
时间:2024-09-23 21:24:20编辑:阿奇


infer的意思是猜想,做出推论。起源:一个名为infer的id总是转载很old的帖子,或者转载热门贴总慢别人一拍。久而久之,人们就用infer来代指那些tooold的贴或手慢贴。未名官方解释:infer专指在wm上反应比别人慢半拍,发帖比较土,经常说大家都知道的内容的一类人。以infer为代表ID其中r的个数按情况而定,类比于tooold中的o。toold即too old专指在wm上经常转载一些老掉牙的内容的。发帖比较土也属此例二者区别举例newwater从网上转了一个老掉牙的笑话,大家几年前就都看过了,就可以说tooooooooold。而SG著名蹲点男solomon从SG转了一个ws帖子不久后,infer同学又转了一次对于infer的种行为称之为inferrrrrrrrrrr,更抽象一点,infer和old的本质类似,但其区别主要在时间上三天前的帖子再转,可称old,三小时乃至三分钟前的帖子重复出现,可称infer。


infer词义如下:1、推断;推论;推理 to reach an opinion or decide that sth is true on the basis of information that is available.If you infer that something is the case, you decide that it is true on the basis of information that you already have.2、间接地提出;暗示;意指 to suggest indirectly that sth is true.Some people use infer to mean 'imply', but many people consider this use to be incorrect.双语例句:1、Men observe and infer in all sorts of ways. 人们通过各个途径进行观察和推断。 2、The researchers conclude that cats' hunting style may have developed based on their common-sense abilities to infer where prey is, using their hearing. 研究者们总结说,猫的捕猎方式也许是通过使用它们的听觉,基于它们的常识性能力来推断猎物的位置而培养起来的。 3、It is reasonable to infer that the government knew about these deals. 有理由推想政府知悉这些交易。 4、I inferred from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident. 我从这篇文章推断,飞行员应对事故负责。 5、Are you inferring I'm not capable of doing the job? 你的言外之意是不是我不能胜任这份工作?

