
时间:2024-09-24 05:50:56编辑:阿奇


fun英 [fʌn] 美 [fʌn] n. 乐趣; 有趣的人/事; 嬉戏;adj. 令人愉快的双语例句1. Under all the innocent fun, there are hidden dangers, especially for children. 在所有简单无害的娱乐项目背后都隐藏着危险,特别是对儿童而言。2. The following recipe is a statement of another kind—food is fun! 下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现——食物可以带来乐趣!3. She would have cracked up if she hadn't allowed herself some fun. 她若是没给自己找点乐趣的话,早就崩溃了。4. He had just come for the fun of it. 他来只是为了好玩。5. What started out as fun quickly became hard work. 起初好玩的事很快就变成了艰苦的工作。6. Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key. 莫自得其乐地一边敲着鼓,一边不成调地唱着歌。7. Their relationship is never short on fun and frolic. 他们在一起少不了欢乐和嬉戏。8. I found myself having more fun than I had had in years. 我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。9. They neglect their duty at the least hint of fun elsewhere. 别处哪怕发生一丁点儿乐事,他们便会忘记自己的职责。


意思是:享乐;乐趣;快乐;享乐的事。读音:英 [fʌn] 美 [fʌn] 第三人称单数: funs 现在分词: funning 过去式: funned 过去分词: funned同义词:amusement,enjoyment,play.反义词:misery.扩展资料:词语用例:fun and games(informal) 嬉戏;欢闹;寻欢作乐 make fun of sb/sth. 嘲弄;取笑;拿?开玩笑 be/become a figure of fun. 是嘲笑的对象;成为笑柄to be/become sb that other people laugh at. 拿?开心;奚落;嘲弄

fun 怎么读

“fun”这个单词的发音是/fʌn/。其中,“f”发音是清音,表示要发“f”的音。而“u”的发音则是短音“ʌ”的音。有很多常用短语和习语使用“fun”这个词。以下是一些例子:Have fun!:这个短语通常用来祝愿某人在做一些令人愉快的事情时玩得开心。Fun and games:这个短语通常用来描述一个轻松或有趣的情境。“fun”这个单词通常用于以下几种情况:表示某人喜欢玩乐的性格特点,例如:She's a fun-loving person. (她是一个喜欢玩乐的人。)表示一种有趣或愉快的体验或活动,例如:Playing board games is always fun. (玩桌游总是很有趣。)总之,“fun”这个单词在英语中非常常见,通常用来描述一些有趣或愉快的体验或活动。希望这些信息对您有所帮助!

