
时间:2024-07-10 09:30:15编辑:阿奇


《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》中英文对照版歌词:Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?Up above the world so high在整个世界之上,如此的高Like a diamond in the sky.像在天空中的钻石Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?When the blazing sun is gone,当烈日走了【摘要】
《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》中英文对照版歌词:Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?Up above the world so high在整个世界之上,如此的高Like a diamond in the sky.像在天空中的钻石Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?When the blazing sun is gone,当烈日走了【回答】
When he nothing shines upon当他没有照耀时Then you show your little ligh然后你显示你小小的光亮Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.一闪一闪亮晶晶Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?Then the traveller in the dark,在黑暗中旅行Thanks you for your tiny spark,感谢你的小光芒Could he see which way to go,他看出朝哪个方向前进吗If you did not twinkle so.如果没有你的闪烁想知道你是什么?Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星【回答】
How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?In the dark blue sky you keep,你维持了深蓝色的天空Often through my curtains peep,常常透过我的窗户For you never shut your eye,从没有停止你闪烁的眼睛Till the sun is in the sky.直到太阳再次升起Twinkle, twinkle, little star.一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are.我想知道你是什么。【回答】
亲,《小星星》,原名Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 中文:一闪一闪小星星,是英国儿童歌曲的杰出音乐作品。由著名音乐家Mozart(莫扎特)谱曲,于1806年由由英国著名女诗人Jane Taylor(简.泰勒)填词,,已在全球广泛流传两个多世纪,是世界第一儿歌,也是最受欢迎的儿童歌曲。【回答】

[create_time]2023-01-18 15:40:55[/create_time]2023-02-02 15:36:25[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]娱乐文学答主[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.9a35488d.qV_qm2gGn46k1CEP5qwq1Q.jpg?time=8773&tieba_portrait_time=8773[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]7707[view_count]


Then you show your little light,Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!He could not see which way to go,If you did not twinkle so.《Twinkle twinkle little star》是著名的英国儿童插图画册,后来的《小星星》儿歌就是在此基础上改编而成。但长久以来,因为国内和国外在儿童领域交流较少,随着中国的改革开放,越来越多的外国儿童读物开始普及起来。在这样的大潮流下,著名的童话家王雨然将此插图画册及中文翻译首次引入中国。王雨然的翻译简洁明快,爽朗清新。因整个故事的翻译都可以用儿歌唱出来,所以被誉为‘音乐的童话’,在双语儿童文学中,绽放着属于崭新时代的光彩。

[create_time]2021-10-19 11:30:28[/create_time]2021-10-27 13:40:33[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]小吴学姐在线解答[uname]https://wyw-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/d53f8794a4c27d1ee22c9e5c09d5ad6eddc4381b[avatar]学生[slogan]生活常识我知晓,多知道一些总是好的[intro]2873[view_count]


《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》演 唱:JewelTwinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?Up above the world so high在整个世界之上,如此的高Like a diamond in the sky.像在天空中的钻石Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?When the blazing sun is gone,当烈日走了When he nothing shines upon当他没有照耀时Then you show your little light然后你显示你小小的光亮Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.一闪一闪亮晶晶Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?Then the traveller in the dark,在黑暗中旅行Thanks you for your tiny spark,感谢你的小光芒Could he see which way to go,他看出朝哪个方向前进吗If you did not twinkle so.如果没有你的闪烁想知道你是什么?Twinkle, twinkle, little star一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are我想知道你是什么?In the dark blue sky you keep,你维持了深蓝色的天空Often through my curtains peep,常常透过我的窗户For you never shut your eye,从没有停止你闪烁的眼睛Till the sun is in the sky.直到太阳再次升起Twinkle, twinkle, little star.一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are.我想知道你是什么歌手简介:Declan Galbraith是居住在英国肯特郡的爱尔兰男孩。 在许多方面他是一个正常的 10 岁的男孩。 他喜欢电脑游戏,游泳和足球。 他和他的父母和六岁姊妹居住。 他的堂兄弟姊妹Joe是他最好的朋友。 但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。 Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。 班是音乐家。

[create_time]2021-10-04 18:59:49[/create_time]2021-10-11 11:49:06[finished_time]2[reply_count]19[alue_good]生活星球家[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/ca9159fb0673678f68a5b00282cd50dc.jpeg[avatar]专注于生活领域的问题解答[slogan]专注于生活领域的问题解答[intro]24662[view_count]


小星星英文翻译是Little Star。一、little英 ['l?tl] ,美 ['l?tl] adj. 小的;幼小的;短的;微不足道的;少到几乎没有的adv. 甚少;毫不;难得n. 极少例句:We have a little bull session after work.下班后,我们要开一个小的讨论会。例句:He is little known as an artist.他是个不出名的艺术家。二、star英 [stɑ?(r)] ,美 [stɑ?r]    n. 星;明星v. 以星状物装饰;变成演员例句:A lonely star shone out against the black sky.一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。star用法star的基本意思是“星”,指晴天的晚上能看到的天体,是可数名词,引申可作“像星星一样亮的人物”解,即“明星,名角”。star在正式文体中可作“功名;机遇;运气”解,是可数名词。star用作动词的意思是指用星状物来为某物作标记或进行装饰,即“标示,点缀”。star还可指“主演”,即在一部影片中充当主角,有时也可指“使(某人)走红”。

[create_time]2021-07-21 00:12:19[/create_time]2014-08-25 10:49:33[finished_time]5[reply_count]1[alue_good]阿枣说游戏[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/b17eca8065380cd7ae9f8f7cb344ad3458828199?x-bce-process%3Dimage%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_450%2Ch_600%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85[avatar]专注解答各类游戏问题[slogan]专注解答各类游戏问题[intro]7463[view_count]


星星的英文:star。star,英 [stɑ?(r)],美 [stɑ?r]    n. 星;明星v. 以星状物装饰;变成演员过去式: starred 过去分词: starred 现在分词: starring 第三人称单数: stars例句:A lonely star shone out against the black sky.一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。常用短语用作名词 (n.)1、see stars眼冒金星 apparently see flashing lights (after a blow to the head)2、thank one's lucky stars用作动词 (v.)1、star as( v.+prep. )2、star in( v.+prep. )

[create_time]2021-08-22 13:09:12[/create_time]2020-03-14 23:06:48[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]生活大家a[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/fcddc3fb34760b2688be02ea5c234f237955.jpeg[avatar]记录美好生活,爱生活爱自己![slogan]记录美好生活,爱生活爱自己![intro]3013[view_count]


《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]How I wonder what you are?音标:[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]Up above the world so high,音标:[?p] [??b?v] [e?] [w??ld] [s??] [ha?]Like a diamond in the sky.音标:[la?k] [?; e?] [?da??m?nd] [?n] [e?] [ska?] .Twinkle, twinkle, little star,音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]How I wonder what you are?音标:[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]When the blazing sun is gone,音标:[wen] [e?] [?ble?z??] [s?n] [?z] [g?n] ,When he nothing shines upon,音标:[wen] [hi?] [?n?θ??] [?a?n] [??p?n]Then you show your little light,音标:[een] [ju?] [???] [j??; j??] [?l?t(?)l] [la?t]Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [??l] [e?] [na?t] .Twinkle, twinkle, little star,音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]How I wonder what you are?音标:[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]Then the traveller in the dark,音标:[een] [e?] [?tr?v(?)l?] [?n] [e?] [dɑ?k] ,Thanks you for your tiny spark,音标:[θ??ks] [ju?] [f??; f?] [j??; j??] [?ta?n?] [spɑ?k] ,Could he see which way to go,音标:[k?d; k?d] [hi?] [si?] [w?t?] [we?] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [g??] ,If you did not twinkle so.音标:[?f] [ju?] [d?d] [n?t] [?tw??k(?)l] [s??] .Twinkle, twinkle, little star,音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]How I wonder what you are?音标:[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]In the dark blue sky you keep,音标:[?n] [e?] [dɑ?k] [blu?] [ska?] [ju?] [ki?p] ,Often through my curtains peep,音标:[??f(t?)n] [θru?] [ma?] [?k??tnz] [pi?p] ,For you never shut your eye,音标:[f??; f?] [ju?] [?nev?] [??t] [j??; j??] [a?] ,Till the sun is in the sky.音标:[t?l] [e?] [s?n] [?z] [?n] [e?] [ska?] .Twinkle, twinkle, little star.音标:[?tw??k(?)l] , [?tw??k(?)l] , [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?] .How I wonder what you are.音标:[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?] .扩展资料:《一闪一闪小星星》的音乐最早出现于1761年的法国童谣《啊!妈妈,我要告诉你》,后由伟大的音乐天才莫扎特改编为钢琴变奏曲KV.265,其旋律除主题外还配有十二段变奏。后来时间又过去了四十多年,在1806年,简.泰勒发表了名为《星星》的诗歌。后由她的妹妹安妮收藏整理在诗集《育儿童歌》中,并对这首对偶形式的诗歌配以了莫扎特的旋律,于是这首广为流传的英国传统儿歌 《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》 就这样诞生了。其歌曲不仅保留了浪漫幻想的主题和轻灵明快的节奏,而且凭借着童真雅致,朗朗上口的英文歌词迅速传遍了世界的各个角落,也把小星星经典的旋律带到了所有国家的文化中。当然,这首著名的儿歌漂洋过海,在20世纪80年代也来到了华夏的土地上。不过,当时的儿童文学工作者们由于条件的种种限制,并无法基于原版翻译,只能对小星星歌词进行了妥协的改写。参考资料:百度百科_小星星

[create_time]2019-08-28 08:31:24[/create_time]2016-04-07 19:43:32[finished_time]7[reply_count]9[alue_good]123sds66[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7489a148.0cQyTXwS2gP4tO7yhPb-uQ.jpg?time=3993&tieba_portrait_time=3993[avatar]TA获得超过3.4万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]44534[view_count]


Twinkle twinkle little star[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]我想知道你是什么Up above the world so high[?p] [??b?v] [e?] [w??ld] [s??] [ha?]在整个世界之上 如此的高Like a diamond in the sky[la?k] [?; e?] [?da??m?nd] [?n] [e?] [ska?] 像在天空中的钻石Twinkle twinkle little star[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]我想知道你是什么When the blazing sun is gone[wen] [e?] [?ble?z??] [s?n] [?z] [g?n] 当烈日走了When he nothing shines upon[wen] [hi?] [?n?θ??] [?a?n] [??p?n]当他没有照耀时Then you show your little light[een] [ju?] [???] [j??; j??] [?l?t(?)l] [la?t]然后你显示你小小的光亮Twinkle, twinkle, all the night[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [??l] [e?] [na?t] 一闪一闪亮晶晶Twinkle twinkle little star[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]我想知道你是什么Then the traveller in the dark[een] [e?] [?tr?v(?)l?] [?n] [e?] [dɑ?k]在黑暗中旅行Thanks you for your tiny spark[θ??ks] [ju?] [f??; f?] [j??; j??] [?ta?n?] [spɑ?k]感谢你的小光芒Could he see which way to go[k?d; k?d] [hi?] [si?] [w?t?] [we?] [t?; before a vowel t? stressed tu?] [g??] 他看出朝哪个方向前进吗If you did not twinkle so[?f] [ju?] [d?d] [n?t] [?tw??k(?)l] [s??] 如果没有你的闪烁想知道你是什么Twinkle twinkle little star[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?]一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]我想知道你是什么In the dark blue sky you keep[?n] [e?] [dɑ?k] [blu?] [ska?] [ju?] [ki?p]你维持了深蓝色的天空Often through my curtains peep[??f(t?)n] [θru?] [ma?] [?k??tnz] [pi?p] 常常透过我的窗户For you never shut your eye[f??; f?] [ju?] [?nev?] [??t] [j??; j??] [a?] 从没有停止你闪烁的眼睛Till the sun is in the sky[t?l] [e?] [s?n] [?z] [?n] [e?] [ska?]直到太阳再次升起Twinkle twinkle little star[?tw??k(?)l] [?tw??k(?)l] [?l?t(?)l] [stɑ?] 一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are[ha?] [a?] [?w?nd?] [w?t] [ju?] [ɑ?]我想知道你是什么扩展资料:小星星英文歌由美国女歌手jewel所演唱的儿童歌曲。儿歌的吟唱中,优美的旋律、和谐的节奏、真挚的情感可以给儿童以美的享受和情感熏陶。幼儿唱儿歌,则是情感的外泄过程,并能从中体验模仿成人的劳作和生活,验证自己的经验和记忆演变。儿歌常见的表现手法有:比喻、拟人、夸张、起兴、摹状、反复、设问等等。Jewel是美国创作歌手、吉他手、演员和诗人。六岁时,她就开始歌唱生涯,经常跟随父母在所居住的爱斯基摩村落里演出,并倍受当地村民喜爱。后来她考上了密歇根州的Interlochen美术学院。在学院的学习过程中她还参与了戏剧表演,在学期末的会演节目《Spoon River Anthology》中担任主演。毕业后她在圣地亚哥找到了工作,但是她逐渐难以忍受这种朝九晚五的工作方式,于是她决定把自己的主要精力放在音乐上。代表作有Stay Here Forever、Stand、You Were Meant for Me等。曾四次获得格莱美奖提名,专辑的全球销量超过2700万。

[create_time]2018-10-28 13:57:44[/create_time]2016-04-08 19:43:32[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]百度网友4467b6ad2d3[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.5fdfdd87.JKD_AR1LXs8cxvNBeOPuug.jpg?time=3314&tieba_portrait_time=3314[avatar]TA获得超过348个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]619[view_count]

