
时间:2024-09-25 12:28:28编辑:阿奇


confirm 一般暗指消除所有不确定的试探性的疑惑 ;affirm一般指不经宣誓而庄严宣布; 承认。affirm一、读音:英 [əˈfəːm]美 [əˈfərm]二、释义:v.肯定;断言,声明;给予(某人)情感支持(或鼓励)三、双语例句:1、Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets.科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。2、I affirm that what he said is true.我断言他所说的是实情。3、They affirmed that the girl did quite a bit of reading.他们断言这个女孩子读了不少书。4、I can affirm that no one will lose their job.我可以肯定,谁都不会丢掉工作。5、We are not entitled to affirm or negate anything.我们没有任何权利和资格去肯定或否定任何一件事情。confirm一、读音:英 [kən'fɜːm]     美 [kən'fɜːrm] 二、释义:v. 证实;批准;确定三、双语例句:1、His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。2、The treaty was confirmed by the president.条约已被总统批准。3、Could you confirm the dispatch date?您可以确定发货日期吗?4、His new role could confirm him as one of our leading actors. 他的新角色会确保他跻身我们的一流演员之列。5、Further scans are required to confirm the diagnosis of an abnormality. 需要进一步扫描来确诊是否出现异常病变。


affirm和confirm区别:confirm 一般暗指消除所有不确定的试探性的疑惑 ;affirm一般指不经宣誓而庄严宣布; 承认。 扩展资料   affirm:释义:v.肯定;断言,声明;给予(某人)情感支持(或鼓励)   双语例句:   1、Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets.   科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。   2、I affirm that what he said is true.   我断言他所说的是实情。   3、They affirmed that the girl did quite a bit of reading.   他们断言这个女孩子读了不少书。   confirm:释义:v. 证实;批准;确定   双语例句:   1、His letter confirmed everything.   他的信证实了一切。   2、The treaty was confirmed by the president.   条约已被总统批准。   3、Could you confirm the dispatch date?   您可以确定发货日期吗?


allege, “宣称,断定”,指在无真实凭据情况下宣称。如:A newspaper article alleged that the cabinet was going to resign.一家报纸宣称内阁即将辞职。affirm :“断言,肯定”,指根据事实坚信不移地宣称,而且有可靠证据,任何时候都不动摇。如: I affirm I can like it,我肯定我会喜欢它。confirm指以事实或不容置疑的陈述来证实某事的真实性、准确性、正确性以及有效程度。如:The treaty was confirmed by the president.条约已被总统批准。一、详细释义:affirm v.断言,肯定,申明,坚持声称 例句:I can affirm that he is tenacious and pertinacious as are few我可以肯定,像他那样不屈不挠、百折不回的人是十分罕见的。二、词义辨析:assert,affirm,allege,maintain,testify,claim这些动词均含有“断言,声称”之意。 assert主观意味强,指自认为某事就是如此,而不管事实如何。 affirm侧重在作出断言时表现出的坚定与不可动摇的态度。 allege多指无真凭实据,不提供证据的断言或宣称。maintain与assert近义,但前者指坚决维护某种主张或观点。 testify多指在法庭作证,庄严地宣称自己所说属实。 claim可与assert换用,但语气弱一些,侧重指行为自己的权利提出要求他人承认。三、参考例句:Please affirm with Mr. Li again about the deadline.请与李先生再次确认截止时间。I affirm that what he said is true.我断言他所说的是实情。Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.我所取得的一切似乎都证明那个观点是对的。


(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明;使感觉更强烈;使确信;批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可;(给某人)施放坚振,施坚信礼。confirm造句:1、A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view. 随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。2、Can you confirm what happened? 你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?3、It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. 已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。4、The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions. 实验结果证实了我们的预测。5、The support has yet to be confirmed. 助演尚未确定。6、This theory can be confirmed experimentally. 这种理论可通过实验得到证实。7、All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. 所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。8、Our guess was confirmed by calculation. 我们的猜测通过计算得到证实。

