
时间:2024-09-23 19:02:36编辑:阿奇


employ的意思是雇用。雇用;用;利用;使用;使从事;使忙碌;受雇;职业;工作。双语例句:1、The system favours those who employ less labour and disfavors those who employ more.这种制度有利于雇佣较少劳力的企业,而对雇佣较多劳力的企业不利。2、I started work in the employ of a grocer and wine merchant.我受雇于一个杂货和酒类经销商,开始上班工作。3、When running at full capacity, the factory will employ 450 people.工厂开足马力生产时要雇佣450人4、She would have to employ a permanent bodyguard in the house, someone who would blend in.她得在家里长期雇用一名保镖,一个能融入这个家的人。5、The printers blacked firms trying to employ women.这些印刷工人抵制那些企图雇用妇女的公司。


employ,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为"使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于",作名词时意为"使用;雇用"。双语例句内容如下:1、Why should we employ you?我们为什么要雇佣你?2、Why do you think we should employ you?你认为我们雇佣你的原因是什么?3、There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.感觉的意思是:有人只为了掩饰他们的思想而使用文字。4、Electronics factories that employ three shifts around the clock are exempted.采取三班倒的电子产品工厂可豁免。5、 establishments which employ people on a casual basis, such as pubs and restaurants酒馆和餐厅这类雇用临时工的场所6、 We want to employ men of his stamp.我们想雇用他这种类型的人。7、 It is company policy not to employ smokers.公司政策禁止雇用吸烟者。8、Her husband was forced to employ a carer to look after his son Daniel.她丈夫被迫请了一个看护来照看儿子丹尼尔。


employ是什么意思:雇用1、How many people does the company employ? 这个公司雇用了多少人?2、No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer. 没有人愿意雇用说前雇主坏话的人。3、With this end in view they employed 50 new staff. 为了达到这个目标他们雇用了50名新职员。4、It would be preferable to employ two people, not one. 雇请两个人比雇请一个更好。5、We employ an expert to advise on new technology. 我们聘用了一位专家担任新技术顾问。6、The police had to employ force to enter the building. 警察不得不强行进入大楼。

