粽子 英文

时间:2024-10-11 21:01:32编辑:阿奇


Tzung Tzu(粽子) A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk. 扩展资料   or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of tzung tzu is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river in order to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan.   译文:   粽子   端午节期间一道很受欢迎的菜是粽子。这道美味的菜是用竹叶包肉、花生、蛋黄或其他馅料的粽子。《庄子》的'传统是要提醒我们,村里的渔民为了安抚河龙,不让他们吞食屈原,就把大米撒在密洛江的水面上。


  我们通常在端午节吃粽子,赛龙舟,这是我们中国的传统习俗。那么你知道吃粽子的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的吃粽子的英文,希望大家喜欢!   吃粽子的英文   1.eat zongzi   2.eat rice dumplings   3.eat sticky rice dumplings   eat zongzi造句   1. Chinese people like to eat zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.   中国人喜欢在端午节吃粽子.   2. We usually eat Zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival.   端午节我们通常吃粽子.   3. We hold dragon boat races and eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival.   你告诉外宾在端午节我们赛龙舟、吃粽子.   4. A : After you've worked up an appetite, you can eat Zongzi.   等你划船累到肚子饿的时候, 就可以吃粽子.   5. On the festival, Chinese people usually eat Zongzi at tableand hold Dragon Boat Race for entertainment.   端午节的日子里, 中国人总要吃粽子,赛龙舟,吃鸡蛋等等.   6. After you've worked up an appetite, you can eat Zongzi. Everyone eats them during the Festival.   等你划船累到肚子饿的时候, 就可以吃粽子. 端午节的时候大家都会吃粽子.   7. Ss : In the dragon boat row the dragonboat. We eat some Zongzi and eggs.   教师播放端午节划龙舟以及吃粽子的动画,让学生总结描述.   eat rice dumplings的例句   1. We can eat rice dumplings and go to watch boat races.   我们可以吃粽子,去看龙舟赛.妮妮和她爸妈要去看龙舟赛.   2. We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival.   58我们在端午节吃粽子.   3. People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.   人们经常在那一天吃粽子然后观看龙舟比赛.   4. When I eat rice rolls, I pick out every carrot.   每次我吃饭卷时, 我都会把胡萝卜挑出来.   5. We will eat sweet dumplings and enjoy the nicest moon at night.   在寂静的夜晚,我们会品尝元宵,欣赏明亮而皎洁的月光.   6. Lisa: People usually eat rice glue balls on the Lantern festival.   李老师: 人们通常怎么庆祝元宵节?   7. Dumplings with water Alkali Water rice dumplings and rice dumplings.   粽子有咸水粽和碱水粽.   8. I eat rice. I eat rice ( at six ).   我吃饭. 我吃饭 ( 在六点 ).   9. People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.   人们通常会在元宵节吃元宵.   10. The mice diced to eat rice ice cream vice lice cream.

