
时间:2024-09-28 08:49:54编辑:阿奇


cleanup数据来源外研社英 [ˈkliːnˌʌp] n.打扫;清洗;暴利;comp.清理的;清扫的同义词:profit 清理现场辅助记忆1. 搭配词room / person / crew / effort / program / operation / cost相关词汇profit


cleanup是什么意思:清理1、The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation. 总督已经调动了国民卫队协助清剿行动。2、If Casey is correct, the total cost of the cleanup would come to$ 110 billion. 如果凯西是对的,清理的总花费将达1,100亿美元。3、This time, however, the cleanup was a little different . 不过,这次的清理工作有点不同。4、Study on New Technique of Gas Clean and Cleanup in Deep Well 深井新型气洗排液技术研究5、Data Extraction, Data Cleanup and Data Integration in Mobile Communication Network Management 移动网管平台中数据仓库数据抽取、净化和集成

clear up和 clean up的区别

clear up和 clean up的区别: clear up 多用于清空;如清空电脑文件,或者指天空放晴 ; clean up 仅用于实物的打扫; 扩展资料   ① clear up 整理;消除;澄清;放晴。偏于整理,收拾,归纳。   ② clean up 彻底打扫;清理干净 (尤指在干脏活儿后)收拾干净,   clean up及物动词 [+room, place] 打扫干净及物动词 [+mess] 整理及物动词 [fig] (remove crime from) 整治不及物动词 打扫干净不及物动词 [inf] (make profit) 发大财   e.g. We have to clean up the classroom before we leave.   我们必须把教室打扫干净才能走。   clean-up   名词 清除,指除掉色情,污染,犯罪,或腐败   1、Ablighthasalreadydescendedonthecleantechindustry.   厄运已经降临到了清洁科技产业。   2、Keep thetattooedskinclean.   保持纹身部位干燥洁净。   3、MayI clean your room now?   我现在可以清理你的房间吗?

