall marked the boundary between the two farms. A 石墙是两个农场的分界线。 border is a line that separates political entities: Border 是将政治实体分离的界限:Customs officers inspected our luggage when we crossed the border. 当我们过境时海关官员检查了我们的行李。Frontier denotes the part of a country that faces toward or fronts an adjoining country: Frontier 意指一国中朝向或面对邻国的部分:“that long [Canadian] frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, guarded only by neighborly respect and honorable obligations” (Winston S. Churchill). “那条 自大西洋至太平洋的长边界线, 仅出于邻国的尊敬和高尚义务守护着” (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。Limit denotes a boundary that surrounds an area: Limit 意指包围一地区的界线:Cars cannot exceed 35 miles per hour within city limits. 在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里1.boundary 指地图上明确的界限,汉语一般说“边界线”,如: the boundary between France and Germany 2. border 指沿边界线延伸的地区,汉语一般说“边境”,如: the Franco-German border 的意思是“靠外国的边界” The soldiers guarded the frontiers of the country. Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland. 总结:border和frontier均可用来指将两国分开的界限,但意思不完全相同。frontier常指有防卫的边界,设有护照、签证和海关检查。如:The frontier is protected by minefields and an electric fence.边境由雷区和电网防护。border是较一般性的词,用来指国家或州之间的任何分界,也可以指某事物的“边缘,边际”如:We camped on the border of a lake.我们在河边扎下营帐。We lived ten miles from the Russia border.我们住在俄罗斯边界10英里处。boundary用来说比较小的单位(如:farms,towns,parishes或counties)的分界。The boundary between the farms follows the line of the river.这两个农场以河为界。

