
时间:2024-08-07 21:09:21编辑:阿奇

群星的《Believe》 歌词

歌曲名:Believe歌手:群星专辑:NEW AGE OF BEATSBBMak - I Still BelieveThx Sonic for lyricWhen the world had nowhere to runOr how to hideI've been watching the world as it passes byTrying to climbbut I just can't find my feetBut I still believeDoesn't matter what life you leadOr the love you needLost in the world as it passes byTrying to smilebut you just can't hide your tearsDo you still believeI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsCause I only wanna let you know how I feelWatching the love as it passes byTrying to smilebut I just can't hide my tearsBut I still believeI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsFloating on your own starThey always seems to make you hotI put it back together once againI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsFloating on your own starhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20629586

[create_time]2013-08-24 13:52:30[/create_time]2013-08-24 14:00:38[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]3453411430[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.c1757897.3KuB755oSP11O11_gXWhoQ.jpg?time=3480&tieba_portrait_time=3480[avatar]超过81用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]27[view_count]


Beauty And The Beast-Celine Dion
Could I Have This Kiss Forever-Whitney Houston Enrique Iglesi
The world's greatest-R.Kelly
Can't We Try_丹 黑尔-群星
Wiskey Lullaby-?
Way Back Into Love-K歌情人
Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
No Matter What-Boyzone
I'm Your Angel-Celine Dion
A Whole New World-群星
Timeless-Kelly Clarkson Justin Guarini

[create_time]2018-04-11 14:18:08[/create_time]2011-07-22 18:59:09[finished_time]6[reply_count]10[alue_good]w493761570[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.d3ae27ec.ldQ2LvLfjhBYa5YBhX1wrw.jpg?time=3084&tieba_portrait_time=3084[avatar]超过10用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]13039[view_count]

群星的《I Believe》 歌词

歌曲名:I Believe歌手:群星专辑:小情歌I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning of true loveIm leaning on the everlasting armsIf I can see it, then I can do itIf I just believe it, theres nothing to itI believe I can flyI believe I can touch the skyI think about it every night and daySpread my wings and fly awayI believe I can soarI see me running through that open doorI believe I can flyI believe I can flyI believe I can flySee I was on the verge of breaking downSometimes silence, it can seem so loudThere are miracles in life I must achievehttp://music.baidu.com/song/24180552

[create_time]2013-08-24 12:02:19[/create_time]2013-08-24 12:05:54[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]猴婪偕19[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7cb3bdf9.pSdJHVacVhqrrmUSq21uMw.jpg?time=3571&tieba_portrait_time=3571[avatar]超过74用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]12[view_count]

欧美群星唱we are the world 翻译

《We are the world》介绍


1985年,迈克尔·杰克逊和莱昂纳尔·里奇共同谱写,由美国45位歌星联合演唱,昆西·琼斯负责制作的,为求援非洲饥民而义卖的唱片《天下一家》(We Are The World),震撼了亿万人的心,风靡全球。

There comes a time when we heed a certain call 我们听到了一声召唤,(Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇)
When the world must come together as one 全世界必须团结在一起!(Lionel Richie 莱昂纳尔.里奇& Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)
There are people dying 不断有人死去,(Stevie Wonder史蒂夫.汪德)
Oh, and it"s time to lend a hand to life 是时候向这些生命伸出援助之手,(Paul Simon保罗西蒙)
The greatest gift of all 生命是世界上最珍贵的。(Paul Simon保罗西蒙/Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)

We can"t go on pretending day by day 我们不能日复一日地幻想,(Kenny Rogers肯尼.洛杰斯)
That someone, somehow will soon make a change 总有别人会一瞬间让世界改变。(James Ingram詹姆斯殷格朗)
We"re all a part of God"s great big family 我们都是上帝大家庭的一员,(Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳)
And the truth 我们都知道,(Billy Joel比利.乔)
You know love is all we need 我们需要的就是爱。(Tina Turner蒂娜.特纳/Billy Joel比利.乔)

( 合唱 )
We are the world, we are the children 天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子。
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving 我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天,所以现在我们就要付出。(Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives 这是我们的选择,我们在自我拯救。(Diana Ross黛安娜·罗斯)
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me 要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。(Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊/Diana Ross黛安娜·罗斯)

Well, send them your heart so they know that someone cares 用心帮助他们,他们会知道还有人关心,(Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克)
And their lives will be stronger and free 他们的生命会更坚强,更自由。(Dionne Warwick狄昂华薇克/Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊)
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread 上帝把石头变成面包来给我们启示,(Willie Nelson威利.纳尔逊)
And so we all must lend a helping hand 所以我们必须伸出援助之手。(Al Jurreau阿尔朱立奥)

(合唱重复 )
We are the world, we are the children (Bruce Springsteen布鲁斯.斯普林斯汀)
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let"s start giving (Kenny Logins肯尼.罗杰斯)
There"s a choice we"re making we"re saving our own lives (Steve Perry史蒂夫.佩里)
It"s true we"ll make a better day just you and me (Daryl Hall达瑞.霍尔)

When you"re down and out there seems no hope at all 当你沮丧绝望,就看不到任何希望。(Michael Jackson迈克·杰克逊)
But if you just believe there"s no way we can fall 但是如果你坚定信念,我们就不会失败。(Huey Lewis休路易斯)
Well, well, well, let"s realize that a change can only come 要知道只要团结在一起,(Cyndi Lauper辛迪劳帕)
When we (Kim Carnes金康恩丝)
stand together as one 世界才能改变。(Kim Carnes金康恩丝/Cyndi Lauper辛迪劳帕/Huey Lewis休路易斯)

[create_time]2011-11-09 14:39:41[/create_time]2011-11-23 03:30:57[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]魔婆六六[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.2d6d5a96.fbYj2PAuhJiZgxHmLR5qvg.jpg?time=3497&tieba_portrait_time=3497[avatar]超过16用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]179[view_count]

这是欧美那个明星?参与we are the world 的群星演唱的

辛迪·劳帕(Cyndi Lauper),1953年6月22日生于纽约,美国创造歌手、制作人、演员、同志权利运动家。1983年底推出首张个人专辑《She's So Unusual(她非比寻常)》,以其极尽鲜艳、夸张与多变的妆扮造型领导风潮,同时又以其演唱与创作才华,获得乐界一致好评,创下一张专辑便拥有四首TOP 5单曲的纪录,更于1985年获第27届格莱美音乐奖年度最佳歌曲等五个奖项提名,并勇夺最佳新人头衔。1995年凭借情景喜剧《ME MAD ABOUT YOU(我为卿狂)》获得艾美奖最佳喜剧客串女演员奖项。2013年指导音乐剧《长靴妖姬》入围托尼奖13项奖项提名,成为首位获得佳原创配乐奖的女性。

[create_time]2016-02-01 21:21:23[/create_time]2015-06-21 19:47:57[finished_time]3[reply_count]0[alue_good]橙橙橙可爱020[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.761e49bb.lYsGpkLwg1X5t86H2Pu-mw.jpg?time=4375&tieba_portrait_time=4375[avatar]TA获得超过463个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]311[view_count]


Farewell(再会吧)是超人气天后Rihanna(蕾哈娜)的第6张主流厂牌专辑《Talk That Talk》(娜样说)中的第11首曲目。歌曲讲述了一位女孩不忍心破坏男孩去创造他的梦寐以求的生活,而不得不放手这段感情,当她将不离不弃地等待男孩的归来。基本信息歌曲名称:farewell原唱歌手:Rihanna所属专辑:Talk That Talk歌曲歌词Wherever you're going无论你流浪至天涯海角I wanna go我愿形影不离地陪伴你Wherever you ahead again无论你闯遍东南西北Let me know让我了解你I don't mind catching up我不介意去提起往事I'm on my way这很明显嫣然已经成为我生活的一部分Just can't take the thought of you miles away我真的不敢相信你已经不再属于我,离我千里之外And I know you’re going somewhere我知道你又漂泊异乡to make a better life去创造你更加美好的生活I hope that you find it on the first try我真心祝愿你能够一步到位,如愿以偿And even though it kills me即便如此,仍让我生不如死That you have to go当得知你即将离我而去I know I'll be sadder我知道倘若你未曾出发If you never hit the road那么我必将悲上加伤So farewell所以,再会吧Somebody is gonna miss you要相信有某个人人在异乡会无时无刻地想念你Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna wish that you were here总有某个人会希望你还在原地不离不弃地等待That somebody is me我将成为那个人I will write to tell you what's going on我会写信告诉你我的近况But you won't miss nothing but the same old song但你除了昔日的那首歌外便不再眷恋了吧If you don't mind catching up如果你不介意我昔日重提I'll spend the day telling you stories about a land far away那我将会花上一天的时间为你讲述那些昔日属于我们已经远离,已经失去的美好年华But I know you’re going somewhere to make a better life我知道你已身处异乡,创造你更好的生活I hope that you find it on the first try我真心祝愿你能够一步到位,如愿以偿And even though it kills me即便如此,这还是让生不如死That you have to go当得知你即将离我而去I know I'll be sadder我知道倘若你未曾出发If you never hit the road那么我必将悲上加伤So Farewell!所以,再会吧Somebody is gonna miss you总会有某个人会在异乡每时每刻地牵挂着你Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna wish that you were here会有人希望你还等候于此,不离不弃Farewell!再会吧Somebody is gonna miss you总有人会时时刻刻地想念你Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna wish that you were here会有人希望你还等候于此,不离不弃That somebody is me而那个人就是我And I'm gon' try to holding on it我想将一切都尘封于心底Try to hold back my tears试着昂起头不让泪往下流So it don't make you stay here你也不必因此而留下I'mma try to be a big girl now现在我只想变成一个坚强的女孩Cause I don't wanna be the reason you don't leave因为我不想成为你的绊脚石Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna miss you总有人会牵挂着你Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna wish that you were here会有人希望你还等候于此Farewell!再会吧Somebody is gonna miss you总有人会牵挂着你Farewell再会吧Somebody is gonna wish that you were here会有人希望你还等候于此That somebody is me而那个人就是我

[create_time]2023-01-30 09:33:26[/create_time]2023-02-14 06:53:30[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]晖洒晴空[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bb81e514.Yw2Jw0XYldQ8BVIM8Gg59w.jpg?time=7305&tieba_portrait_time=7305[avatar]TA获得超过290个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]12[view_count]


Wherever you're going   无论你去向何方   
I wanna go   我愿形影相随   
Wherever you ahead again   无论你东北西南
Let me know   让我了解
I don't mind catching up   我不介意旧事重提
I'm on my way   这已成为了我生活的一部分   
Just can't take the thought of you miles away   我只是不愿意相信我已经失去了你   
And I know you’re going somewhere   我知道你已去向别处   
to make a better life   寻找更好的生活   
I hope that you find it on the first try   我希望你能够一步到位,如愿以偿   
And even though it kills me   即便如此,这还是让我难过不已   
That you have to go   当得知你即将离去   
I know it'll be sadder   我知道要是不让你知道这些的话   
If you never hit the road   我会更难过   
So Farewell!   那么,再会吧   
Somebody is gonna miss you   总有人会牵挂着你   
Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here   会有人希望你还等候于此   
That somebody is me   而那个人就是我   
I will write to tell you what's going in   我会写信告诉你我的近况   
But you won't miss nothing but the same old song   但你除了昔日的那首歌外便不再留恋了吧   
If you don't mind catching up   如果你不介意我旧事重提   
I'll spend the day telling you stories about a land far away   那我将会花上一天的时间为你讲述那些发生的,且过去了的   
And I know you’re going somewhere to make a better life   我知道你已去向别处,寻找更好的生活   
I hope that you find it on the first try   我希望你能够一步到位,如愿以偿   
And even though it kills me   即便如此,这还是让我难过不已   
That you have to go   当得知你即将离去   
I know it'll be sadder   我知道要是不让你知道这些的话   
If you never hit the road   我会更难过   
So Farewell!   那么,再会吧   
Somebody is gonna miss you   总有人会牵挂着你   
Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here   会有人希望你还等候于此   
Farewell!   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna miss you   总有人会牵挂着你   
Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here   会有人希望你还等候于此   
That somebody is me   而那个人就是我   
And I'm gon' try to holding on it   我想将一切都封存于心底   
Try to hold back my tears   试着不让泪流下   
So it don't make you stay here   你也不必因此而留下   
I'mma try to be a big girl now   现在我只想变得更坚强   
Cause I don't wanna be the reason you don't live   因为我不想成为阻碍你离开的理由   Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna miss you   总有人会牵挂着你   
Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here   会有人希望你还等候于此   
Farewell!   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna miss you   总有人会牵挂着你   
Farewell   再会吧   
Somebody is gonna wish that you were here   会有人希望你还等候于此   
That somebody is me   而那个人就是我

[create_time]2016-12-05 23:19:15[/create_time]2012-03-09 14:27:13[finished_time]3[reply_count]6[alue_good]IMayy[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.bec6bef9.eucpvaBnLMAONXDWkUYiXg.jpg?time=3081&tieba_portrait_time=3081[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3347[view_count]

群星的《Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Girl歌手:群星专辑:Sound Detour福山雅治-Girl恋をしてたね Girl笑っておくれよ Girlどんな瞳で Girl今は谁を见つめているの木漏れ阳の中を歩けばふいに想いだす君の面影が舗道にあふれ出して行く何度も抱きあった逢うたびキスをしただけどもいつしか二人ちがう未来见てた恋をしてたね Girl笑っておくれよ Girlどんな瞳で Girl今は谁を见つめているの眠れない夜は朝まで话をしたけど大切なことはいつでもジョークにしてたね“サヨナラの数だけ大人になる”なんて淋しさごまかすための言叶だと思ってた恋をしてたね Girl笑っておくれよ Girlどんな瞳で Girl今は谁を见つめているの恋をしてたね Girl変わってゆくけど Girlこんな気持ちを Girlそっと今は 风にあずけて歌手:福山雅治作词:福山雅治作曲:福山雅治おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15069412

[create_time]2013-08-21 22:53:50[/create_time]2013-08-21 22:59:26[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]小男人0302[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.74999ea.yXA_CRCLchi1k5cHe5LZ2Q.jpg?time=3597&tieba_portrait_time=3597[avatar]TA获得超过154个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]37[view_count]

we are the worde欧美群星演唱的歌词

We Are The World

Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie

There comes a time when we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life,
The greatest gift of all

We can go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Michael - When you're down and out
Michael - There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
Let us realize that a change can only come
When we stand together as one

-We are the world
-We are the children
-We are the ones who make a brighter day
-So let's start giving
-There's a choice we're making
-We're saving our own lives
-It's true we'll make a better day
-Just you and me

[create_time]2008-06-05 12:22:53[/create_time]2008-06-05 12:42:37[finished_time]1[reply_count]5[alue_good]kerryq[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.8efb1240._aKtU50kkEjGWMOJohATQA.jpg?time=2824&tieba_portrait_time=2824[avatar]TA获得超过583个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1640[view_count]

请问谁有欧美群星唱的camping 歌词

你那首歌有个地址不? 你看是不是这个
Saturday morning at five o'clock
Bet I was the first one up on the block.
Had to get with it, couldn't be slow.
Packed our car, got ready to go.
Tock our skillet, and away we went.
We're gonna do my favorite thing
Oh, how i love to go camping.

I'm going campin, feels so good.
Camping, out there in the woods.
Camping makes me sing.
Oh, how I love to go camping.
Pitch our tent in a beautiful spot.
Dad says it's hard, but I know that it' not.
A couple of poles, a couple of string.
guess there's a couple of other funny thing.
I can do it all by myself.
So I did, with a little bit of help
and now I'll go get water from the spring.
Oh, ho I love to go camping.
fish and hike till the sun goes down
The we build a fire, and we gather around.
Nights are cool out here in the park.
When the sun goes down, it sure gets dark.
Spooky sounds I heard in the night
Hope they don't give Daddy a fright.
I'll lie close and around him cling.
Oh, How I love to go camping.

[create_time]2011-03-20 09:00:40[/create_time]2011-04-02 18:31:04[finished_time]1[reply_count]14[alue_good]leemufu[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.603ac9fd.Qed6_yA1uS2Y-w8bE2_m1Q.jpg?time=2842&tieba_portrait_time=2842[avatar]TA获得超过228个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1177[view_count]


Various Artists特指欧美群星。
Various Artists旗下收录的欧美合辑,不包括欧美电影电视游戏原声带,音乐剧或其他配乐合辑。

[create_time]2018-04-18 14:48:49[/create_time]2018-04-26 17:17:02[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]8210207[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f3fa0764.FIybmUI3h9lBBaYOnDUBHA.jpg?time=3544&tieba_portrait_time=3544[avatar]TA获得超过185个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]39[view_count]






[create_time]2019-10-17 15:29:02[/create_time]2019-10-31 15:29:02[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]le6641334[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.97117fe7.4wSuDFLIJ4mGTi2IGoxXLw.jpg?time=2969&tieba_portrait_time=2969[avatar]TA获得超过1.2万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]398[view_count]

we are the world欧美群星里唱歌的都是些什么人?详细一点。

群星名单如下: Justin Bieber – 加拿大新生代少年歌手 Jennifer Hudson Jennifer Nettles – 乡村女歌手,Sugarland组合主唱 Nicole Scherzinger - 流行女子组合Pussycat Dolls主音 / Jennifer Hudson- 格莱美奥斯卡双料得主 R&B歌手 Josh Groban – 古典/流行跨界男中音 Tony Bennet - 爵士乐传奇人物 Mary J. Blige - R&B天后 Michael Jackson - 流行之王 Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson - 流行巨星,Michael Jackson的妹妹 Barbra Streisand - 奥斯卡格莱美双料得主,经典巨星 Miley Cyrus - 当红乡村偶像,迪士尼明星,汉娜孟塔娜主演 Enrique Iglesias - 拉丁巨星,老牌明星胡里奥伊格莱西亚斯的儿子 Jamie Foxx - 奥斯卡格莱美双料得主,R&B歌手 Wyclef Jean - 海地人,著名音乐制作人 Pink - 流行摇滚女歌手 BeBe Winans – R&B和灵歌歌手 Usher - R&B当红偶像 Fergie - Hip Hop组合黑眼豆豆女主唱/ Celine Dion Nick Jonas – 当红流行青春偶像组合Jonas Brothers主唱 Toni Braxton – 老牌R&B巨星 Mary Mary – 格莱美获奖灵歌音乐组合 Isaac Slade – 流行乐团The Fray主唱 Lil Wayne - Hip Hop当红巨星 吉他伴奏:Santana - 传奇吉他大师

[create_time]2014-09-03 21:51:24[/create_time]2014-09-06 12:57:55[finished_time]1[reply_count]3[alue_good]她说1135[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.2dbfa999.T-fNjZQME9ycQxhV3NgwTA.jpg?time=3603&tieba_portrait_time=3603[avatar]TA获得超过169个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]406[view_count]

