
时间:2024-10-01 16:53:27编辑:阿奇

reduce 与 decrease 有何区别?

1、这两个词都可以作为及物和不及物动词来使用,当一个句子中有宾语的时候,则更多地使用 reduce,然而句子中没有宾语的时候,则使用 decrease。2、reduce v.指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。 decrease v.指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。 3、reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力,to make something smaller or less in size, amount, or price;decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount, or price etc.),to go down to a lower level, or to make something do this.扩展资料:同样表示减少的单词lessen英 [ˈlesn] 美 [ˈlɛsən] 1、vi.变少,减少;贬低,轻视,看不起2、vt.减少(某事物),缩小第三人称单数: lessens 现在分词: lessening 过去式: lessened 过去分词: lessened派生词: lessening n.例句1、Make sure that your immunisations are up to date to lessen the risk of serious illness. 要确保接种最新的疫苗,以降低患上严重疾病的危险。2、Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers 工具腰带解放了双手,还减少了锤子掉落的风险。3、Time can lessen all anguish. 时间可以减轻一切痛苦。4、However, there are ways to lessen the financial burden. 不过,有些方法可以减轻经济负担。

英语单词:reduce 是什么意思

reduce [ri'dju:s, -'du:s] vt. 减少;降低;使处于;把…分解vi. 减少;缩小;归纳为[ 过去式 reduced 过去分词 reduced 现在分词 reducing ].或:reduce [ri'dju:s; -'du:s]vt.减少;缩小;削减,缩减;精简:They have to reduce expenses this year.他们今年必须削减开支。降低;减轻:She tried to reduce her weight.她设法降低她的体重。将…归纳;简化:We can reduce his speech to three sentences.我们可以把他的讲演归纳成三句话。换算;折合:If you reduce 3 lbs. to ounces, you have 48 ounces.如果将3磅换算成盎司,可得48盎司。使变为:The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins.猛烈的炮火使这个村庄变成一片废墟。His words reduced her to silence.他的话使她哑口无言。把…弄碎(或熔化等);捣碎:Their daily work is to reduce the rocks to dust.他们每天的工作就是将岩石捣碎成粉末。使降级;使降职:He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.他因严重失职被降为普通士兵。降服(使有秩序等);攻陷(城市等):The teacher soon reduced the noisy class to order.教师很快就使这个乱哄哄的班恢复了秩序。The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.村口的堡垒遭到突然袭击而被攻陷。使处境困难(或悲惨等);迫使,逼迫[常用被动语态]:The bad harvests in the last few years reduced the peasants to extreme poverty.过去几年的庄稼歉收使农民变得极为贫困。Poverty reduced them to begging for a living.贫困迫使他们乞讨为生。使变弱;使变瘦;使衰退:He is reduced to skin and bones.他变得骨瘦如柴。约束;限制:Business was reduced to local buying and selling when the war broke out and international trading ceased.战争爆发国际贸易停止后,商业就只限于地方性的买卖了。【数学】约简:The last problem is to reduce an equation to its simplest form.最后一道题是将一方程式化简为最简单形式。使…浓缩变稠:The last step is to add some salt and reduce the soup for three minutes.最后一个步骤是加些盐然后使汤浓缩三分钟。(用油)调稀(或冲淡):We can use this special oil to reduce the thick paint to a liquid thin enough to spread easily .我们可以使用这种特殊的油将浓油漆稀释一下,使它刷起来比较省力。【化学】还原;分解(化合物):Water can be reduced to oxygen and hydrogen by electrolysis.水通过电解可以分解为氧和氢。【外科学】使…复位(或复原):A doctor can reduce a fracture or dislocation.医生能使骨折或脱臼复原。【语音学】使(重读元音)弱化:Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.英语中有些元音在讲话时没有重读,结果成了相当不定型的中央元音了。【摄影术】减低(底片的)强度【生理学】使(细胞)发生减数分裂vi.减少;缩小;缩减;减弱(节食)减肥:She has been reducing for the last few weeks.她在最近几周一直在节食减肥。【化学】还原:Ferrous iron reduces to ferric iron.二价铁能还原成三价铁。(液体)浓缩变稠:The soup will reduce by adding some cooking starch.汤中加些淀粉将变稠。(油漆、颜料等)稀释:Most paints reduce with turpentine.许多油漆可用松节油稀释。【生物学】(细胞)减数分裂近义词:decrease变形:vt. reduced . reducing


reduce有两种词性:及物动词和不及物动词。作及物动词时意为“减少;降低;使处于;把…分解”。作不及物动词时意为“减少;缩小;归纳为”。[例句]:It reduces the risks of heart disease。翻译:这降低了患心脏病的风险。第三人称单数:reduces。现在分词:reducing。过去式:reduced。过去分词:reduced。扩展资料reduce短语搭配:1、reduce waste释义:减少浪费 ; 减少浪费来源考试大 ; 减少废弃物。2、reduce expenditure释义:开源与节流并重 ; 开源与节流偏重 ; 在财政上节省支出 ; 节流节支。3、reduce luminance释义:降低亮度。4、reduce by释义:减少了 ; 减少。5、Reduce costs释义:更可减少成本支出 ; 降低成本 ; 减少成本 ; 削减成本。6、Reduce fat释义:减肥 ; 降低血脂 ; 降脂。7、reduce font释义:缩小字体 。


音标:英[rɪˈdjuːs],美[rɪˈduːs]释义:v.减少;缩小(尺寸、数量、价格等);(使)蒸发;减轻体重;节食;使还原例句:1.Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills. 增加房子的隔热性能会有助于减少供暖费用。2.Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state. 他们旨在减少人们对福利制度的依赖。

