
时间:2024-09-26 13:35:53编辑:阿奇


pho读{pho}。pho音译过来指的是越南米粉的意思,可造句如下:1、 The most famous dish is pho, a noodle soup with slices of beef or chicken and different vegetables.最有名的菜是越南河粉,这是一种面条汤,里面有牛肉或鸡肉片和不同的蔬菜。2、A Pho did not agree.老头子不同意。3、I pour as much hot sauce into pho, it's the only way to have pho.我倒了好多的辣椒酱,这是吃越南面的唯一方法。4、Thanks for viewing and the support. Did you mean skiing or Vietnamese pho?谢谢你的观看与支持,你是指滑雪还是越南河粉?5、Slurp up a bowl of steaming hot Pho, a tangy beef noodle soup, in Hanoi, Vietnam.在越南的河内,津津有味地品尝一碗热腾腾的牛肉河粉。6、The table is warm, homely and, like the Pho, comforting and full of friendly flavours.这张小桌子顿时变得温暖、亲切,就像这河粉,让人感到舒服,并且充满友善的味道。


有3种意思。1、photographer 摄影师。2、physician-hospital organization 医师-医院组织。3、是越南语。越南河粉分为两种,最广为人知的“火车头”被当地人称作“Pho”,扁的河粉;还有一种叫做“Bun“,就是粗圆的檬粉,两种河粉在越南当地均十分常见。Dogs Pho 狗的照片。pho bo 牛肉粉 ; 越南牛肉河粉 ; 牛肉河粉 ; 牛肉米粉。PHO REAL 富民路店 ; 复兴中路店 ; 越南特色牛肉河粉店 ; 静安嘉里中心店。扩展资料:例句:Nanli Lake fish, Xiangou Pho, Dingcheng Zongzi, Longzhou taro, Leiming peanut oil and pitaya, cherry tomato all are the featured brand in Ding' an. 南丽湖福寿鱼、仙沟粉、定城粽子、龙州香芋头、雷鸣花生油,以及火龙果、圣女果等等,都是定安特色品牌。Thanks for viewing and the support. Did you mean skiing or Vietnamese pho? 谢谢你的观看与支持,你是指滑雪还是越南河粉?

