
时间:2024-09-25 07:51:03编辑:阿奇


假说的解释 (1) [hypothesis]∶见 2 假设 放射性衰变的假说 (2) [if]∶假使;纵使 详细解释 (1).虚构的事。 唐 刘知几 《史通·杂说下》 :“夫以园吏之寓言、骚人之假说,而定为实録,斯已谬矣。” 宋 苏轼 《答毕仲举书》 :“佛书旧亦尝看,但闇塞不能通其妙,独时取其麤浅假说以自洗濯。” 《朱子语类》 卷六七:“ 《易》 之所说皆是假说,不必是有恁地事。假设如此则如此,假设如彼则如彼。” (2).科学 研究 上对客现事物的假定的说明。详“ 假设 ”。 词语分解 假的解释 假 ǎ 不真实的, 不是 本来的,与“真” 相对 :假山。假话。假冒。假释。假死。虚假。 真假 。弄虚作假。 借用, 利用 : 假借 。假货。假道(借路)。假手(利用他人为自己办事)。假公济私。 不假思索 (用不着想)。 〔 说的解释 说 (说) ō 用话来表达意思:说话。说明。演说。解说。 介绍:说合(a.从中介绍;b. 商议 ;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。说媒。 言论,主张:学说。著书立说。 责备 :数说。 文体的一种,如韩愈的《师说


假说的解释(1) [hypothesis]∶见 2 假设 放射性衰变的假说 (2) [if]∶假使;纵使 详细解释 (1).虚构的事。 唐 刘知几 《史通·杂说下》 :“夫以园吏之寓言、骚人之假说,而定为实録,斯已谬矣。” 宋 苏轼 《答毕仲举书》 :“佛书旧亦尝看,但闇塞不能通其妙,独时取其麤浅假说以自洗濯。” 《朱子语类》 卷六七:“ 《易》 之所说皆是假说,不必是有恁地事。假设如此则如此,假设如彼则如彼。” (2).科学 研究 上对客现事物的假定的说明。详“ 假设 ”。 词语分解 假的解释 假 ǎ 不真实的, 不是 本来的,与“真” 相对 :假山。假话。假冒。假释。假死。虚假。 真假 。弄虚作假。 借用, 利用 : 假借 。假货。假道(借路)。假手(利用他人为自己办事)。假公济私。 不假思索 (用不着想)。 〔 说的解释 说 (说) ō 用话来表达意思:说话。说明。演说。解说。 介绍:说合(a.从中介绍;b. 商议 ;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。说媒。 言论,主张:学说。著书立说。 责备 :数说。 文体的一种,如韩愈的《师说

hypothesis 英文

hypothesis 英文释义n. 假说,假设;(凭空的)猜想,猜测;前提词组短语hypothesis testing假设检验;假设测算hypothesis test假设检验efficient market hypothesis有效市场假说;有效率市场假说null hypothesis零假设;虚假设;解消假设riemann hypothesis黎曼假设(等于黎曼猜想)working hypothesis作业假说,工作假说efficient markets hypothesis有效市场假说例句:1.Each hypothesis has its difficulties.每种假设都有其困难。2.The time had come to formulate a hypothesis.现在到了提出假设的时候。3.Fortunately, the collision hypothesis is testable.幸运的是,碰撞假说是可验证的。4.Cold-blooded animals were used to test this hypothesis.冷血动物被用来验证这一假设。


.hypothesis: y-ai po-'pa: the-@e  si-si

Enormous Astronauts went universe to confirm the hypothesis.

. Hypothesis is used to emphasize the emotion, otherwise don't use. (σ゚∀゚)σ⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶⁶


. would have done (it means as usual logic, it will happen. But actually it won't happen)

I would have passed the exam if I have tried a little hard.

.wouldn't have done

Without your help, I wouldn't have achieved so much.

. could have done ( it mean you can do it as usual)

I could have finished it on time without your disturbance.

. if ..., sb will/can ...

if I go to work on time, I will/can improve my reputation and reduce the loss of money.

.( plan to, want to,would like to)

  If I have time, I intent to do more design job.


1. 一般通俗的情况


. If sb did ..., sb would/could/might do ...

  If I had less work, I'd travel more.

. is were not was

If I were you, I'd do a course in programming.


1. 自身的特殊情况

2. contrary to the present situation

1. If sb had done, sb would have done

  If I have finished my study, I would have achieve master degree.

If I had quited school, I wouldn't have been so successful.


1. Contrary to the past situation

2. express regret


. If s + should + v原型,s + could/ would + v ( 万一,我说的是万一)

If I should accept the bribe from my enemy, I could live a guilty life in my rest of my life.

. If s were to v(simple), s + should/must... + do ( 对将来绝不可能发生的事情进行假设 ) 使用的情绪更深

- 这种形式是将发生在后的,放在前面来说

If I were to accept bribe, I could never have a peaceful life any more.


If it sprinkles, I'll open my umbrella.

- 这形式可能性高

If it should sprinkle, I'd open my umbrella.

If I were to open my umbrella, it must/should sprinkle.


. 万一,与pure condition 如果不一样

. 为什么用should,用肯定来,表达更不肯定


. S wish + clause

- wish sb + past tense ( to complain about current things )

- wish sb + had done ( to regret

. wish to do sth (true)

