
时间:2024-09-27 22:31:04编辑:阿奇


trust的意思是:信任、信托、照管、受托基金机构。(一)同义词:faith、arrangement、property、custody、entrust、hope、allow。(二)短语:1、to take sb on trust. 贸然相信某人、不加深究地相信某人。2、to take sth on trust. 贸然相信某事、不加深究地相信某事。3、to trust sth to sb. 将某物托付给某人。4、not trust sb an inch. 对某人一点儿也不放心。5、to trust sb. 就知道某人(会做某事)。例句:1、The real value of the trust capital may be disastrously less than when the trust began.信托资金的真正价值与托管财产相比则少得可怜。2、Our trust is that he will recover.我们确信他会康复的。3、He is a good actor,so I don't trust him.他是个善于装腔作势的人,所以我不信任他。4、Since the beginning,I've told you not to trust him,but you wouldn't listen.一开始我就告诉你不要相信他,可你就是不听。5、I can trust him with anything.我可以绝对地信任他。


trust的意思是信任。n.信任;信赖;信托;信托财产;信托物;(对受托人的)信任;信托公司;信托基金机构;独立医疗机构(英国国民医疗保健系统中独立运营的商业化医疗机构);托拉斯(多家企业联合组成的垄断组织);重任;重大义务;照管;看管;可信赖的人;可信任的机构;商业信贷。comp.信托的;托管的vt.委托;托付;交托;希望;盼望;料想;对…放心。同义词:faith; arrangement; property; custody; entrust; hope; allow。trust双语例句:1、St Mary's Hospital became a self-governing trust this week.圣玛丽医院本周成为独立医疗机构。2、Don't you trust me?你难道不信任我吗?3、I trust him implicitly.我绝对信任他。4、I trust you like coffee.我估计你喜欢咖啡。5、 I still can't trust myself to remain composed in their presence.我仍然不相信自己能在他们面前保持镇静。


1. Work with people and money to deal with
2. Wearing white uniforms
3. Workplace late
4. Hard work
5. A work of a journalist

1. I am a teacher.或 Teaching is my job
2. My job was very busy, but very interesting.
3. The teacher gave me an English-Chinese dictionary或My teacher gave an English-Chinese dictionary to me
4. Tom from his father, there has been a new watch.
5. The teacher asked us not to talk class.
6. Betty's mother wants to become a famous actor

