
时间:2024-10-16 20:07:30编辑:阿奇


Along with the rapid development of the high-rise building technology, high-rise buildings in the city space has become the indispensable element, become a beautiful scenery of the city, but high-rise building and urban spatial fusion remains some defects.
Today's rapid development, the high-tech rapidly changing society, along with China's entry into the wto, professions and continuously reform and innovation, which is one of the pillar industry as social construction and new challenges.
This project is a four-star hotel, including shopping malls, guest room, dining, entertainment, healthy, underground parking, several main part of large scale and complicated functions. Land is located in heihe city commercial centre, prominent location. In the design process fully considers the urban environment, architectural function, shape dimension of each respect such as required. The paper introduced in heihe project and design or hotel.


《小鲫鱼的愿望》:一只金黄色的小鸟,它又累又渴,从半空中掉下来,掉在一张荷叶上。绿色的荷叶像一张宽大的床,小鸟在上面睡着了。一只大苍蝇飞来停在它的眼皮上,它也毫无知觉,一条小鲫鱼在水里游着,它看见了这一切。   “哦,多可怜的小鸟啊!它再不醒来,也许会饥渴死的!”于是,小鲫鱼用尾巴使劲地拍打着水面。一阵阵水花溅上了荷叶,几颗水珠跳进了小鸟的嘴里。小鸟从干渴中苏醒过来了,它扇扇翅膀,又喝了几口水,终于恢复了精力。机智的小花猫一天,小老鼠懒洋洋地走出老鼠洞。他忽然发现一只臭臭的袜子。可是,老鼠不识香和臭,倒反而觉得袜子很香,就钻了进去,看看有没有吃的。可是,他一钻进去,就感觉黑咕隆咚的,他急忙钻来钻去想求救。正在这时,小花花(猫)神清气爽地走到袜子前。小花猫吓了一跳,叫道:“哪里来这么大的毛毛虫!“小老鼠听到了,得意洋洋地翘起尾巴,想让小猫看见。小猫一看气坏了,但是他还是坐在一边静静地等。等老鼠完全钻出来了,小猫才猛的扑上去,啊呜一口把老鼠吞了下去。小猫嘴里甜滋滋的,心里美滋滋的。

