
时间:2024-09-26 03:18:12编辑:阿奇


作形容词时意为统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的,作动词时意为使穿制服;使成一样,作名词时意为制服。1、读音英[ˈjuːnɪfɔːm];美[ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm]2、短语in uniform穿制服uniform distribution均匀分布;一致分布school uniform校服military uniform军装3、例句He looks very manly in his uniform.他穿着制服十分精神。uniform的用法注意事项1、uniform的意思是制服,是可数名词。2、in uniform可表示(穿着)制服,服役,也可表示军人,是不可数名词。3、uniform用作形容词时意思是全都相同的,一律的,清一色的,在句中可用作定语或表语,用作表语时,常接in引起的短语。

a uniform还是an

uniform用a。a、e、i、o、u是元音字母,an用于元音字母前,而a用于辅音字母前,但是uniform的开头字母u的音标不是元音音标开始的,因此,uniform前面用a。 扩展资料 a uniform的意思是一件制服,一件校服,一套制服,a uniform的例句:I was accepted for the job and rigged out in a uniform(我获得录用从事这份工作,并配发了制服);Nurses have to wear a uniform(护士必须穿制服)。


  你知道穿校服的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。   穿校服的英语释义:   wear school uniforms   穿校服的英语例句:   不穿校服还有一个原因就是因为穿着它常常会感觉不舒服。   Another reason why we shouldn’t wear school uniforms is because school uniforms can sometimes be uncomfortable.   穿校服并不是什么好主意,因为一些人穿校服的时候并不穿里衬,所以看上去也并不是人人都相同。   School Uniform isn’t a good idea to wear because some people wear their school uniforms untucked and that makes not everyone else look the same.   当孩子准备好要和你谈论问题时,你应该鼓励孩子多讨论学生是否应该穿校服上学(普遍性问题),而不是讨论孩子是不是该打扫自己的房间(具体问题)。   When they become ready to debate issues, encourage debates over whetherstudents should wear uniforms to school (general) rather than whether yourchildren have to clean their rooms (specific).   我还推行要求中小学生穿校服的政策。 穿校服的英文单词   I also endorsed the policy of requiring school uniforms for elementary and middleschool students.   每个人都要穿校服,自带水和午饭。   Everyone is asked to wear school uniform and bring water and lunch with you.   我听说私立学校要穿校服。   A: I hear you have to wear uniforms at private schools.   所有学生都要求穿校服。   It is required that every student (should) wear a school uniform.   要求学生上课时穿校服。   Students are required to wear uniforms when they come to school.   W:我听说私立学校要穿校服。   W: I hear you have to wear uniforms at private school.   每个人都要穿校服,自带水和午饭。   All of us are asked to hand in 30 yuan for the ticket, wear school uniform and takewater and lunch by ourselves.   那个穿校服的女孩子是谁呀?   Who is the girl in her school uniform?   几乎毫无例外,在要求学生穿校服的学区,就学率提高了,暴力事件减少了,学习成绩改善了。   Almost without exception, school districts that required uniforms experiencedhigher student attendance, less violence, and increased student learning.   一位心理学教授说,要让一个大学同学穿校服,没有一个办法比 足球 的效果更好了。   A professor of psychology says there's nothing like a football blowout to make acollege student put on his school colors.   不出所料,如果他们的队最近正好有赢比赛,学生就更有可能穿校服,因为校服上有印有学校名称的纹章。   Sure enough students were more likely to wear apparel emblazoned with theiruniversity's name if their team had recently won a game.   但是为什么她站在一个穿校服的男生旁边?   But why she stood beside a boy in school uniform?   穿校服的那个女孩是谁?。   Who is the girl in her school uniform?   最大的问题是,不穿校服的她,看上去与那个彼得.萨斯加德扮演的30多岁喜欢她的大卫相当般配。   Most important, aside from the schoolgirl's uniform she wears, she looks like afairly reasonable match for Peter Sarsgaard as David, a man in his 30s who takes an interest in her.   我们在学校有个 万圣节 派对,老师要我们穿‘捣蛋还是给糖’的装扮,不要穿校服。   Were having a party for Halloween at school, and teacher says we come dressedin our trick-or-treat outfits instead of our uniforms.   学生们从星期一到星期五必须穿校服。   The students must wear school uniforms from Monday to Friday.   我们正在就中学生要不要穿校服进行一场热烈的讨论。   We are having a lively discussion on whether the middle students should wearschool uniforms.   如果他们不穿校服怎么办?   What if they don't wear school uniforms?   你们在学校必须穿校服嘛?。   Do you have to wear uniforms at school?   学生参加校际音乐会时必须穿校服。(规定学生穿校服。)   Students must not wear school uniforms in the inter-school concert.   学生参加校际音乐会时不必穿校服。   Students need not wear school uniforms in the inter-school concert.

