你也一样 英文

时间:2024-06-27 13:15:02编辑:阿奇


问题一:你也一样用英语怎么说 thesametooyou

问题二:也一样用英语 So do I/ So am I./ So have I. So had I. So was I.
So do you./ So have you ./So are you ./So have 郸ou ./So had you. /So were you.
So is he ./ So was he./ So does he./ So has he./ So had he .

问题三:也一样的英语怎么说 Me too.我也一样。
The same to you.你也一样。

问题四:你也一样的英文翻译 You too.
Your tongue in as coarse as you say mine is.
Thanks. And you too!
They work hard恭, so do you.
And the same to you! How dare you call me that!
Thank you. You too!
Thank you. And the same to you!
I have a bad headache. Join the club; I have one, too.
You mustn't project your guilt on to me, ie assume that I feel as guilty as you do.
I think you are being a selfish pig! The same to you with knobs on.

问题五:你也一样 用英语怎么说 The same to you

问题六:你也一样用英语怎么说 the same to you 求采纳

问题七:希望你也一样用英语怎么说 The same to you.表示祝愿.
I hope you are the same. 表示 希望你也一样

问题八:谢谢 你也一样 用英文怎么说 thanks. the same to you.

问题九:跟你一样英语怎么说 其实根据具体的情况有不同的回答方法:
如果是别人说自己遇到了什么事情,比如去餐馆点餐,别人先点了,你想要一样的,你可以说:same to me.
如果别人说有个什么物品,你也正好有一个:可以说:I have the same one 或者: I have just the same as yours.
如果别人说做什么事情,你也是一样的方式,你可以说:I do the same. So do I. So am I.

Like 只是表达相似,还是不完全相同的。

问题十:你也一样用英语怎么说 the same to you 求采纳


英语:same。音标:英[seɪm]、美[seɪm]。释义:adj. 同样的,一样的,相同的。例句:1、Their ages are the same.他们的年龄相同。2、All the same, there's some truth in what she says.即便这样,她的话也还是有些道理。反义词different音标:英['dɪfrənt]、美['dɪfrənt]。释义:adj. 不同的;差异的;分别的;各不相同的。例句:1、The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease.两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。2、He's a different man from what he was 10 years ago.他和十年前不一样。3、You can't imagine how different it is from the John Grier Home.你很难想象这里与约翰·格利尔孤儿院有多大的区别。

