connected china

时间:2024-06-30 15:43:50编辑:阿奇


Service is the only way for you to be differentiated from others in the competing2.Someone likes coffee, but there are others who like tea.3.I'm always painful to be aware of my weakness4.His tragedy calls to mind me my bitter experience of last year5.For his absence, I have some possibilities in my mind.6.The first meeting set the stage for the further negotiation.7.His children have a good manner. but his sister is very naughty8.If the bird gets out of the cage, it will fly away.That's not what I exactly want, but it can be suit for my answerThis American girl is pretty and smart.Maybe he is not helpful, but it doesn't matter to ask him for helpEven though it will take me six weeks, I still determine to get this job doneAlthough one gets graduated from college, he should still keep learning


正确歌词:没什么不可能,出自克丽丝叮演唱的《寻寻觅觅》。《寻寻觅觅》(What Are You Looking For)词:克丽丝叮曲:克丽丝叮,陶山演唱:克丽丝叮歌词:整片樱花森林,已开满一眨眼都落尽,白花瓣减弱我的跫音声声慢,风在树梢弹琴曲中断,问你寻寻觅觅,寻寻觅觅你在找什么,一点点一滴滴,此刻已过了争分夺秒毕竟人生如梦,挺身跟我一起乘风没什么不可能,早春带来暖度溪急流,波纹中一步步水渗透,已喝干的酒壶远漂游,乍见早已涉渡继续走,问你寻寻觅觅,寻寻觅觅你在找什么,一点点一滴滴,此刻已过了争分夺秒,毕竟人生如梦挺身跟我一起乘风,没什么不可能岁月入流,将我夺走趁时间还来得及牵我的手,一起走问你,寻寻觅觅寻寻觅觅,你在找什么一点点,一滴滴此刻已过了,争分夺秒毕竟人生如梦,挺身跟我一起乘风没什么不可能扩展资料:《寻寻觅觅》是一首来自美国的创作歌手Christine Welch原创中文歌曲。细腻的歌词,柔情的小调,古典中文风,有不少网友评论说,歌词与旋律可以与“中国风”流行歌曲的代表周杰伦与方文山搭档相媲美,“把歌名改成《声声慢》就可以跟周董拼一下了”。该曲已于2014年11月8日收录于其首张个人专辑《一百万个可能》中。Christine现留学于中国台湾地区,从2011年开始,她就在网上发布了多首自己翻唱或原创的中文歌曲,从而大受欢迎。2012年6月份上传“中国风”歌曲《寻寻觅觅》在网上开始流传,短短几天之内就得到了上千次的微博转发。至2012年11月单曲《寻寻觅觅》已经仅在优酷点击近1500000次,随后又推出That’s How It Is不一样的曲风也取得了不俗的成绩。


1. More and more tall buildings have been appearing in this city.
2. The Great Wall is the symbol of China.
3. This blue whale is about one hundred tons.
4. There used to be a big children's park here.

5 Lintao's holiday plan. (仅供参考)

The winter vacation is coming and Lintao has made his own plan for it. He really wants to enjoy his holiday, however, he has got plenty of homework to do. So he has planned to stay at his grandma's and finish his homework first.Then he will travel to Beijing and visit some places of interest and hot scenic spots there. Then he will spend the rest of the vacation at his grandparents' home in the countryside. Before the new term starts, he will make sure he has got ready for it. He is really looking forward to the this winter holday.



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