
时间:2024-09-27 05:46:01编辑:阿奇


英 [ˈhedfəʊnz] 美 [ˈhedfoʊnz]
n. 耳机,听筒;头戴式受话器
网 络
听筒; 耳筒; 耳机的; 头戴式耳机

1. "White noise" was played into the subject's ears through headphones.

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headphones什么意思介绍如下:英/ˈhedfəʊnz/。美/ˈhedfoʊnz/。n.耳机;头戴式受话器。双语例句如下:She clamped a pair of headphones over her ears. 她把一副耳机戴在两边耳朵上。'White noise' was played into the subject's ears through headphones 让受试者通过耳机听“白噪声”。One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones, you've got to be joking! 一副耳机140英镑,你不是在开玩笑吧!I refused to wear headphones because they can perforate your eardrums. 我不愿戴耳机,因为它可能会使鼓膜穿孔。For example, a student walking to a class with headphones, a janitor1 vacuuming the floor while listening to music, or an employee working at a cubicle2 with music blasting in his ears. 比如学生戴着耳机走进教室、清洁工听着音乐打扫地板、在隔间工作的员工听着音乐上班。


这两个词的区别我懂,headphone的主要用途是隔音、聆听音乐或者媒体的声音;headsets 则用于通话或者解说游戏。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下headphone与headset的其他区别:1. headphone 和 headset 的形状不同头戴式耳机 headphone 仅包括一个配戴在头部的耳机;而 headsets 则还包括一个附着在麦克风杆上的麦克风。例句:- I use my headphone to listen to music during my commute. 上班途中,我戴着头戴式耳机听音乐。- The gamer put on his headset and started talking to his teammates. 游戏玩家戴上了耳机,并开始与队友交流。2. headphone 和 headset 的主要用途不同headphone的主要用途是隔音、聆听音乐或者媒体的声音;headsets 则用于通话或者解说游戏。例句:- I prefer listening to audiobooks on my headphone because it blocks out the surrounding noise. 我喜欢在头戴式耳机上听有声读物,因为它可以隔音。- The interviewer used her headset to conduct a virtual job interview with a candidate. 面试官使用耳机与候选人进行虚拟面试。3. headphone 和 headset 的声音效果不同headphone 的主要目的是提供高品质音效,而 headsets 则注重于提供高清晰度的语音通讯效果。例句:- My new headphone provides crystal clear sound quality and deep bass. 我的新头戴式耳机提供了清晰的音质和深邃的低音。- The call center employee uses the headset to communicate with customers more efficiently. 客服人员使用耳机与客户更高效地进行交流。4. headphone 和 headset 的适用人群不同headphone 更适合专业的音乐爱好者和日常聆听音乐的群体;headsets 更适合需要长时间通话和在线协作的人们。例句:- The audiophile spent a fortune on his new high-end headphone to enjoy the ultimate music experience. 音乐发烧友花了一大笔钱买了他的新高端耳机,享受最终的音乐体验。- The remote freelancer relies on his headset to communicate with his colleagues during work hours. 远程自由职业者在工作时间里依赖头戴式耳机与同事间的通讯。5. headphone 和 headset 的价位不同通常,headphones 比 headsets 更昂贵,因为 headphones 更注重提供高品质音效。例句:- The high-end headphone with noise cancelling features can cost up to 500 dollars. 具备降噪功能的高端头戴式耳机可以高达500美元。- The affordable headset is popular among casual gamers for its relatively lower price. 有着较为亲民的价格,一些休闲玩家也会选择低价耳机。



