
时间:2024-06-24 13:47:59编辑:阿奇


肖战原名就是肖战。肖战的父母原本想给肖战取名为“肖赞”,但母亲担心“赞”字难写,父亲就把“赞”改成了“战”。肖战的父亲很注重肖战除了文化以外的兴趣爱好培养,所以在肖战小时候让他学习很多东西,如画画、小提琴等。2010年,肖战考入重庆工商大学现代国际设计艺术学院。从进校开始,肖战一直担任班级文艺委员,并进入校艺术团合唱分团,担任校大学生艺术团声乐部部长、男声声部部长,同时还成了校语言艺术分团的演员。大一时,肖战随语言艺术分团到北京演出《我有一个梦想》。大二时,肖战参加重庆工商大学“校园十佳歌手”比赛,并获得“校园十佳歌手荣誉称号”。随后,肖战代表重庆工商大学参加重庆市市级“校园十佳歌手”的比赛,获得二等奖。肖战经常参加学校各类演出,并且在工商大学60年校庆晚会中担任歌唱类节目开场独唱。部分演绎经历:2017年,参演根据天蚕土豆同名小说改编的古装励志玄幻剧《斗破苍穹》,并在剧中饰演林修崖,是一名魔兽山脉佣兵团后人;该剧于2018年9月3日在湖南卫视青春进行时播出 。2月18日,随X玖少年团录制的嘉宾访谈游戏综艺节目《快乐大本营》在湖南卫视播出。4月2日,肖战随组合在上海举行以“以己之名”为主题的演唱会。12月31日,肖战随组合再度加盟江苏卫视“2018让幸福照亮你”跨年演唱会,串烧表演《乱世巨星》和《We Want What We Want》。2021年3月29日,古装奇幻剧《玉骨遥》公布肖战饰演神官时影;4月22日,保利央华版话剧《如梦之梦》神州九城巡演首站在武汉首演,肖战在话剧中饰演五号病人。5月31日,肖战在北京卫视《618沸腾之夜》上演唱歌曲《让我留在你身边》和《竹石》 。9月8日,都市情感剧《余生,请多指教》在湖南卫视首播,肖战在剧中饰演外科主刀医生顾魏。


First Day Of My Life - Melanie cSo I found a reason to stay aliveTry a little harder see the other sideTalking to myselfToo many sleepless nightsTrying to find a meaning to this stupid lifeI don't want your sympathySometimes I don't know who to beHey what you looking forNo one has the answerThey just want moreHey who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first Day of my lifeSo I found a reasonTo let it goTell you that I'm smilingBut I still need to growWill I find salvation in the arms of loveWill it stop me searching will it be enoughI don't want your sympathySometimes I don't know who to beHey what you looking forNo one has the answer but you just want moreHey who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first day of my lifeThe first time to really feel aliveThe first time to break the chainThe first time to walk away from painHey what you looking forNo one has the answer we just want moreHey who's gonna make it rightThis could be the first day of your lifeHey what you looking forNo one has the answer they just want moreHey who's gonna shine alight?This could be the first day of my life

