
时间:2024-06-16 11:28:50编辑:阿奇


scoop美 [skup]英 [skuːp]n.勺;独家新闻;铲子;一勺(的量)v.用勺儿舀;用铲儿铲;拿起;抢先报道网络勺子;特讯;戽斗1、scoop:勺子:一种有柄的可以舀取东西的器具,常指用来喝汤盛饭。例如:饭勺:装饭、盛饭用的;汤勺、汤勺子:喝汤时盛汤用的 (即汤匙);炒勺:炒菜用的有柄铁锅。2、spoon:用于搅拌或进食的小勺子 ,搅拌羹汤使之均匀或美味。1 勺;铲子a tool like a large spoon with a deep bowl, used for picking up substances in powder form like flour, or for serving food like ice cream2.一勺(的量)the amount picked up by a scoop 3.抢先报道的新闻;独家新闻a piece of important or exciting news that is printed in one newspaper before other newspapers know about it4.(尤指详情鲜为人知的)最新消息the latest information about sb/sth, especially details that are not generally known


scoop读音是: 英 [skuːp]     美 [skuːp]    n. 铲子;勺;舀取;穴;独家新闻。vt. 挖空;舀取;抢先报道(获得)。he used a scoop to serve the ice cream.他用铲子来吃冰激凌。There are several scoops in my kitchen.我的厨房里有好几个勺子。近义词shovel 扩展词汇 英 ['ʃʌvl]     美 ['ʃʌvl]    n. 铲;挖斗机;一铲的量。vt. 铲;铲成;舀。vi. 用铲子。A shovel was leaning against the wall.一把铁铲靠墙放着。He seized a shovel and went into the garden.他抓起一把铁铲走进花园这。


勺子的英语是scoop。一、读音: [skuːp] 二、意思是勺、舀取。三、例句There are several scoops in my kitchen。我的厨房里有好几个勺子。四、词汇用法scoop 是那种把冰淇淋从桶里盛出来的勺子,比较深,基本是半球形的,可以让挖出来的冰淇淋形成一个球形。相关词组: 近义词:spoon一、读音: [spuːn]二、意思是勺子、调羹。三、例句His soup spoon dropped onto the ground。他的汤勺掉到了地上。四、词汇用法spoon of后多接不可数名词,表示复数意义时用spoons of。

