
时间:2024-07-19 21:13:40编辑:阿奇



影片于2015年12月25日在美国正式上映,闹出不少笑话,希恩·安德鲁斯执导;s Home)是2015年上映的一部由派拉蒙影业出品发行、威尔·法瑞尔,马克·沃尔伯格《老爸当家》(Daddy

[create_time]2017-03-26 01:32:19[/create_time]2017-04-03 10:43:17[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]ai真是我[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f4052db.KZwEq7reB2-qsouiwN9BIw.jpg?time=7709&tieba_portrait_time=7709[avatar]TA获得超过1450个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]546[view_count]


"kissy" 读作 /?k?si/。其中,"k"发音为/k/,读作“开”;"i"发音为/?/,读作“伊”;"ss"发音为/s/,读作“斯”;"y"发音为/i/,读作“衣”。整个单词的发音为两个音节,重音在第一音节上。"kissy" 是一个形容词,用来形容某人或某物具有亲吻或爱的特质或倾向。例如,"She has a kissy personality."(她具有亲吻的个性)。"Kissy" 还可以用作名词,指一个喜欢亲吻的人。

[create_time]2023-03-18 12:45:10[/create_time]2023-03-30 10:24:35[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]爱吃瓜的大大王[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3e544ea0.rpr6SbPBQo7uIXkSYgK_Lw.jpg?time=9131&tieba_portrait_time=9131[avatar]答题姿势总跟别人不同[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]298[view_count]


护花危情第十二集中的英文插曲叫《I Love You Forever》。
歌曲:I Love You Forever
专辑:《Sweet And Wild》
You and I walking slowly
Hand in hand
Footprints in the sand
Watch the wind as it plays
Throwing shadows across your face
The sky was so blue
Your eyes so green
The air glittering
So sudden, so swift
Love came to us
Just like a gift
I lived here, you lived far away
Our lives called us back, no we could not stay
With a sad sort of smile you took my hand
Said while we're apart you hope I understand that...

You'll be holding me
And I'll be holding you
Through those long nights
My love will be pulling you through
When you see the stars
Pretend they're my arms
When you feel the air
That is me kissing you there
Say you love me
And I will say I love you
No distance could ever make that untrue
When I'm far away
I'll reach through time and space
When you hear the wind
You'll hear me saying
I love you forever

Fast forward our love story
I still remember that day
Her small precious face
You stared into her eyes
Hypnotized by her smile
But your job meant you had to travel
But we weren't ready for you to go
You held our daughter with a sad sort of smile
Said while we're apart I want you to know that...

You'll be holding me
And I'll be holding you
Through those long nights
My love will be pulling you through
When you see the stars
Pretend they're my arms
When you feel the air
That is me kissing you there
Say you love me
And I will say I love you
No distance could ever make that untrue
When I'm far away
I'll reach through time and space
When you hear the wind
You'll hear me saying
I love you forever
God forbid there'll come a day
When the light in my eyes fades away
But from your hearts I will not go
No bounds shall my spirit know, cause

cause You'll be holding me
And I'll be holding you
Through those long nights
My love will be pulling you through
When you see the stars
Pretend they're my arms
When you feel the air
That is me kissing you there
Say you love me
And I will say I love you
No distance could ever make that untrue
When I'm far away
I'll reach through time and space
When you hear the wind
You'll hear me saying
I love you forever

You'll be holding me
And I'll be holding you
Through those long nights
My love will be pulling you through
When you see the stars
Pretend they're my arms
When you feel the air
That is me kissing you there
Say you love me
And I will say I love you
No distance could ever make that untrue
When I'm far away
I'll reach through time and space
When you hear the wind
You'll hear me saying
I love you forever

[create_time]2017-10-10 02:38:58[/create_time]2012-08-27 21:55:32[finished_time]3[reply_count]2[alue_good]拾万里之外[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ac858e25.KRoBMs0rYy9k-31OIgEySg.jpg?time=4271&tieba_portrait_time=4271[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2423[view_count]

猫咪宝贝 歌词

猫咪宝贝演唱:DJ小可i'm a girl, you're a boywe're too old to play with toyswon't you tell me what's your name?you could be my brand new gameyou begin and roll the dicei would smile and break the icetell me how could i resist when you're my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beesee the moon and see the sun, shining down on everyonethey know how in love we are, i heard them tell it to a starthere's no mountain,there's no sea that could keep your love away from meno matter what the distance is, you're still my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beela la la, tell me what your secret isla la la, why won't you let me knowla la la, nothing makes me feel like thisla la la, cause you're my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beela la la, tell me what your secret isla la la, why won't you let me knowla la la, nothing makes me feel like thisla la la, cause you're my favorite kissi'm a girl, you're a boywe're too old to play with toyswon't you tell me what's your name?you could be my brand new gameyou begin and roll the dicei would smile and break the icetell me how could i resist when you're my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beesee the moon and see the sun, shining down on everyonethey know how in love we are, i heard them tell it to a starthere's no mountain,there's no sea that could keep your love away from meno matter what the distance is, you're still my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beela la la, tell me what your secret isla la la, why won't you let me knowla la la, nothing makes me feel like thisla la la, cause you're my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beela la la, tell me what your secret isla la la, why won't you let me knowla la la, nothing makes me feel like thisla la la, cause you're my favorite kisskissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy take my hand and come along with mekissy kissy makes me happyhoney honey sweet as candykissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar beela la la, tell me what your secret isla la la, why won't you let me knowla la la, nothing makes me feel like thisla la la, cause you're my favorite kisshttp://music.baidu.com/song/18156560

[create_time]2016-12-01 21:31:02[/create_time]2013-08-22 14:07:52[finished_time]1[reply_count]8[alue_good]理子丶55[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bd34ee68.Pwcwxtb8xwEejoRyY3ndRw.jpg?time=3475&tieba_portrait_time=3475[avatar]超过84用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1216[view_count]







[create_time]2018-09-19 21:06:56[/create_time]2011-04-15 19:59:27[finished_time]8[reply_count]222[alue_good]ELVERLASTING[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.74176cb0.Adiy9pJ-ANoPdqTUx5pW1w.jpg?time=3083&tieba_portrait_time=3083[avatar]TA获得超过1085个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]95145[view_count]


1、当准备领养小猫咪时,千万不要只顾着呼喊,“小猫很可爱”,因为照顾小猫是很费心机的,需要主人全心全力的投入。2、饮食:首先,幼猫不可以喂牛奶,大部分的幼猫都有乳糖不耐症,容易拉肚子!其次,不要用人吃的东西喂猫。1)人吃的东西营养比例不适合猫的需要 。2)人造添加剂对猫的身体不好 。3.猫不出汗且肾脏脆弱,不需要吃添加盐分的食物,否则掉毛、易病。正确的做法是2个月以内买幼猫猫粮,用热水泡软不烫了给它吃。2-12个月直接喂幼猫猫粮,想它长的肥点就一直保持碗里有粮,分量以每天能吃完为宜,偶尔加餐幼猫罐头或煮熟的鱼肉,想它体态匀称就定时喂3次。猫粮卫生,里营养全面、平衡,只吃这个就没问题了。粮旁必须保证有白开水喝,不要太少不然容易滋生细菌,每天更换。1岁后更换成猫猫粮即可。3、猫咪上厕所:最好使用猫砂。有能力买个封闭式的猫厕所最好,可以辟味,网上买便宜些,不需进口什么两层的。先把厕所门拆下来,把洁团的猫砂放入猫厕所厚5cm,再把小猫放到厕所里,一般小猫发现了猫砂以后就会很自觉地去上了,上完自己埋上,主人每天用厕所配的沙铲把BBNN结成的硬块铲出来扔了就行了。过几天把厕所门装上,小猫很容易学会怎么顶进去。小猫会很干净的。4、家里保持卫生,定期给它剪指甲,给猫咪准备好猫抓板或爬架,从小教育它不可以抓沙发,可以喷点宠吾爱祛味喷剂消除异味。长毛猫要喂猫草催吐毛球。冬天给它准备个窝睡觉。5、猫最好不要放养,每年定期打疫苗。养猫一定要有耐心,猫咪的寿命也就短短数十载。

[create_time]2019-04-13 13:55:49[/create_time]2013-07-20 19:36:02[finished_time]3[reply_count]7[alue_good]宠吾乐[uname]https://iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/b17eca8065380cd79bd4c6d3af44ad34588281c1?x-bce-process=image/resize,m_lfit,w_800,h_450,limit_1/quality,q_85[avatar]生活因宠而乐,宠吾乐[slogan]宠吾乐(上海)实业有限公司是一家专注宠物产业的开拓与发展,集宠物医院、宠物健康生活馆连锁加盟、宠物美容培训和宠物自主产品研发生产为一体的综合性科技型企业。[intro]27174[view_count]


我是一个女孩,你是一个男孩 我们太旧,以玩玩具 不会告诉我你叫什么名字? 您可能是我全新的游戏 你开始和滚动骰子 我会微笑和打破僵局 告诉我,我怎么能抗拒时,你是我最喜爱的吻 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西采取了我的手和我一起走吧 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西爱与你我的大蜜蜂糖 看到月亮,看到了阳光,对每个人都闪耀 他们知道如何爱我们,我听到他们告诉明星 没有山, 没有大海,可以让您的爱离开我 无论距离是,你仍然是我最喜爱的吻 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西采取了我的手和我一起走吧 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西爱与你我的大蜜蜂糖 啦啦啦,告诉我你的秘密是什么 啦啦啦,你为什么不能让我知道 啦啦啦,没有什么让我感觉像这样 啦啦啦,原因你是我最喜爱的吻 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西采取了我的手和我一起走吧 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西爱与你我的大蜜蜂糖 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西采取了我的手和我一起走吧 基西基西让我高兴 蜂蜜蜂蜜甜的糖果 基西基西爱与你我的大蜜蜂糖 啦啦啦,告诉我你的秘密是什么 啦啦啦,你为什么不能让我知道 啦啦啦,没有什么让我感觉像这样 啦啦啦,原因你是我最喜爱的吻

[create_time]2018-03-22 19:46:18[/create_time]2013-05-11 12:09:21[finished_time]2[reply_count]52[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3331[view_count]


我是一个女孩,你是一个男孩 我们太老玩玩具 不会,你告诉我什么是你的名字? 你可能是我的全新游戏 你开始摇骰子 我会微笑,并打破坚冰 告诉我,我又怎能抗拒时,你喜欢我的吻 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy把我的手一起前来我 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy爱是盛大与各位蜂糖 看月亮,看太阳,照耀下来对大家 他们知道如何在爱我们,我听到他们告诉它的明星 有没有山 有没有海,可让你的爱从我的身边拉走 不管什么距离,是你还是我的最爱接吻 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy把我的手一起前来我 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy爱是盛大与各位蜂糖 La la la,我告诉你什么是秘密 La la la,为什么不会,你让我知道 La la la,没有让他感觉这 La la la,造成你我的最爱接吻 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy把我的手一起前来我 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy爱是盛大与各位蜂糖 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy把我的手一起前来我 Kissy kissy贴心 蜜蜜甜糖果 Kissy kissy爱是盛大与各位蜂糖 La la la,我告诉你什么是秘密 La la la,为什么不会,你让我知道 La la la,没有让他感觉这 La la la,造成你我的最爱接记得采纳啊

[create_time]2014-09-30 07:46:13[/create_time]2014-09-29 13:26:37[finished_time]1[reply_count]6[alue_good]窝窝一团0152[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.765df3b8.bSftMDYP_UsL7JkJkCdqcA.jpg?time=3596&tieba_portrait_time=3596[avatar]超过70用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]445[view_count]


当临近分娩时,总爱是蹭着主人的腿,肿胀的乳房,乳汁从乳头渗出。突然间没有食欲,当有一个透明的白带时,猫再也不能出去了。主人也试着养猫。在劳动中,温度将降至37℃左右,所以冬天要注意保暖。有些猫不是在盒子里或沙发下面做的。因此,不要在那些你不想要猫的地方,在有紧急情况的地方停止封锁。当胎儿逐渐出现时,疼痛加剧,水破裂。在剧痛的陪伴下,小猫显示了她的出生,母猫咬了羊膜,并开始舔小猫。婴儿感到了爱抚,开始呼吸,发出“aim - aim -”的声音。过了一会儿,母猫咬了脐带,吃了胎盘。这只刚出生的猫在身体晒干之前就能找到它妈妈的乳房,然后开始喂奶。一般的分娩后,第一个孩子在30分钟到1小时内出生。在第一个孩子出生后,劳动痛苦又回来了,第二个孩子出生了。当一只猫分娩时,要密切关注猫的动作和身体状况。如果这一系列的分娩猫本身能够成功地完成,主人将不会干预身边的照顾。但胎盘吃得太多,会引起腹泻,所以让母猫最多吃3个,在脐带撕下后扔掉。扩展资料成年猫每年春天开始发情,公猫、母猫都可发情,公猫发情通常是受附近母猫散发的气味所致。母猫一胎最多能生12个,最少能生2个,一般都是3~6个,体力好的猫一年能生2次。猫在12个月龄以上就进入成猫阶段,成猫的身体和消化系统已基本发育成熟,能较好的消化和吸收营养素。成猫在营养上需要全价而均衡的营养,维持猫的最佳健康状态同时防止衰老。当猫达到7岁以上时,它们就会出现许多健康问题,特别是新陈代谢方面,比如肾脏和眼睛。要解决这类问题,重要的是喂给它们低脂肪低能量的食物,帮它们维持正常体重。此外,还应保证食物中纤维素的含量来保证肠胃的健康,减少镁和磷的含量维持泌尿系统和肾脏的健康。另外,应尽量为它们易于消化的食物。参考资料:百度百科-猫

[create_time]2019-08-13 12:26:54[/create_time]2014-02-16 19:31:27[finished_time]15[reply_count]256[alue_good]mistirious[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.c0437791.IQCb_xpnXPCgo-_Rq_BA3Q.jpg?time=4012&tieba_portrait_time=4012[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]252259[view_count]

微笑姐妹的kissy kissy的歌词是什么 谢谢

i'm a girl, you're a boy
we're too old to play with toys
won't you tell me what's your name?
you could be my brand new game
you begin and roll the dice
i would smile and break the ice

[create_time]2012-02-11 21:42:28[/create_time]2012-02-11 21:46:12[finished_time]1[reply_count]4[alue_good]欧阳明珠眼镜[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.b3dd1a90.xR_-v9F-oDeaZX8GCNTR3A.jpg?time=3095&tieba_portrait_time=3095[avatar]一个有才华的人[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1446[view_count]

上一篇:we g2
