
时间:2024-06-24 08:58:12编辑:阿奇


rid 使摆脱双语例句I cannot get rid of the disgrace which you have entailed upon us.我无法洗刷你使我们蒙受的耻辱。We now have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons.我们现在有消除世界上核武器的最好机遇。He wants to get rid of me one way or the other.他想用某种方式来摆脱我。If your face didn't fit they could get rid of you within twelve months.如果你不合格,他们就会在12个月内解雇你。


rid 是使摆脱,解除,免除的意思。(英[rɪd] 美[rɪd])[例句]The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons因为经济原因,车主必须把汽车处理掉。[其他] 第三人称单数:rids 现在分词:ridding 过去式:rid 过去分词:ridIf you had to get rid of one of the 50 UnitedStates, which one would it be and why?如果你不得不摆脱美国50个州中的一个,你会选择哪个?原因是什么?So we can be clear on what is holding us back, and get rid of what is holding us back in any area.所以我们能够清楚地知道是什么在阻碍我们,而且能够摆脱在各个领域的阻碍。Asshole...I should be in-charge because I get rid of your waste.忍了吧。。。 :‘我应该负责,因为我可以摆脱掉你们所有的垃圾。

