lean on me什么意思

时间:2024-07-04 11:05:58编辑:阿奇

lean on me中文歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐

哦但愿我是娇柔的苹果花,Would God I were the tender apple blossom

从弯曲的树枝上面落下, That floats and falls from off the isted bough

飘落在你那温柔的胸怀, To lie and faint within your silken bosom

把它当作我的家。Within your silken bosom as that does now.

哦但愿我是光亮的苹果, Or would I were a little burnish\'d apple

在树上等你将我摘下,For you to pluck me, gliding by so cold

树荫下阳光在你的身上描画, While sun and shade you robe of lawn will dapple

也照亮你的金色头发。Your robe of lawn, and you hair\'s spun gold.

哦我愿长在玫瑰丛里,Yea, would to God I were among the roses

当你走过,我能够吻你, That lean to kiss you as you float beeen

我愿是最低枝条上的蓓蕾,While on the lowest branch a bud uncloses

能轻轻触摸心中的你。A bud uncloses, to touch you, queen.

哦既然我的爱情没有结果,Nay, since you will not love, would I were growing

我愿做雏菊开在小路上, A happy daisy, in the garden path

当你漫步踩在我的身上, That so your silver foot might press me going

我就在你的脚下死亡。Might press me going even unto death.

【【跪求】】这首lean on me的中文歌词!!!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.

But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend.

I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need somebody

to lean on.

Please swallow your pride, if have things you need to borrow.

For no one can fill those needs that you won't let show.

You just call on me sisterwhen you need a hand.

We all need somebody to lean on.

I just might have a problem that you'll understand.

We all need somebody to lean on.





请收气你的傲气,如果你需要帮助 没有人知道你隐藏的想法


我们总是需要人去依靠 我也许也会陷入困境,但你终会明白


