
时间:2024-06-25 20:57:31编辑:阿奇


健康饮食对我们很重要用英语这样说:Healthy diet is very important to us.重点词汇:1、健康 health ; healthy ; physique ; sound ; wellness ; well-being ; fitness ; well。2、饮食 food and drink ; diet ; eating ; victuals。3、重要 important ; significant ; major ; prominence ; count。important for us核心短语/词汇:be important for sb 对某人很重要。解析:healthy food 是固定短语,意思是“健康食物”;be important for sb 是固定短语,意思是“对某人很重要”。饮食是一种文化,是物质文化和社会风俗各部分中最能反映民族和地区特色的一个组成部分。 中华美食誉满天下。中国饭好吃,外国人爱吃也是不争的事实。中国的饮食文化源远流长。几千年来,人们经过不断的总结已形成了中华美食的八大菜系,即鲁、川、粤、闽、苏、浙、湘、皖流派。


饮食的英语:diet。例句:1、他们在研究如何改进人们饮食。They're researching into ways of improving people's diet. 2、你应该把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet. 3、科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 4、这种病通常用药物和严格控制饮食进行治疗。The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet. 5、这种饮食据称具有排除体内毒素的作用。This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.

以“Healthy eating habits”为题的80词左右的短语,加译文。


In the present life, we are in pursuit of food. But we want to keep healthy diet.

I think we need to develop a healthy diet. So we want to do this; (l) reasonable distribution of meals three meals a day to adapt to the appetite of physical condition and distribution of work needs. The best distribution ratio should be 3:4:3. If one day eats l · jin of grain of words, the morning eat 3 two, the noon eat 4 two more appropriate.

(2) meat, grain tie-in appropriate vegetarians are in protein, calcium, phosphorus and fat-soluble vitamins are superior to vegetarian; And in the vegetarian not saturated fatty acid, vitamin and cellulose and vegetarians are superior. So, vegetarians are and vegetarian proper collocation, strong points, and is conducive to health.

(3) don't be fastidious about food and a human body need nutrient is by all sorts of food supply, no any natural food can contain human need all the nutrients. Single eat a food; No matter how the number of eat, how rich nutrition, also can't maintain the health of human body. Therefore, in the diet, not long-term picky or junk food.
Every day I balanced diet, eat more green vegetables, eat deepfry less fat food

We will continue to do so, the only way to do to have a bright future

