wonder girls视频

时间:2024-08-07 15:24:10编辑:阿奇


Wonder Girls-Nobody舞蹈分解教程(背面拍摄,但可从舞蹈镜中看正面舞蹈)
(17分钟的教程,很详细,有慢放和说明,是镜子模式) )

WONDER GIRLS-NOBODY 舞蹈示范(正面拍摄,很清晰)


Wonder girls nobody 舞蹈教学

Wonder Girls- Nobody舞蹈教学


[create_time]2009-07-08 16:23:52[/create_time]2009-07-16 21:33:48[finished_time]4[reply_count]161[alue_good]扈傲丝DP[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f2ba15b3.a5p-RnHjd1l1ybC4wQGvRA.jpg?time=2900&tieba_portrait_time=2900[avatar]TA获得超过4213个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6386[view_count]

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[create_time]2009-08-05 20:33:04[/create_time]2009-08-05 20:54:37[finished_time]1[reply_count]193[alue_good]百度网友4f1424a[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d3bf48f1.x_yH2sr9fQx8CKTWGOZcJA.jpg?time=2959&tieba_portrait_time=2959[avatar]TA获得超过6156个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2313[view_count]

Wonder Girls开过那些演唱会

2009.02.28 Wonder Girls首个泰国演唱会(韩国女子组合第一个在泰国开唱)(人数 8000+)

2009.03.05 Wonder Girls美国洛杉矶演唱会
2009.03.06 Wonder Girls美国加利福尼亚La Mirada演唱会
2009.03.08 Wonder Girls美国纽约演唱会
2009.03.21 Wonder Girls韩国釜山演唱会
2009.03.28 Wonder Girls韩国首尔奥林匹克公园演唱会 (单场人数8000+ )
2009.12.01 Wonder Girls中国上海演唱会(首次在中国开唱)


[create_time]2021-02-28 01:01:43[/create_time]2010-04-28 12:22:40[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]580[view_count]

关于wonder girls成员本人搞不清谁是谁,看得视频越多越乱。。。

一般来说,较黑的是瑜斌、有兔牙的,颧骨较高的是先艺。眼睛细长,像狐狸的是誉恩。较为高瘦,眼睛较大的是宣美(抑或是有很抽的表情)。在tell me 中。豹纹上衣,黑色裙子的是宣美、粉色纱制、黑色长裤的是先艺。红色衬衫,白色马甲。黑长裤的是誉恩。黑色背心。牛仔短裙的是瑜斌http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/24084278-1644279943.html接着我们来说so hot。。开始出场的那个有公主病的小公主是宣美。。也就是最先唱的接着那个给男生扔鲜花的女生是先艺。也就是后边骑自行车走的那个那个超级大明星穿黄色小礼服的是昭熙,拉拉队美女是誉恩接着那个在泳池旁边的美女是瑜斌http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/UF3W650S_u0/Nobody.一开始唱rap的是瑜斌接着唱了一小段高潮的是先艺接着那个na xi nongde是宣美接着的细高音是昭熙接着再唱高潮的是誉恩第二次唱高潮的是先艺再接着又是宣美昭熙誉恩在一次高潮+i dont want no body body 再接着的高潮时先艺最后的rap是瑜斌http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIyNjk2ODQ0.htmlNOW一开始玩汽车游戏的女生是宣美接着拿着大钻石和相机坐在沙发上的女生是誉恩再然后在冰箱里偷拿东西吃的是昭熙然后在床上玩笔记本。吃棒棒糖的女生是先艺然后在沙发上说rap的。后面先艺跳舞的那个女生是瑜斌http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjE5Mjc0NzMy.html亲也可以依据唱歌的分配来分一般中低音,也就是最开始唱的低潮部分一半是宣美唱的一般高音,也就是宣美后边的是昭熙高潮一般是先艺和誉恩唱的rap一般是瑜斌唱的如果你还有什么不懂滴,你可以多看看图片我就是这样认识的还有不懂得。。。加947572574、、备注。。。 图片顺序是宣美昭熙先艺瑜斌誉恩

[create_time]2010-11-18 22:25:52[/create_time]2010-11-22 10:26:33[finished_time]3[reply_count]9[alue_good]19440502[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ca85f789.gDleAbLHqS162OT-3I9U3A.jpg?time=3066&tieba_portrait_time=3066[avatar]超过16用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]798[view_count]

这是Wonder Girls的谁?

艺名:YOO BIN 昵称:小U、Yu Bi nyong、白雪公主、yubin、U 队内职务:低音 Rapper 性感担当 家乡:光州广域市(全罗南道) 生日:1988年10月4日 星座:天秤座 身高/体重:163CM/45KG (Naver权威资料) 血型:O型 出道专辑:2007年 Wonder Girls 1辑「The Wonder Years」 特长:游泳、滑雪 爱好:看完电影后讨论、收集CD 喜欢的食物:沙拉、生鱼片、青苹果 喜欢的颜色:金色、红色 代表色:橙色 宗教信仰:基督教 亲密朋友:Younha 、UEE(After School)、全孝盛(Secret队长) 及WG其他成员 练习时间:两年 语言特长:韩语、中文、英语 性格特点:开朗,帅气 ,木讷 理想型:做每件事都很认真的人 Big Bang-太阳(100525期乘风破浪讲的) 最常见表情:经常爽朗的笑(男孩子气的) 想成为的人:白雪公主(歌迷应该会觉得当性感女神比较实际) 曾属组合:五少女(出道前因为某种原因而解散) Fan Cafe:金瑜斌 Love For You

[create_time]2010-10-02 17:58:20[/create_time]2010-10-02 19:00:09[finished_time]6[reply_count]5[alue_good]shining妍[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8cc20370.Y6MSPWlczs7WuY4jhFatMg.jpg?time=2897&tieba_portrait_time=2897[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]310[view_count]

Wonder Girls 2 Different Tears 英文版歌词? 求

Wonder Girls
2 Different Tears lyrics
Songwriters: PARK, JIN YOUNG

Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you...
So I love you...
So I hate you...
So I love you...
I'm tryna figure out how to move on with my life
Without you by my side
Wakin up with teary eyes,
I can't do this no more, gotta erase you now
So I think of all the pain you've given me
Try to look at all the damage you've done to me
No matter how hard I try,
I just can't figure out why
I keep thinking bout how sweet you used to be
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
I'm cryin over you, still what does this mean?
Do I still want you back in my life?
After all these painful things you've done to me
Why is it so hard to realize?

So I think of all the pain you've given me
Try to look at all the damage you've done to me
But the harder that I fight,
You come closer in my sight,
And I'm thinking of how sweet it could have been, oh no~
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
(Come here boy)
Why do I still feel this way
When I know there's nothing left to say
Shouldn't have ever loved you in the first place
Wanna erase you without a trace
Try to tell myself that I need to hate you
For the pain that you put me thorough
But I... For some reason why
Still miss you no matter how hard I try
Gave me 2 different tears (you gave me~)
After all these years (years, yeah)
Tears of joy, tears of pain (pain! )
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)
Gave me 2 different tears
After all these years
Tears of joy, tears of pain
Like sunshine and rain
So I hate you
(But the love you gave me was so so good)
So I love you
(But the pain you gave me was so so bad)~

[create_time]2012-08-01 11:34:25[/create_time]2012-08-16 11:07:00[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]在在26[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.6baf564d.qPOVbu7eqgSSUoK5d0E5Ww.jpg?time=2864&tieba_portrait_time=2864[avatar]TA获得超过1.8万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]575[view_count]

wonder girls的新歌《2 different tears 》是什么意思?

《2 different tears》的意思是不同的眼泪。
【誉恩】Gave me 2 different tears   不同的眼泪   幸福和痛苦   像阳光雨水   所以恨你 所以爱你   让我恨你 让我爱你   
【慧琳】每天心情去体会 所有成长的滋味   没有你的相陪   无心坐在窗边 流下心碎的泪水   把回忆碾成灰   
【昭熙】所有你曾给我留下的痛苦   所有你曾给我造成过的孤独   现在爱恨皆仿佛   可我却看不清楚   不断回想和你有过的幸福   
【先艺】Gave me 2 different tears   不同的眼泪   幸福和痛苦   像阳光雨水   所以恨你
【慧琳】心还在不停流泪   无法去安慰   我想把你重新挽回   当你选择无言以对 头也不回   不去管我痛彻心扉   
【昭熙】所有你曾给我留下的痛苦   所有你曾给我造成过的孤独   心在爱恨间反复   思念在风中飘浮   不断回想和你有过的幸福   
【誉恩】Gave me 2 different tears   不同的眼泪   幸福和痛苦   像阳光雨水   所以恨你
【瑜斌】:(uh~)   (come on boy)   Why I so feel this way   When I know there's nothing left to say   I should've never I loved you in the first place   Wanna erase you without a trace   Try to tell myself that I need to hate you   with the pain that you put me thorough   but ah…   I for some reason why   Still miss you   no matter how hard I try   
【先艺】Gave me 2 different tears(You gave me)   不同的眼泪 眼泪   幸福混合痛苦 伤害   像阳光雨水   所以恨你
【瑜斌】但是我们曾经那么甜蜜   所以爱你
【誉恩】Gave me 2 different tears(two)   不同的眼泪 眼泪(“泪”为轻音)   幸福混合痛苦 都是伤   像阳光雨水   所以恨你
【瑜斌】但是我们曾经那么甜蜜   所以爱你【瑜斌】但是曾经留下悲伤回忆

[create_time]2011-11-03 19:36:03[/create_time]2011-12-19 19:20:10[finished_time]5[reply_count]0[alue_good]章鱼′s[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f9b97c53.TKMstmHDuYfyEelmTmunIw.jpg?time=3622&tieba_portrait_time=3622[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1199[view_count]

