
时间:2024-07-12 13:45:53编辑:阿奇


《冲上云霄2》第32集23分10秒那段英文插曲叫《Dry Your Eyes》。

《Dry Your Eyes》
歌手:Tim Ellis; Cherry
所属专辑:《Fly with Love/冲上云霄II 》
唱片公司:Universal Music

I know how much it hurts, I've been there before
You don't have to explain about the way you feel,
you can't take no more
So let me ease your pain
I know she put you down tried to push you
under to make herself feel smart
Traded your love for lies just to make you suffer,
yes & now you're torn apart
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes.
I can make you feel beautiful,
baby don't you cry
You gave her all you had until you had nothing,
except for feeling small
She took all you could give,
left you alone & stumbling,
while she was walking tall
She beat you down so hard the scars still ain't healing,
that ain't what I call love
She hypnotised your mind and got you believing
that you're just not good enough
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes?
I can make you feel beautiful,
baby don't you cry
Let me in, baby just give me
a chance to be a light in the dark
We can win, pull together
And the nightmare will be over
I wanna love you, love you,
baby let me love you, love you,
so glad I love you, love you,
give all my love to you
I wanna love you, love you,
baby let me love you, love you,
so glad I love you, love you,
give all my love to you
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes?
I can make you feel beautiful,
baby don't you cry
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes?
I can make you feel beautiful,
baby don't you cry
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes?
I can make you feel beautiful,
baby don't you cry
baby don't you cry
I can make you feel beautiful,
wont you let me dry your eyes?

[create_time]2016-06-20 18:13:10[/create_time]2013-08-28 12:50:50[finished_time]3[reply_count]1[alue_good]Z_峥[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.52326ccb.xXE07dw0dJA4l78djnID8Q.jpg?time=3156&tieba_portrait_time=3156[avatar]TA获得超过2.8万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3434[view_count]


Crazy For You
Found myself today singing out your name,
you said I''m crazy,
if I am I''m crazy for you.
Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were here
turns me crazy,
but it''s you who makes me lose my head.And every time
I''m meant to be acting sensible
you drift into my headand turn me into a crumbling fool.
Tell me to run and I''ll race,
if you want me to stop I''ll freeze,
and if you are me gonna leave,
just hold me closer baby,and make me crazy for you.
Crazy for you.
Lately with this state I''m inI can''t help myself but spin.
I wish you''d come over,send me spinning closer to you.My oh my,
how my blood boils,
it''s sweet taste for you,
strips me down bareand gets me into my favourite mood.
I keep on trying,
fighting these feelings away,
but the more I do,
the crazier I turn into.
Pacing floors and opening doors,
hoping you''ll walk throughand save me boy,
because I''m too crazy for you.
Crazy for you

[create_time]2013-07-17 11:31:42[/create_time]2013-08-01 10:51:14[finished_time]3[reply_count]44[alue_good]lucy432[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f758ccd0.NZSULS_03fiEm1iCGQaUtw.jpg?time=3089&tieba_portrait_time=3089[avatar]TA获得超过10.1万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]20216[view_count]


Sarah Connor - Living to Love You小野丽莎 - Fly me to the moonAdele - Make You Feel My LoveAdele - Chasing PavementsAdele - Crazy For You林欣彤 - 空中恋人林子祥 - 冲上云霄林峰 - on my wayVasco & Jerry Abbott - It's YouPatti Austin - Say You Love MeBilly Joel-Just Way You Are冲上云霄2电视原声带-Stop the ciock冲上云霄2电视原声带-Smoking gun冲上云霄2电视原声带-Your laws

[create_time]2013-09-11 19:34:37[/create_time]2013-09-24 22:18:44[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]145[view_count]


《冲上云霄》主题曲是《岁月如歌》。《岁月如歌》是TVB台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲,是香港歌手陈奕迅演唱的歌曲,由徐伟贤作曲,刘卓辉作词,刘志远编曲,收录于2003年7月22日发行的粤语专辑《Live For Today》中,国语版《兄妹》收录于2003年4月1日发行的专辑《黑白灰》中。无线台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲《岁月如歌》尚未正式发行时,林夕又妙笔生花为《黑白灰》这张讲述中间地带的专辑写出了国语版本《兄妹》。歌曲MV在此版MV中,制服诱惑再度升级,浪漫剧情华丽闪现,不仅延续了之前机师空姐的激情诱惑,而且更多纠葛与心跳的剧情也尽在其中。从MV中的精彩片段中即可看出,电影除了养眼炫酷的诱惑戏份之外,欣喜和悲伤的感人故事也交织其中,片尾,Captaincool张智霖对怪萝莉郭采洁说:“人生就是花一生的经历去找回属于自己的另一颗心,”再一次将电影的主题表达出来。

[create_time]2022-04-09 16:57:56[/create_time]2022-04-17 15:01:46[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]生活玲玲1[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/d78375c3bf726d15dfc605504698338e.jpeg[avatar]快乐生活,生活快乐![slogan]快乐生活,生活快乐![intro]280[view_count]


冲上云霄2里片尾曲及英文插曲(8月6日为止) ~ Fly me to the moon - diana krall,Frank Sinatra (英文插曲) ~ Crazy For You - Adele (英文插曲) ~ Make You Feel My Love (英文插曲) ~ Your Laws (Episode 2 英文插曲 ) ~ 冲上云霄 - 林子祥 ~ 空中恋人 - 林欣彤 ~ Smoking Gun - Rob Bagshaw ft. Tara Chinn (英文片尾曲) ~ On My Way - 林峰 ~ It's You - Vasco & Jerry Greg Abbott (英文插曲) ~ Just the way you are - Billy Joels - (Episode 12 英文插曲) ~ Chasing Pavements - Adele (Episode 13 英文插曲) ~ Stop the Clock ( A Ballad Songs )- Episode 13 英文插曲 ~ Aint No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross (Episode 16 英文插曲) 2013-08-11 20:02:28 补充: ~ Forever - Celtic Gleam (Episode 16 & 20 英文插曲)
List of songs played in 冲上云霄II (Triumph in the Skies II) 01 Adele 《Crazy For You》- Episode 1 / 2 / 12 / 16 / 22 02 Olivia Ong 《Fly Me To The Moon》- Episode 1 / 16 / 22 03 Adele 《Make You Feel My Love》- Episode 2 / 16 04 Chris Winland & Daniel Finot 《Your Laws》- Episode 2 / 10?? 05 Adele 《Chasing Pavements》- Episode 4 / 9 / 11 / 13 / 16 06 Rob Bagshaw ft. Tara Chinn 《Smoking Gun》- Episode 4 07 Patti Austin 《Say You Love Me》- Episode 8 / 10 / 21 08 Aaron Edson
Bruce Chianese
Geoff Levin 《We Can Do It》- Episode 11 09 Peter Marsh 《Stop The Clock》- Episode 12 / 13 (Old Bird) 10 Billy Joel 《Just The Way You Are》- Episode 12 11 林峰 Raymond Lam 《On My Way》- Episode 15 / 16 / 20 / 22 12 Diana Ross 《Ain't No Mountain High Enough》- Episode 16 13 Mark Britten 《Forever》- Episode 16 / 20 / 22 14 M.Y.M.P 《Say You Love Me》- Episode 16 15 Louis Armstrong 《La Vie En Rose》- Episode 22
Peter Marsh《Stop The Clock》@ 冲上云霄II (EP13)-Old Bird
Diana Ross - Ain't No Mountain High Enough Patti Austin - Say You Love Me Adele - Crazy for you Adele-Chasing Pavement Adele-make you feel my love diana krall - Fly Me To The Moon lisa ekdahl - beautiful boy
Say You Love me
Crazy for you
Diana Ross - Ain't No Mountain High Enough Patti Austin - Say You Love Me Adele - Crazy for you 上面三首系冲2第16集出现过的配乐,至于1-15集因为我完全无睇过亦无谂住睇翻,所以唔知播过乜真系帮唔到你。基于有陈法拉同胡冏冏,相信17集以后我都唔会睇,所以之后都帮唔到你。BTW上面三首歌都系正货,可惜冲2只有俊男﹑靓景﹑好歌,独欠美人,令到好多画面都无法将美感升华~
对不起, 我只知道一首... fly me to the moon. :)

[create_time]2022-11-07 09:57:01[/create_time]2022-11-20 10:09:38[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]乐燕铌3Q[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.b7d6ec0a.VXjYG5QHNDK7gr5FzzyTzQ.jpg?time=4634&tieba_portrait_time=4634[avatar]TA获得超过4591个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]126[view_count]


ROY和HEAD姐沙发激吻的插曲【Andy Powell-I Just Want To Be Here】
23:25开始jimjim,pinkpink,coco一群人各种情景的插曲【Tim Ellis-Dry Your Eyes】
Sam与Holiday古罗马浴场热吻【MARSH Peter-Leave A Little Room For Me】
Jayden和holiday锁桥回忆【仁心解码插曲-No Don't Cry】

[create_time]2013-08-28 14:08:18[/create_time]2013-09-04 16:08:55[finished_time]3[reply_count]483[alue_good]homeNigel丶[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.cd13e8c1._tpTvk1W8cfTLVY9UYSyoQ.jpg?time=3253&tieba_portrait_time=3253[avatar]TA获得超过2589个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]43197[view_count]


求TVB电视剧里面的英文歌。 《my love will get you home》出自《溏心风暴》、《天涯侠医》 《vincent 》 出自《溏心风暴》 selena 《dreaming of you》出自《一号法庭》 《close to you》出自《一号法庭》 Angel Eyes 妙手仁心 英文插曲 Big Big World 刑事侦缉档案Ⅳ 英文插曲 Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲 I will be the one 陀枪师姐Ⅲ,十万吨情缘 英文插曲 In love again Anika Paris 天涯侠医 插曲 Let's Get Together Again 十万吨情缘 英文插曲 Make it better again 十万吨情缘 插曲 Miss You Finally 妙手仁心 英文插曲 Moon River(泰文版) 争分夺秒 插曲 My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲 Phil Cunning ham Aertisti Vari 冲上云霄 插曲 Running In The Rain 妙手仁心 背景伴奏音乐 Sad Moments 冲上云霄 插曲 The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲 W`henever you call 刑事侦缉档案Ⅳ 插曲 you'll be my love 十万吨情缘 英文插曲 Baby, Baby CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Shoulda Been Baby CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Tell My Heart It's Over CIB刑事情报科 插曲 From the Heart CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Lost CIB刑事情报科 插曲 In Love Again CIB刑事情报科 插曲 The Last Worthless Evening 我本善良 插曲 End of the innocence 我本善良 插曲 Goin' Home 我本善良 插曲 Esther 我本善良 插曲 Song Bird 我本善良 插曲 Another Day In Paradise 我本善良 插曲 I will wait for you 我本善良 插曲 Endless Love 我本善良 插曲 Don't Know Much 我本善良 插曲 When something is wrong with my baby 我本善良 插曲 Right here waiting 我本善良 插曲 Bad Medicine 我本善良 插曲 I'll be loving u forever 我本善良 插曲 As tears go by 我本善良 插曲 Promises Don't Come Easy 创世纪 插曲 This Time I Know 创世纪 插曲 ICE CREAM(溏心2之家好月圆插曲) i will be your shelter (陀枪师姐插曲)前奏很有感觉 Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲 Knock On My Door(下一站彩虹 插曲) My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲 (这首在溏心1里出现频率最高) The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲 Shoulda Been Baby (CIB刑事情报科 )插曲 From the Heart CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Lost CIB刑事情报科 插曲 Tell My Heart It’s Over CIB刑事情报科 插曲 entre los dos,是西班牙歌曲。 (TVB电视剧《法证先锋》法文插曲) Fireflies. 《舞动全城》 every valley TVB的电视剧>>和>中都有这首英文歌曲 you are my angel 这首歌是法证先锋2的英文插曲 In Another Time 《水浒无间道》英文插曲 Someone there for me《隔世追凶》英文插曲 Dreaming of you 《壹号皇庭》英文插曲 Heres The Story《下一站彩虹》英文插曲 Promises don\’t e easy 《创世纪》插曲 Moon river 《争分夺秒》插曲 No matter《妙手仁心3》英文插曲 Vincent《溏心风暴》 if we were together《法证先锋Ⅰ》 Sweet Dream 随时侯命英文插曲 《Trois amants dans une semaine》 《两妻时代》 You're A Part Of Me(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲) Someplace Good(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲) 咏叹调(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) 笛子二重奏(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) Someone There For Me(TVB-隔世追凶 插曲) Heaven Knows(TVB-争分夺秒 插曲) Theme from Split Second(TVB-争分夺秒 主题曲) Knock On My Door(TVB-下一站彩虹 插曲) Twenty Years(TVB-下一站彩虹 插曲) Aine(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) When I Was Young(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) Be My Girl(TVB-智勇新警界 插曲) Make It Better Again(TVB-智勇新警界 插曲) Choices and Release(电影-忘不了 配乐) Falling Again(电影-忘不了 配乐) 父亲的故事(电影-极速传说 配乐) My Love Will Get You Home(TVB-天涯侠医 插曲) In Love Again(TVB-天涯侠医 插曲) Sad Moments(TVB-冲上云宵 插曲) Home Again(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) True Colors(雪糕广告歌曲) More Than Light(中华电力广告主题曲) 再见...警察...再见(电影-无间道I 配乐) 忘记伤害(TVB-律政新人王 主题曲) The Edge Of A Broken Heart(TVB-法网伊人 插曲) You've Made A Difference To My Life(TVB-流金岁月 插曲) An MTR Love Story(地铁公司广告主题曲) I Will Be Your Shelter(TVB-陀枪师姐III 插曲) Worlds Mest Beautiful Girl(TVB-烈火雄心II 插曲) A Winning Hand(TVB-情事缉私档案 插曲) Opening Theme(电影-姊妹情深 配乐) │ ├《宠物情缘》插曲 What Can I Do │ ├《创世纪》插曲still on your side │ ├《创世纪》插曲this time i know │ ├《创世纪》插曲when i fall in love │ ├《创世纪》插曲--ordinary people.rm │ ├《大时代》插曲--RedRiverValley │ ├《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》插曲Uptown Girl │ ├《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》主题曲 │ ├《法网伊人》插曲The Edge Of A Broken Heart │ ├《隔世追凶》插曲Someone There For Me │ ├《黑夜彩虹》中插曲--- over the rainbow │ ├《烈火雄心II》插曲 Diary │ ├《烈火雄心II》插曲Worlds Mest Beautiful Girl │ ├《流金岁月》插曲You've Made A Difference To My Life │ ├《流金岁月》鼓舞飞扬-英文歌曲 │ ├《律政新人王》插曲 You Tear Out My Heart │ ├《妙手仁心II 》Don't cry =Only you │ ├《妙手仁心II》LTR--Paint My Love(II) │ ├《妙手仁心II》插曲 Miss You Finally │ ├《妙手仁心II》插曲 Only Love │ ├《妙手仁心I》 How do I live │ ├《妙手仁心I》Ace Of Base--Angel Eyes(I)- │ ├《妙手仁心I》Whigfield--Close To You(I)- │ ├《情浓半生缘》之主题曲《朋友别哭》(吕方演唱) │ ├《情事缉私档案》插曲A Winning Hand │ ├《生死讼》-假的恋爱 │ ├《生死讼》-一首独唱的歌 │ ├《十万吨情缘》插曲 I Will Be The One │ ├《十万吨情缘》插曲 You will Be My Love │ ├《水浒无间道》英文歌插曲in another time(完整版) │ ├《天地男儿》-《the sound of silence》 │ ├《天涯侠医》插曲In Love Again │ ├《天涯侠医》插曲My Love Will Get You Home │ ├《陀枪师姐III》插曲 I Will Be Your Shelter │ ├《无业楼民》插曲Promises Don t Come Easy │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 HeresTheStory │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 KnockOnMyDoor │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 Twenty Years │ ├《下一站彩虹》主题曲-我在桥上看风景 │ ├《先生贵性》插曲 When I Need You │ ├《冲上云宵》插曲Sad Moments │ ├《刑事侦缉档案IV》插曲Big Big World │ ├《壹号皇庭》what will i do--插曲 │ ├《壹号皇庭》插曲Dreaming Of You │ ├《冤家宜结不易解》-《the colour of the night》 │ ├《争分夺秒》插曲To Love You More │ ├《智勇新警界》插曲Be My Girl │ ├《智勇新警界》插曲mak-e It Better Again │ ├《楝笃神探》You're A Part Of Me 插曲) │ ├《楝笃神探》插曲Someplace Good 大众情圣电视剧里面的英文歌 Girl Crush - Little Big Town I got a girl crush Hate to admit it but, I got a hard rush It's slowing down I got it real bad Want everything she has That *** ile and that midnight laugh She's giving you now I want to taste her lips Yeah, 'cause they taste like you I want to drown myself In a bottle of her perfume I want her long blonde hair I want her magic touch Yeah, 'cause maybe then You'd want me just as much I got a girl crush I got a girl crush I don't get no sleep I don't get no peace Thinking about her Under your bed sheets The way that she's whispering The way that she's pulling you in Lord knows I've tried, I can't get her off my mind I want to taste her lips Yeah, 'cause they taste like you I want to drown myself In a bottle of her perfume I want her long blonde hair I want her magic touch Yeah, 'cause maybe then You'd want me just as much I got a girl crush I got a girl crush Hate to admit it but I got a hard rush, It ain't slowing down. TVB电视剧,《团圆》第24集里面的英文歌歌名是什么? Full TV Version指的是一首歌的版本,意思是这首歌是从电视中撷取的.类似的还有CD Version(即CD版本),Live Version(即现场演唱版本) 如果你用歌词去百度或谷歌搜寻却搜不到这首歌的话,估计就是TVB内部录制专门用来作背景音乐的歌曲了 求一首电视剧里的英文歌,何以里面的 the road not taken 很高兴为你解答本题,没问题的话,请及时点选右上角的采纳满意哈~ 上瘾电视剧里面十五集的英文歌 Trouble I'm In 不谢 求一首英文歌,美剧里面的 The xx --VCR You, you still have all the answers And you, you still have them too And we, we live half in the day time And we, we live half at night Watch things on VCR's, with me and talk about big love I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing But you, you just know, you just do When I find myself by the sea, in anothers pany by the sea When I go out the pier, gonna die and have no fear Because you, you just know, you just do Watch things on VCR's, with me and talk about big love I think we're superstars, you say you think we are the best thing But you, you just know, you just do 给你搜了个地址.. :r2d2.pillowlab./mp3/39590.mp3 可以下载、也是那个歌但是感觉频率不太高 谁有汪明荃东方之珠电视剧里面的英文歌? Circle Game Yesterday a child e out to wonder Caught a dragon fly inside a jar Fearful when the sky was full of thunder And tearful at the falling of a star And the seasons they go round and round And the painted ponies go up and down We're captive on the carousel of time We can't return we can only look behind from where we came And go round and round and round in the circle game Then the child moved ten times round the seasons Skated over ten clear frozen streams Words like when you're older must appease him And promises of someday make his dreams Six-teen springs and six-teen summers gone now Cart-wheels turn to car-wheels thou' the town And they tell him take you're time it won't be long now Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down Years spin by and now the boy is enty Though his dreams have lost some grandeur ing true There's be new dreams may be better dreams and plenty Before the last revolving year is through :bbs.ent.163./board/tvb/924/225924. 网易上专门讨论《东方之珠》的帖子,里面有每集出现的歌曲,你可以检视一下。 Tvb电视剧的英文歌曲 我倒是能帮到,但是有很多,所以很难贴完,先贴一部反,奉上地址,楼主自己去找,可好? │├原声专辑( 5 个) ││├TV MAGIC II │││├A01. You're A Part Of Me(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲) │││├A02. Someplace Good(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲) │││├A03. 咏叹调(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) │││├A04. 笛子二重奏(TVB-金枝欲孽 配乐) │││├A05. Someone There For Me(TVB-隔世追凶 插曲) │││├A06. Heaven Knows(TVB-争分夺秒 插曲) │││├A07. Theme from Split Second(TVB-争分夺秒 主题曲) │││├A08. Knock On My Door(TVB-下一站彩虹 插曲) │││├A09. Twenty Years(TVB-下一站彩虹 插曲) │││├A10. Aine(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) │││├A11. When I Was Young(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) │││├A12. Be My Girl(TVB-智勇新警界 插曲) │││├A13. Make It Better Again(TVB-智勇新警界 插曲) │││├A14. Choices and Release(电影-忘不了 配乐) │││├A15. Falling Again(电影-忘不了 配乐) │││├A16. 父亲的故事(电影-极速传说 配乐) │││├B01. My Love Will Get You Home(TVB-天涯侠医 插曲) │││├B02. In Love Again(TVB-天涯侠医 插曲) │││├B03. Sad Moments(TVB-冲上云宵 插曲) │││├B04. Home Again(TVB-冲上云宵 配乐) │││├B05. True Colors(雪糕广告歌曲) │││├B06. More Than Light(中华电力广告主题曲) │││├B07. 再见...警察...再见(电影-无间道I 配乐) │││├B08. 忘记伤害(TVB-律政新人王 主题曲) │││├B09. The Edge Of A Broken Heart(TVB-法网伊人 插曲) │││├B10. You've Made A Difference To My Life(TVB-流金岁月 插曲) │││├B11. An MTR Love Story(地铁公司广告主题曲) │││├B12. I Will Be Your Shelter(TVB-陀枪师姐III 插曲) │││├B13. Worlds Mest Beautiful Girl(TVB-烈火雄心II 插曲) │││├B14. A Winning Hand(TVB-情事缉私档案 插曲) │││├B15. Opening Theme(电影-姊妹情深 配乐) │││└B16. 仍能情深爱上(特别音乐版)(电影-姊妹情深 配乐) ││├TV Magic( 2 个) │││├Disc One ││││├TV Magic - Big Big World ││││├TV Magic - Deeper And Deeper ││││├TV Magic - Diary ││││├TV Magic - Dreaming Of You ││││├TV Magic - Hear Me Cry ││││├TV Magic - I Will Be The One ││││├TV Magic - Miss You Finally ││││├TV Magic - Only Love ││││├TV Magic - Promises Don’t Come Easy ││││├TV Magic - Shining Friends ││││├TV Magic - Uptown Girl ││││├TV Magic - What Can I Do ││││├TV Magic - What Will I Do ││││├TV Magic - When I Need You ││││├TV Magic - You Tear Out My Heart ││││└TV Magic - You’ll Be My Love │││└Disc Two(16 个) │││ ├TV Magic - A Little Less Conversation │││ ├TV Magic - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough │││ ├TV Magic - Aria │││ ├TV Magic - Can’t Take My Eyes Off You │││ ├TV Magic - Happy Togethe │││ ├TV Magic - I Believe I Can Fly │││ ├TV Magic - Just My Imagination │││ ├TV Magic - Proud Of You │││ ├TV Magic - Rhythm Of The Rain │││ ├TV Magic - Smile A Little Smile For Me │││ ├TV Magic - Stand By Me │││ ├TV Magic - Waiting For A Girl Like You │││ ├TV Magic - What The World Needs Now Is Lo │││ ├TV Magic - Whatever Will Be,Will Be Que │││ ├TV Magic - Words │││ └TV Magic - You Spin Me Round (Like A Reco) ││├赤沙印记@四叶草Ⅱ │││├01-Find Your Love │││├02-You Were Meant For Me │││├03-陌生人 │││├04-Runnin’Away │││├05-遇见 │││├06-If │││├07-ost_-_Blues Del Bar (Mood Music) │││├08-Make It With You │││├09-ost_-_Sunny Beat (Mood Music) │││├10-风筝 │││├11-寻梦之途 │││├12-Wrong │││├13-夏意识 │││├14-夏日剧集 │││├15-5 Days │││├16-光芒 │││├17-ost_-_Fresh Love (Mood Music) │ ├《宠物情缘》插曲 What Can I Do │ ├《创世纪》插曲still on your side │ ├《创世纪》插曲this time i know │ ├《创世纪》插曲when i fall in love │ ├《创世纪》插曲--ordinary people.rm │ ├《大时代》插曲--RedRiverValley │ ├《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》插曲Uptown Girl │ ├《当四叶草碰上剑尖时》主题曲 │ ├《法网伊人》插曲The Edge Of A Broken Heart │ ├《隔世追凶》插曲Someone There For Me │ ├《黑夜彩虹》中插曲--- over the rainbow │ ├《烈火雄心II》插曲 Diary │ ├《烈火雄心II》插曲Worlds Mest Beautiful Girl │ ├《流金岁月》插曲You've Made A Difference To My Life │ ├《流金岁月》鼓舞飞扬-英文歌曲 │ ├《流金岁月》英文插曲 │ ├《律政新人王》插曲 You Tear Out My Heart │ ├《妙手仁心II 》Don't cry =Only you │ ├《妙手仁心II》LTR--Paint My Love(II) │ ├《妙手仁心II》插曲 Miss You Finally │ ├《妙手仁心II》插曲 Only Love │ ├《妙手仁心I》 How do I live │ ├《妙手仁心I》Ace Of Base--Angel Eyes(I)- │ ├《妙手仁心I》Whigfield--Close To You(I)- │ ├《情浓半生缘》之主题曲《朋友别哭》(吕方演唱) │ ├《情事缉私档案》插曲A Winning Hand │ ├《生死讼》-假的恋爱 │ ├《生死讼》-一首独唱的歌 │ ├《十万吨情缘》插曲 I Will Be The One │ ├《十万吨情缘》插曲 You will Be My Love │ ├《水浒无间道》英文歌插曲in another time(完整版) │ ├《天地男儿》-《the sound of silence》 │ ├《天涯侠医》插曲In Love Again │ ├《天涯侠医》插曲My Love Will Get You Home │ ├《陀枪师姐III》插曲 I Will Be Your Shelter │ ├《无业楼民》插曲Promises Don t Come Easy │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 HeresTheStory │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 KnockOnMyDoor │ ├《下一站彩虹》插曲 Twenty Years │ ├《下一站彩虹》主题曲-我在桥上看风景 │ ├《先生贵性》插曲 When I Need You │ ├《冲上云宵》插曲Sad Moments │ ├《刑事侦缉档案IV》插曲Big Big World │ ├《壹号皇庭》what will i do--插曲 │ ├《壹号皇庭》插曲Dreaming Of You │ ├《冤家宜结不易解》-《the colour of the night》 │ ├《争分夺秒》插曲To Love You More │ ├《智勇新警界》插曲Be My Girl │ ├《智勇新警界》插曲mak-e It Better Again │ ├《楝笃神探》You're A Part Of Me 插曲) │ ├《楝笃神探》插曲Someplace Good 【分享】TVB电视剧主题曲、插曲、背景音乐名称列表 :post.baidu./f?kz=144874209

[create_time]2022-10-07 06:59:39[/create_time]2022-10-18 05:09:20[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]时尚达人1718[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3c106bec.qb7BGc7OrV_cETbifurEYg.jpg?time=4630&tieba_portrait_time=4630[avatar]TA获得超过4683个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]282[view_count]


以下是本人百听不厌的tvb经典英文插曲,听听看吧~~Angel Eyes 妙手仁心 英文插曲
Big Big World 刑事侦缉档案Ⅳ 英文插曲
Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲
I will be the one 陀枪师姐Ⅲ,十万吨情缘 英文插曲
In love again Anika Paris 天涯侠医 插曲
Let's Get Together Again 十万吨情缘 英文插曲
Make it better again 十万吨情缘 插曲
Miss You Finally 妙手仁心 英文插曲
Moon River(泰文版) 争分夺秒 插曲
My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲
Phil Cunning ham Aertisti Vari 冲上云霄 插曲
Running In The Rain 妙手仁心 背景伴奏音乐
Sad Moments 冲上云霄 插曲
The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲
W`henever you call 刑事侦缉档案Ⅳ 插曲
you'll be my love 十万吨情缘 英文插曲
Baby, Baby CIB刑事情报科 插曲
Shoulda Been Baby CIB刑事情报科 插曲
Tell My Heart It's Over CIB刑事情报科 插曲
From the Heart CIB刑事情报科 插曲
Lost CIB刑事情报科 插曲
In Love Again CIB刑事情报科 插曲
The Last Worthless Evening 我本善良 插曲
End of the innocence 我本善良 插曲
Goin' Home 我本善良 插曲
Esther 我本善良 插曲
Song Bird 我本善良 插曲
Another Day In Paradise 我本善良 插曲
I will wait for you 我本善良 插曲
Endless Love 我本善良 插曲
Don't Know Much 我本善良 插曲
When something is wrong with my baby 我本善良 插曲
Right here waiting 我本善良 插曲
Bad Medicine 我本善良 插曲
I'll be loving u forever 我本善良 插曲
As tears go by 我本善良 插曲
Promises Don't Come Easy 创世纪 插曲
This Time I Know 创世纪 插曲
ICE CREAM(溏心2之家好月圆插曲)
i will be your shelter (陀枪师姐插曲)前奏很有感觉
Close to you 妙手仁心 插曲
Knock On My Door(下一站彩虹 插曲)
My love will get you home 天涯侠医 插曲 (这首在溏心1里出现频率最高)
The Color of the Night 冤家易结不易解 插曲
Shoulda Been Baby (CIB刑事情报科 )插曲
From the Heart CIB刑事情报科 插曲
Lost CIB刑事情报科 插曲
Tell My Heart It’s Over CIB刑事情报科 插曲
entre los dos,是西班牙歌曲。 (TVB电视剧《法证先锋》法文插曲)
Fireflies. >
every valley
you are my angel 这首歌是法证先锋2的英文插曲
In Another Time 《水浒无间道》英文插曲--
Someone there for me《隔世追凶》英文插曲---
Dreaming of you 《壹号皇庭》英文插曲
Heres The Story《下一站彩虹》英文插曲
Promises don\’t come easy 《创世纪》插曲
Moon river 《争分夺秒》插曲
No matter《妙手仁心3》英文插曲
if we were together《法证先锋Ⅰ》
Sweet Dream 随时侯命英文插曲
《Trois amants dans une semaine》 《两妻时代》
You're A Part Of Me(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲)
Someplace Good(TVB-楝笃神探 插曲)

[create_time]2017-05-23 20:17:39[/create_time]2014-03-02 22:38:13[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3563[view_count]


电影《冲上云霄》背景音乐汇总盘点 电影《冲上云霄》主题曲:陈奕迅《岁月如歌》 电影《冲上云霄》插曲: 郑秀文《Somewhere Over The Rainbow》? Russian Red《I Hate You But I Love You》(电影中有两个版本:汤凯婷;翁玮盈、李拾壹) The Pancakes《How Much Will We Remember》 李拾壹《Invocie of love》(暂未找到资源) 李拾壹《Oh boy》(暂未找到资源) 翁玮盈《Reach for a star》(暂未找到资源) 翁玮盈《Breathless moment》(暂未找到资源) 王嘉淳《Siam the ball》(暂未找到资源) 陈伟恩《Hold on,watch on》(暂未找到资源) 电影冲上云霄佘诗曼摩天轮歌曲名字 汤凯婷 《I hate you but i love you》

[create_time]2022-07-17 06:11:24[/create_time]2022-07-28 20:32:57[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]时尚达人1718[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3c106bec.qb7BGc7OrV_cETbifurEYg.jpg?time=4630&tieba_portrait_time=4630[avatar]TA获得超过4683个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]102[view_count]


《冲上云霄》里的歌曲有《岁月如歌》《我不爱你》。1,《岁月如歌》《岁月如歌》是TVB台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲,是香港歌手陈奕迅演唱的歌曲,由徐伟贤作曲,刘卓辉作词,刘志远编曲。收录于2003年7月22日发行的粤语专辑《Live For Today》中,国语版《兄妹》收录于2003年4月1日发行的专辑《黑·白·灰》中。2014年,该歌曲获得第三十六届十大中文金曲颁奖音乐会十大中文金曲。2,《我不爱你》《我不爱你》是香港无线电视2003年台庆剧《冲上云霄》片尾曲,由陈慧珊演唱。扩展资料《岁月如歌》创作背景:《岁月如歌》这首歌是为无线电视剧《冲上云霄》量身定做的。在《兄妹》的曲子基础上,由刘卓辉根据的剧情填写了广东词。这首歌由刘卓辉作词,徐伟贤作曲,旋律优美,歌词意境深刻,造就了热播电视剧的主题歌《岁月如歌》。无线台庆剧《冲上云霄》的主题曲《岁月如歌》尚未正式发行时,林夕又妙笔生花为《黑白灰》这张讲述中间地带的专辑写出了国语版本《兄妹》。这首歌关于全世界最熟知的病态情感,惟妙惟肖的描写着即亲密又疏远,即享受又挣扎的一段感情关系,同样也受到了人们的好评。广东版则稍后收录在了陈奕迅的最后一张英皇广东大碟《Live for Today》中,或许是搭上剧集的关系,《岁月如歌》即使和《兄妹》编曲完全相同。参考资料来源:百度百科-冲上云霄

[create_time]2019-05-26 00:34:45[/create_time]2015-03-19 13:34:54[finished_time]4[reply_count]8[alue_good]熊熊特爱旅游[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/ad36e38f41d1ad13213750cf72e07291.jpeg[avatar]出纳[slogan]关注熊熊特爱旅游,带你看那美丽的风景。[intro]18558[view_count]

冲上云霄‘电影’ 插曲! 求张智霖和郭采洁跳舞那首英文歌

Warrior - Ke$ha We were born to break the doors down 我们是注定了要把这门打破的勇士Fightin' till the end 战斗,直到最后It's something that's inside of us 这就是我们的内心所追寻的It's how we've always been (Yeah) 这就是我们一直这样战斗下去的动力,是的Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士We are the misfits 我们是造物之陋品We are the bad kids 我们都是坏孩子The degenerates 堕落的一代We ain't perfect but that's alright 我们不是完美的但这有什么关系!Love us or hate us 无论是爱我们还是恨我们Nothin' can break us 没什么能打败我们Better believe us 最好相信我们Times, they are changing tonight 今天晚上就是我们开始改变自己的时间了!We don't want to flirt with disaster 我们就是那些跟厄运周旋的战士们On your ass we'll pounce like a panther 瞄准你的屁股,我们就像豹猛扑而来Cut the bullshit out with a dagger 少耍嘴皮子了,亮出匕首吧With a dagger 匕首,With a dagger 用匕首Do or die we all gonna stay young 直到我们死去,我们全都会一直那么热血澎湃Shoot the lights out with a machine gun 像机关枪一样扫射掉亮灯Think it's time for a revolution 想想,革命开始了!Revolution Revolution 革命,革命!We were born to break the doors down 我们是注定了要把这门打破的勇士Fightin' till the end 战斗到最后It's something that's inside of us 这就是我们的内心所追寻的It's how we've always been (Yeah) 这就是我们一直这样战斗下去的动力,是的Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士Now this is our time 现在是我们的时间Our generation 我们的主场And we're impatient 我们不怕受伤Animals you ready to fight?!动物们,你们准备好战斗了吗Fight for the fuck ups 战斗为了胜利Stand up for true love 为了真爱站起来We'll never give up 我们从未放弃Live like it's our last night alive 就像是最后一晚一样的活着We don't want to flirt with disaster 我们就是那些跟厄运周旋的战士们On your ass we'll pounce like a panther 瞄准你的屁股,我们就像豹猛扑而来Cut the bullshit out with a dagger 少耍嘴皮子了,亮出匕首吧With a dagger With a dagger 匕首,用匕首Do or die we all gonna stay young 直到我们死去,我们全都会一直那么热血澎湃Shoot the lights out with a machine gun 像机关枪一样扫射掉亮灯Think it's time for a revolution 想想,革命开始了!Revolution Revolution 革命,革命!We were born to break the doors down 我们是注定了要把这门打破的勇士Fightin' till the end 战斗到最后It's something that's inside of us 这就是我们的内心所追寻的It's how we've always been (Yeah) 这就是我们一直这样战斗下去的动力,是的Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士We were born to break the doors down 我们是注定了要把这门打破的勇士Fightin' till the end 战斗到最后It's something that's inside of us 这就是我们的内心所追寻的It's how we've always been (Yeah) 这就是我们一直这样战斗下去的动力,是的Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior 战士Warrior-ior-ior 战士Warrior-ior战士

[create_time]2015-08-24 23:16:54[/create_time]2015-09-01 00:21:11[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]Ja9ep[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8780da23.YEtWPPORl-RsyN2jyI1PFg.jpg?time=6225&tieba_portrait_time=6225[avatar]TA获得超过2597个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]911[view_count]

电影 冲上云霄 郭采洁请张智霖跳舞的时候的英文歌

《See You Again》歌词 - Wiz Khalifa&Charlie Puth
See You Again - Wiz Khalifa&Charlie Puth
It's been a long day without you my friend
没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
We've come a long way from where we began
回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again
Damn who knew all the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here
Talking to you about another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up look at things
different see the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place
此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来
Now I see you in a better place
此刻 我看到你走进更加美好的未来
How could we not talk about family
when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through
you were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴
It's been a long day without you my friend
没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
We've come a long way from where we began
回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again
First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong and what's
热忱累积 信念不变
Small turn to a friendship a friendship
Turn into a bond and that bond will never
Be broke and the love will never get lost
此情不变 此爱难逝
Be broke and the love will never get lost
此情不变 此爱难逝
And when brotherhood come first then the line
莫逆之交的我们 绝不会背叛彼此
Will never be crossed established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn and that line is what
这友谊让我们肝胆相照 荣辱与共
We reach so remember me when I'm gone
即便我离去 也请将我铭记
We reach so remember me when I'm gone
即便我离去 也请将我铭记
How could we not talk about family
when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you
were standing there by my side
And now you gonna be with me for the last ride
最后一段征程 我更需要你的相伴
Let the light guide your way hold every memory
就让那光芒引导你的前路 铭记与我的曾经
As you go and every road you
take will always lead you home
It's been a long day without you my friend
没有老友你的陪伴 日子真是漫长
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
We've come a long way from where we began
回头凝望 我们携手走过漫长的旅程
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
与你重逢之时 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有
When I see you again
When I see you again see you again
When I see you again

[create_time]2015-04-28 09:08:11[/create_time]2015-05-13 06:58:48[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]娱趣时尚[uname]https://pic.rmb.bdstatic.com/bjh/user/b8f1719c6b479f8e47318a39822c0872.jpeg[avatar]产品运营[slogan]分享各类生活知识、潮流时尚等娱乐内容。[intro]1387[view_count]

