
时间:2024-07-11 11:03:56编辑:阿奇


  歌名Halloween Parade

  There's a down town fairy singing out "Proud Mary"  as she cruises Christopher Street  And some Southern Queen is acting loud and mean  where the docks and the Badlands meet  This Halloween is something to be sure  Especially to be here without you  There's a Greta Garbo and an Alfred Hitchcock  and some black Jamaican stud  There's five Cinderellas and some leather drags  I almost fell into my mug  There's a Crawford, Davis and a tacky Cary Grant  And some Homeboys lookin' for trouble down here from the Bronx  But there ain't no Hairy and no Virgin Mary  you won't hear those voices again  And Johnny Rio and Rotten Rita  you'll never see those faces again  This Halloween is something to be sure  Especially to be here without you  There's the Born Again Losers and the Lavender Boozers  and some crack team from Washington Heights  The boys from Avenue B and the girls from Avenue D  a Tinkerbell in tights  This celebration somehow get me down  Especially when I see you're not around  There's no Peter Pedantic saying things romantic  In Latin, Greek or Spic  There's no Three bananas or Brandy Alexander  Dishing all their tricks  It's a different feeling that I have today  Especially when I know you've gone away  There's a girl from Soho with a teeshirt saying "I Blow"  She's with the "jive five 2 plus 3"  And the girls for pay dates are giving cut rates  Or else doing it for free  The past keeps knock knock knocking on my door  And I don't want to hear it anymore  No consolations please for feelin' funky  I got to get my head above my knees  But it makes me mad and mad makes me sad  And then I start to freeze  In the back of my mind I was afraid it might be true  In the back of my mind I was afraid that they meant you

[create_time]2014-11-08 19:13:43[/create_time]2011-11-18 12:04:07[finished_time]6[reply_count]4[alue_good]a之s[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d8b774c6.QrF6UPkODqzTp10Ncs7uGg.jpg?time=4309&tieba_portrait_time=4309[avatar][slogan]生活不止有眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方[intro]9283[view_count]


抖音有两首最火的万圣节歌曲有《南瓜灯与高脚杯》和动漫《杀戮的天使》的背景音乐《happy halloween》。1、汪东城的《南瓜灯与高脚杯》台湾艺人汪东城在抖音上以《南瓜灯与高脚杯》的BGM进行了创作让这首歌曲更有魔性。2、《杀戮的天使》的背景音乐《happy halloween》《happy halloween》由漫剪原创的歌曲,诡异的敲门声和充满遐想的音乐给了广大抖音网友无限的灵感。这首敲门神曲让抖音的小伙伴们纷纷变装成为暗黑天使,再结合音乐背景将渲染着整个氛围。抖音万圣节歌曲大火:抖音是许多人喜欢玩的软件,在万圣节这天《南瓜灯与高脚杯》和“敲门神曲”火了,网友们纷纷秀起“暗黑化妆技术”,万圣节的化妆术,万人有万相非常的精彩。

[create_time]2022-11-27 16:47:50[/create_time]2022-11-25 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]孙冠男说娱乐[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a264ac8.N2KgD--UAvdwQv_SftyjPQ.jpg?time=6869&tieba_portrait_time=6869[avatar]贡献了超过102个回答[slogan]娱乐时光,娱乐你我[intro]173[view_count]


歌名:《长隆之约》歌手:爱乐团词:陈道斌曲:王超欢乐长隆邀请你走进欢天喜地激情盛开的浪花在等你美丽长隆欢迎你分享清新的空气心灵与自然拥抱的亲密呜~让花香和鸟语一起等你等你一起绽放的美丽美丽长隆欢迎你长隆欢迎你快乐的时空我们的心没有距离美丽长隆等待你快乐的假期天南地北我们相聚相聚在一起动感长隆相约你快乐流淌成小溪狂欢的夜晚充满着魅力绚丽长隆伴随你每次你不舍离去世界的笑脸演绎着奇遇呜~我们不分彼此快乐的感觉让你好像好像在梦里美丽长隆邀请你长隆欢迎你难忘的瞬间让你留下留下最美丽美丽长隆欢迎你把欢乐送给你长长久久 快快乐乐 吉祥又如意美丽长隆欢迎你长隆欢迎你快乐的时空我们的心没有距离美丽长隆等待你快乐的假期天南地北我们相聚相聚在一起美丽长隆邀请你长隆欢迎你难忘的瞬间让你留下留下最美丽美丽长隆欢迎你把欢乐送给你长长久久 快快乐乐 吉祥又如意扩展资料:这首歌改编于歌曲《给我一个吻》,全篇都是用来介绍长隆,欢迎游客。用朗朗上口的话语述说游玩的日期,游玩的项目,以及游玩的特色。用热情欢乐的音色表现对游客的欢迎,让游客在游玩过程中能够感受到甜腻的幸福感,

[create_time]2019-04-19 01:49:54[/create_time]2014-05-04 10:47:42[finished_time]9[reply_count]14[alue_good]胡榛子[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e0c85ef8.EEinN9aA2InT92dRPhgUUA.jpg?time=8313&tieba_portrait_time=8313[avatar]TA获得超过6876个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]18901[view_count]


万圣节的歌曲英文版   有没有英文版的万圣节歌曲呢?下面我跟大家分享和万圣节有关的'英文歌曲以及歌词,希望大家喜欢!   【万圣节的歌曲英文版】   1) All Souls Night   2) Panic! At The Disco   3) This Is Halloween   4) happy halloween   5) Go away   6) Happy Halloween   7) trick or treat   8) Witches   9) Monster Mash   10) Burn In Hell   11) Forever and One   12) Trick or treat   13) Hells Bells   14) Starlight   15) Five Little Pumpkins   16) Halloween   17) Ghostbusters   18) I Want Out   19) The Trapeze Swinger   20) Devil Woman   21) Thriller   22) If I Could Fly   23) Halloween Parade   24) I Want Candy   25) I Want Out   26) Witch Doctor   27) Graveyard   28) Your Turn   29) The Eve of All Hallows   30) 万圣节歌曲Aqua - Halloween   【Thriller歌词】   It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark   Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart   You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it   You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,   You're paralyzed   'Cause this is thriller, thriller night   And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike   You know it's thriller, thriller night   You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight   You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run   You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun   You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination   But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind   You're out of time   'Cause this is thriller, thriller night   There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes   You know it's thriller, thriller night   You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight   Night creatures call   And the dead start to walk in their masquerade   There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time   (they're open wide)This is the end of your life   They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side   They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial   Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together   All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen,   I'll make you see   That it's a thriller, thriller night   'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try   Girl, this is thriller, thriller night   So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,   Thriller here tonight   That it's a thriller, thriller night   'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try   Girl, this is thriller, thriller night   So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,   Darkness falls across the land   The midnite hour is close at hand   Creatures crawl in search of blood   To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood   And whosoever shall be found   Without the soul for getting down   Must stand and face the hounds of hell   And rot inside a corpse's shell   The foulest stench is in the air   The funk of forty thousand years   And grizzly ghouls from every tomb   Are closing in to seal your doom   And though you fight to stay alive   Your body starts to shiver   For no mere mortal can resist   The evil of the thriller ;

[create_time]2022-07-13 03:40:20[/create_time]2022-07-21 05:59:59[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]新东都17[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a065045.pZQna0cSLYxp2wwq-wiUvQ.jpg?time=4637&tieba_portrait_time=4637[avatar]TA获得超过4953个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]13[view_count]


万圣节英文儿童歌曲   下面是我给大家收集整理的有关于万圣节的儿童英文歌,有兴趣的朋友可以来看一下哦!   【万圣节英文儿童歌曲】   1) The Trapeze Swinger   2) Devil Woman   3) Thriller   4) If I Could Fly   5) Halloween Parade   6) I Want Candy   7) I Want Out   8) Witch Doctor   9) Graveyard   10) Your Turn   11) The Eve of All Hallows   12) All Souls Night   13) Panic! At The Disco   14) This Is Halloween   15) Five Little Pumpkins   16) Halloween   17) Ghostbusters   18) I Want Out   19) Happy Halloween   20) trick or treat   【This Is Halloween歌词】   Boys and girls of every age   Wouldn't you like to see something strange?   Come with us and you will see   This, our town of Halloween   This is Halloween, this is Halloween   Pumpkins scream in the dead of night   This is Halloween, everybody make a scene   Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright   It's our town, everybody scream   In this town of Halloween   I am the one hiding under your bed   Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red   I am the one hiding under yours stairs   Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair   This is Halloween, this is Halloween   Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!   In this town we call home   Everyone hail to the pumpkin song   In this town, don't we love it now?   Everybody's waiting for the next surprise   Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can   Something's waiting no to pounce, and how you'll.   Scream! This is Halloween   Red 'n' black, slimy green   Aren't you scared?   Well, that's just fine   Say it once, say it twice   Take a chance and roll the dice   Ride with the moon in the dead of night   Everybody scream, everybody scream   In our town of Halloween!   I am the clown with the tear-away face   Here in a flash and gone without a trace   I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"   I am the wind blowing through your hair   I am the shadow on the moon at night   Filling your dreams to the brim with fright   This is Halloween, this is Halloween   Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!   Halloween! Halloween!   Tender lumplings everywhere   Life's no fun without a good scare   That's our job, but we're not mean   In our town of Halloween   In this town   Don't we love it now?   Everybody's waiting for the next surprice   Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back   And scream like a banshee   Make you jump out of your skin   This is Halloween, everyone scream   Wont' ya please make way for a very special guy   Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch   Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King   This is Halloween, this is Halloween   Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!   In this town we call home   Everyone hail to the pumpkin song   La la-la la, Halloween! Halloween! ;

[create_time]2022-07-20 04:56:49[/create_time]2022-07-28 12:23:10[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]时尚达人1718[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3c106bec.qb7BGc7OrV_cETbifurEYg.jpg?time=4630&tieba_portrait_time=4630[avatar]TA获得超过4683个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]28[view_count]


万圣节音乐儿童歌曲有《Trick or treat》、《Five Little Pumpkins》、《A Haunted House》。1、《Trick or treat》,万圣节前夕,孩子们提着南瓜灯,穿着各式各样的稀奇古怪的服装,挨家挨户地去索要糖果,不停地说 trick or treat (不给糖就捣蛋)!2、《Five Little Pumpkins》,五只小南瓜坐在栅栏上,第一只小南瓜说,我们要迟到了;第二只说,天上有女巫们在飞;第三只说,我们才不在乎呢。忽然一阵风吹来灯灭了,五只小南瓜滚出了视线。3、《A Haunted House》,万圣节前夜鬼屋里有各种吓人的事情,你敢到鬼屋里去探险吗?蛋头人也很害怕,但是他们还是鼓起勇气去了,在惊险中体验万圣节的乐趣。万圣节的由来和习俗万圣节是西方的传统节日,日期是在公历每年的11月1日。[万圣节这个节日最热闹的时间是10月31日万圣节前夜这个时刻,当晚小孩会装扮成各种可爱的鬼怪逐家逐户地敲门,要求获得糖果,否则就会捣蛋。传说这一晚,各种鬼怪也会装扮成小孩混入群众之中一起来庆祝万圣节。万圣节主要流行雨西方,如不列颠群岛和北美,其次是澳大利亚和新西兰,同时亚洲国家的年轻一辈也逐渐开始过万圣节。到了万圣节前夕,一些大型外资超市都会摆出专柜卖万圣节的玩具,小商贩也会出售一些跟万圣节相关的玩偶或模型,吸引客户的眼光。

[create_time]2022-12-06 22:50:02[/create_time]2022-12-02 00:00:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小霜娱乐[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.51f119ef.5KV6VkW25eotmSoZDVCewg.jpg?time=2387&tieba_portrait_time=2387[avatar]TA获得超过173个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]322[view_count]

