
时间:2024-10-10 21:29:06编辑:阿奇

Jenny翻译歌词The Click Five的

She calls me baby, then she won't call me.
她叫我宝贝 然后又不打算打电话给我
Says she adores me and then ignores me.
她说她爱我 又突然间不理我
Jenny, what's the problem?
珍妮 你到底怎麼了?
She keeps her distance and sits on fences.
她总保持著距离 坐在篱笆上
Puts up resistance and builds defenses.
把自己关在防护罩里 又建立起防备心
Jenny, what's the problem?
珍妮, 你到底怎麼了?
You leave me hanging on the line.
Every time you change your mind.
First you say you won't, then you say you will.
你总是一开始说不要 然后又说好
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
让我空悬在电话另一头 我们不是没有进展
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
就是停滞不前 珍妮 我为了你屈膝跪下
Jenny, it's killing me.
珍妮 这真是要了我的命
She needs her own space. She's playing mind games.
她需要自己的空间 并玩著心理游戏
Ends up at my place. saying that she's changed.
游戏结局总终止於我这儿 说什麼她已经改变了
Jenny, what's the problem?
珍妮 我们之间到底出了什麼问题?
I'm trying to read between the lines.
You got me going out of my mind.
First you say you won't, then you say you will.
你总是一开始说不要 然后又说好
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
让我空悬在电话另一头 我们不是没有进展
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
就是停滞不前 珍妮 我为了你屈膝跪下
Jenny, it's killing me.
珍妮 这真是要了我的命
it's killing me.
it's killing me.
First you say you won't, then you say you will.
你总是一开始说不要 然后又说好
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
让我空悬在电话另一头 我们不是没有进展
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
就是停滞不前 珍妮 我为了你屈膝跪下
First you say you won't, then you say you will.
你总是一开始说不要 然后又说好
You keep me hanging on, and we're not moving on.
让我空悬在电话另一头 我们不是没有进展
I"m standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
就是停滞不前 珍妮 我为了你屈膝跪下
it's killing me.
it's killing me.

海事英语--ship side delivery 什么意思?




如果是卸货的也可以理解就是这些DG 和OOG直接从船上卸下后直接运往目的地,不需要在进入堆场提箱.不过就是有点怪.不过也属于正常的,比如有些大件如游艇就是water-water交易模式到目的港后就直接开走了.

jenny歌词 the click five

She calls me baby, then she won’t call me.
Says she adores me and then ignores me.
Jenny, what’s the problem?
She keeps her distance and sits on fences.
Puts up resistance and builds defenses.

Jenny, what’s the problem?
You leave me hanging on the line.
Every time you change your mind.

First you say you won’t, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we’re not moving on.
We’re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, It’s killing me.

She needs her own space. She’s playing mind games.
Ends up at my place saying that she’s changed.
Jenny, what’s the problem?
I’m trying to read between the lines.
You got me going out of my mind.

First you say you won’t, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we’re not moving on.
We’re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, It’s killing me. It’s killing me. It’s killing me.

First you say you won’t, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we’re not moving on.
We’re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.

First you say you won’t, then you say you will.
You keep me hanging on, and we’re not moving on.
We’re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.
Jenny, It’s killing me It’s killing me. Jenny.

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