
时间:2024-10-02 20:40:48编辑:阿奇


拆除的英文短语:tear down; 短语: 拆除爆破 blasting demolish; 石棉拆除工程 asbestos abatement works; 拆除城市 Demolition City; 拆除某物 tear down ; knock sth down; 爆破拆除城市 Demolition City 扩展资料   A tear rolled down his face.   一滴眼泪沿他的'面颊流下来。   A tear trickled down the old man's cheek   一滴眼泪沿着老人的脸颊淌了下来。   These people want to tear down our whole system of government.   这些人想要毁坏我们整个政府体系的声誉。   Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to tear down B.   美国住房与城市发展部计划拆除B。   Life is so hard, some things just don't tear down.   人生已经如斯的艰巨,有些事件就不要戳穿。


  拆除,我们通常所说的拆除是指旧房拆除,墙体拆除等。下面是我给大家整理的拆除的英语短语,供大家参阅!   拆除的英语短语篇1   1. I imagine they'll be tearing the building down sooner or later.   我猜他们早晚会拆除这座楼的。   2. A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices.   几小时以后拆弹专家拆除了该爆炸装置的引信。   3. They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.   他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的战术核导弹。   4. He was enraged by news of plans to demolish the pub.   看到计划拆除酒馆的新闻,他非常愤怒。   5. Police have defused a bomb found in a building in London.   警方已经拆除了一枚在伦敦一所大楼内发现的炸弹的引信。   6. The guards were removing a section of fencing to let it through.   警卫在拆除一段围栏好让它通过。   7. The High Court has granted permission for the demolition work to continue.   高等法院批准拆除工作继续进行。   8. Spillover damage from the building's demolition was confined to some broken glass.   拆除这座大楼带来的损失仅仅是一些玻璃被震碎了。   9. A live bomb had earlier been defused.   一枚未爆炸的炸弹稍早被拆除了雷管。   10. The factory is due to be demolished next year.   这个工厂定于明年拆除。   11. They have been fighting a rearguard action for two years to stop their house being demolished.   两年来,为了不让拆除他们的房子,他们一直在进行最后的努力。   12. The house was desolate, ready to be torn down.   这房子没人居住, 等着拆除.   13. The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it.   专家们试图拆除引信时炸弹爆炸了.   14. Police cordoned off the area until the bomb was defused.   警方封锁了这个地区直到炸弹被拆除为止.   15. The hovels which passed for dwellings are being pulled down.   过去用作住室的陋屋正在被拆除.   拆除的英语短语篇2   这些旧房子将予拆除。   These old houses are going to be knocked down.   她常去的那家电影院已经拆除了。   The cinema she used to visit had been pulled down.   炸弹处理人员拆除了几个还未爆炸的装置。   Bomb disposal officers defused several more unexploded devices.   那座旧楼正拆除以腾出地方建一幢新的。   The old building is being torn down to make room for a new one.   根据法院的裁定,小河上两座水坝已于今年早些时候被拆除。   By court order two dams along the creek were removed earlier this year.   一名住在附近的市议员找了一个技术上的理由,把该广告牌给拆除了。   A city alderman who lives nearby found a technical reason to jettison the sign.   整个街区将被拆除,以便空出地方来造新房子。   The whole block will be knocked down to make room for new buildings.   他们正在拆除那些旧房子,以便修一条新路。   They are tearing down the old houses to make way for a new road.   一项新的政令要求建筑商在拆除建筑物之前必须征得许可。   A new ordinance requires builders to get permits before tearing down structures.   拆除的英语短语篇3   如果这座建筑拆除了,就很少有人会来参观了。   When this compound is demolished few people will come to visit.   任何大的让步,特别是关于耶路撒冷的未来的以及拆除西岸犹太人定居点的,需要摆到谈判桌上。   Any big concessions, especially on Jerusalem's future and the dismantling of Jewishsettlements on the West Bank, need to be on the table.   1995年5月,一家美国拆除公司用了一吨多的黄色炸药隆重地结束了它的役期。   In May 1995, it was ceremoniously blown up by a U.S. demolition firm using over a ton ofdynamite.   接下来,这个人开始拆除天花板,放进炉子里烧。 邻居看到后,对他说:“哎呀,邻居,你疯了吗?   Then the man began to tear down the ceiling of his house, and burn that in the Oven.   人们成立了一个小组负责挽救这所房子,然后一个邻居主动拆除了在街对面的房子来为艾森豪夫人居所开路。   A group formed to save the house, and a neighbor then offered to tear down a house on a lotacross the street to make way for the Doud residence.   海报、公告栏或是其他任何悬挂在墙上的东西都是学校的财产,未经许可是不可以涂写或者拆除的。   Posters, bulletin boards, or any other thing hanging on the wall is considered property of theschool and shouldn't be written on or removed without permission.   对于这个问题,国防部长巴拉克说,他打算拆除约旦河西岸的22个非法定居点。   In response, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he intends to dismantle 22 illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank.   艾伊达的家就在是这个社区80多户民宅之一,这里邻近耶路撒冷圣殿山和阿克萨清真寺,以色列计划拆除这些民居。   Risheq's is one of more than 80 families in this neighborhood near Jerusalem's Temple Mountand Al-Aqsa mosque whose homes Israel plans to tear down.   1987年9月,两名男子进入了一个在巴西戈亚尼亚的医疗诊所拆除一件他们认为很值钱的设备。   In September 1987, two men entered an abandoned medical clinic in Goiânia, Brazil, anddismantled what they thought was a piece of valuable equipment.   共同社引日本外交官说,拆除将在2010年春天完成,日本也正考虑帮助俄罗斯建立的贮存设施用于贮存用过的核燃料。   The dismantling will be completed in the spring of 2010 and Japan is also considering helpingRussia build storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel, Kyodo said, citing Japanese diplomats.   这些故障似乎并非是危险的直接信号,所以泰勒斯AA皮托管并没有从飞机上拆除。   None of the failures seemed to signal an immediate danger, so the Thales AA was not removedfrom service.   第三章还规定在"易于做到"的情况下,拆除现有设施中存在的对残疾人的障碍。   It also mandates the removal of physical barriers from existing facilities when it is "readilyachievable" to do so.   第三章还规定在"易于做到"的情况下,拆除现有设施中存在的对残疾人的障碍。   It also mandates the removal of physical barriers from existing facilities when it is "readilyachievable" to do so.   拆除的英语短语篇4   现在到了我们必须拆除这些墙的时候了。   These now are the walls we must tear down.   他说:"再以后的下一个阶段就是核设施的拆除。   The next stage after that will be that it’s dismantled.   今天,我们要向那些勇敢的人们致敬,他们不顾一切危险为大家拆除阻碍民主和正义的壁垒。   Today, we pay tribute to the brave individuals who, despite all risks, tear down barriers thatobstruct democracy and justice for all.   “钉子户”是指拆迁区域里的最后几家住户,之所以这么称呼,是因为在周围所有建筑都被拆除后它们显得格外突出。   "Nail houses" are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance, so called becausethey stick out when all around them have been demolished.   这些墙慢慢地但肯定会被拆除,因为人们要拆下它作为特别的纪念品。   Slowly but surely the Wall would be dismantled, as people made off with their very specialsouvenirs.   由于多方面的拆除和重建,他青年时期的巴黎,他以虔敬的心情保存在记忆中的那个巴黎,现在只是旧时的巴黎了。   In consequence of demolitions and reconstructions, the Paris of his youth, that Paris which hebore away religiously in his memory, is now a Paris of days gone by.   当然,这是民主党一场政治灾难。仅仅几周以前,民主党人似乎还在共和党人拆除“老年医保”的计划上让对方疲于奔命;现在奥巴马先生扔掉了所有的一切。   It is, of course, a political catastrophe for Democrats, who just a few weeks ago seemed to haveRepublicans on the run over their plan to dismantle Medicare; now Mr. Obama has thrown allthat away.   如果其中任何一个环被拆除,它们才都会来分开。   If any ring were removed, they would all come apart.   幸运的是,炸弹在爆炸之前就被发现和拆除。   The bomb was discovered and dismantled before it could explode.   去年,朝鲜就开始拆除这个曾经那儿运行过核反应堆并为恢复钚重新准备燃料的基地,但是它在六月又发誓要在那儿重新开始生产。   Last year, North Korea began to dismantle that complex, where it runs a nuclear reactor andreprocess fuel rods to recover plutonium, but it vowed in June to restart production there.   对行之有效的进程之一涉及拆除的部分飞机和淹没在一个特别温和的解决方案,通过它的电流是通过坦克的碎片。   One of the proven processes involves partially dismantling the aircraft and submerging thepieces in tanks of a special solution through which a mild electric current is passed. 在八月和九月里,主任们努力寻求帮助,好完成昂贵的拆除和建设工作。   In August and September, the directors struggled to find help for expensive demolition andconstruction work.



