
时间:2024-07-17 15:07:20编辑:阿奇

beautiful in white的中文翻译

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

[create_time]2023-01-24 01:53:49[/create_time]2023-02-05 23:16:10[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]小等爱旅游[uname][avatar]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[slogan]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[intro]1677[view_count]

《beautiful in white》歌词意思是什么?

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

[create_time]2021-10-22 11:07:30[/create_time]2021-10-29 14:06:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]10[alue_good]小等爱旅游[uname][avatar]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[slogan]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[intro]18304[view_count]

beautiful in white歌词是什么意思?

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

[create_time]2023-01-19 13:11:21[/create_time]2023-02-03 05:38:37[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]小等爱旅游[uname][avatar]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[slogan]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[intro]23[view_count]

谁知道westlife的beautiful in whit歌词的中文意思

Beautiful In White——Westlife中文歌词

Not sure if you knowthis 不确定你是否知道这个
But whenwe first met 但当我们第一次见面的时候
I got so nervous I couldn't speak 我紧张到说不出话来
In that very moment 在那个特别的时刻
I found the one and Mylife had found this missing piece

So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
What we have is timeless 我们永恒拥有
My love is endless 我的爱没有尽头
And with this dream I Say to the world 我要对这个世界大声说
You're my every reason you're all that I believe in 你是我所有可能的原因你是我信仰的一切
With all my heart I mean every world 我说的是全世界
And if our daughter is what our future holds 如果我们的女儿是我们拥有的未来
I hope she has your eyes 我希望她能拥有你的眼睛
Finds love like you and I did 找到像你我之间这样的爱
Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go 如果她爱上了某个人我就会放她走
I'll walk her down the aisle 我会挽着她走过那条通道
She looks so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的她看起来很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头
This day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美
So as long as I liveI love you 所以只要我活着我就会爱着你
Will have and hold you 天堂会拥有你吗
You look so beautiful in white 穿白色婚纱的你如此动人
And from now to my very last breath 而且从现在到我生命的尽头

his day I'll cherish 我都会珍惜这一天
You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美

You look so beautiful in white Tonight今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美

You look so beautiful in white Tonight 今晚你穿白色婚纱真的很美

[create_time]2011-03-29 23:47:18[/create_time]2011-04-01 23:45:51[finished_time]3[reply_count]25[alue_good]Lee乐邑[uname][avatar]TA获得超过157个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4392[view_count]

beautiful in white歌词

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

[create_time]2023-01-22 10:43:10[/create_time]2023-02-03 14:46:22[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小等爱旅游[uname][avatar]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[slogan]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[intro]165[view_count]

beautiful in white歌词

《beautiful in white》歌词如下:Not sure if you know this不知你是否清楚But when we first met当你我初次相遇I got so nervous I couldn't speak我局促到语无伦次In that very moment在那特别一刻I found the one and我找到我心中所属My life had found it's missing piece生活也终于得以圆满So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美What we have is timeless你我拥有的,是天长地久My love is endless我对你的爱意,无穷无尽And with this ring I Say to the world我要向全世界大声宣布You're my every reason你是我奋不顾身的理由You're all that I believe in你是我毋须原因的信仰With all my heart I mean every word这一字一句,都是我的肺腑之言So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人so beautiful in white甚是动人啊And if our daughter is what our future holds假使日后你我的爱情结晶是个女孩I hope she has your eyes那我希望她能有与你一样的明眸Finds love like you and I did也希望她能找到想你我这般的爱Yeah, if she falls in love and we will let her go要是她坠入爱河,那我就让她去寻她真爱I'll walk her down the aisle我会挽着她的手,送她步入婚礼殿堂She looks so beautiful in white她身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人So as long as I live I love you所以啊,我爱你,至死不渝Will have and hold you我将会,呵护你,无微不至You look so beautiful in white你身着白色婚纱,甚是动人And from now 'til my very last breath从今而后,只要我尚在人世This day I'll cherish婚礼这天都为我所珍惜You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美You look so beautiful in white Tonight今夜,你身着白色婚纱,真的很美歌手简介尚恩·菲南(Shane Steven Filan),1979年生于爱尔兰斯莱戈,爱尔兰歌手,西城男孩(Westlife)主唱,曾获得多项音乐类重要奖项,组合解散后开始自己的单飞生涯。尚恩·菲南最早的音乐影响力来自于莱诺李奇(Lionel Richie)、比利乔(Billy Joel)等歌手,不过,在迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)发行《Bad》专辑的时候,Michael Jackson就成为他最崇拜的流行偶像。

[create_time]2023-01-24 18:23:32[/create_time]2023-02-02 05:20:00[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小等爱旅游[uname][avatar]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[slogan]小等陪你看完全世界各地的旅游景点[intro]73[view_count]


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