
时间:2024-10-17 05:42:29编辑:阿奇


1.I eat breakfast at seven o’clock.
2.Can Lucy play the guitar?
3.Let’s go to school right now.
4.Why do you like the gift so much?
5.Alison,please take out your notebook.
6.—What do you want to be when you grow up
—I want to be a waiter.
7.—How many apples do we need for the dessert?
—Only one is enough.
8.—How often do you take exercise?
—I run with my friends every day.
9.—What does the famous player look like?
—He is very tall.
—What is he famous for?
—He is famous for swimming fast.
10.—What is your friend doing now?
—She is flying a kite with her parents
M:Hello!Mary!This is Mike.
W:Mike!Nice to hear from you again.How are you?
M:Fine,thanks.And you?
W:Oh,not bad.Where have you been these days?
M:I have been to the beach for vacation with my family.We enjoyed ourselves there.
W:That sounds exciting.
M:Good.Listen.I'm phoning because I want to invite you to a party.At our new house.And……
W:New house?Really?
M:Yes,We've moved.That's why we're giving the party.Can you e?
W:Of course.When is it?
M:This Saturday evening.
W:When does the party start?
M:Come at any time after eight.All right?
W:Yes.Oh,by the way…
M:Bye!See you on Saturday evening.
W:Wait a moment,Mike,You haven't …Mike?Are you still there?You haven't given me your new address.Hello?Mike?Hello?
11.Where has Mike been these days?
12.Why does Mike want to have a party?
13.When does the party begin?
14.Which sentence is RIGHT?
15.Where are Mary and Mike talking?
My friend John is a student.He likes traveling.Last year he went to Japan and stayed there for two months.I was surprised that John was able to have such a long holiday in Japan because he was not rich enough.
“How did you get so much money,John?” I asked.“I thought you could stay in Japan for at most one week.”
“It was easy,” he answered,“I got a job in Japan.It made me get enough money to stay longer.”
“A job?What did you do?”
“I gave English lessons to a shop-owner.He paid me well and in the end we became good friends.”
“But you’re not a teacher!”
“The shop-owner knew I was not a teacher,but he said he had a lot of American friends.He needed to speak English with them,so he wanted to learn English.I spent three hours a day talking to him.In return,he gave me a room,three meals a day and some money.”
“Oh,I see.It’s a good way to learn and practice English.Did he learn much?”
“I don’t know,” John said.“But I learnt a lot of Japanese!”
16.What does John do?
17.How long did John stay in Japan last year?
18.What job did John get in Japan?
19.How many hours did John spend talking to the shop-owner a day?
20.Why did the shop-owner want to learn English?


初中英语听力材料   听力常作为初中英语英语考试一种题型,目的在于考察应试者对英语语言的.把握。下面是我整理的初中英语听力材料,希望能帮到大家!   初中英语听力材料【1】   1.M: Can you say something about your favorite animal?   W: Yes. It is not big and it can swim well. It can jump. It can live in water or on land.   Question: What animal does he like best?   2.M: Why is the river dirty now?   W: Some people throw rubbish into it. We must stop them.   Question: What do they want to do?   3.M: I can’t find my pen anywhere.   W: The monkey hid it on the cupboard.   Question: Who hid his pen?   4.W: Do you often watch TV?   M: I watch TV on Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday.   Question: How often does the boy watch TV?   5.W: I’m going to the city by bus tomorrow.   M: Could I go with you?   Question: Where is the woman going tomorrow?   6.W: I go to school by bus every day? What about you?   M: I go to school by bike.   Question: How does the boy go to school every day?   7.W: Could you get me a glass of milk?   M: Sure. Here you are.   Question: What does that woman want?   8.W : What a big zoo!   M: There are more than 150 kinds of animals in it.   Question: How many kinds of animals are than in the zoo?   9.W: How much is the fruit?   M: The apples are 4 yuan a kilo. The pears are 5 yuan a kilo.   Question: Which fruit is cheaper?   10.M: Windy, shall we meet at about 11:30 at the school gate?   W: Certainly. See you then.   Question: What time are they going to meet?   初中英语听力材料【2】   W: What are you going to do this weekend, Bob?   M: I have no idea. What about you, Amy?   W: I don’t know. Do you want to do something together?   M: Sure. What do you want to do?   W: How about going fishing on Saturday?   M: OK! Where are we going to meet?   W: Let’s meet at my house. My uncle has a boat. He can teach us fishing on the lake.   M: What time shall we meet?   W: Let’s leave early in the morning. Fishing is good at that time.   M: Great! It will be very funny. See you on Saturday.   W: See you then.   初中英语听力材料【3】   1.W: When do you usually get up?   M: I usually get up at 6 in the morning. But this morning I get up at 6:15.   Question: What time did the man get up this morning?   2.M: Who runs fastest in your school?   W: Sally runs faster than Millie. But Millie runs faster than May.   Question : Who runs fastest in your school?   3.M: Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the post office?   W: OK. Walk along the street, take the first turning on your left and then you’ll see a cinema. It’s on the right of the cinema.   Question: Where is the post office?   4.W: What would Daniel like to drink, tea or coffee?   M: I have no idea.   Question: Does the man know what Daniel would like to drink?   5.M: Where are you going, Miss Green?   W: I’m going to send a letter home.   Question: Where is Miss Green going?   6.M: When will the meeting begin?   W: It’s only 6:30. It will begin in half an hour.   Question: When will the meeting begin?   7.W: What should the visitors remember to do?   M: They should remember to take their umbrellas with them.   Question: What should the visitors remember to do?   8.W: What did you do yesterday?   M: I bought three English books. Peter bought three Chinese books and two geography books.   Question: How many books did they buy yesterday?   9. W: Lily, your bag is too heavy.   M: Yes, but Tom’s bag is heavier than mine , his sister’s is heavier than his.   Question: Whose bag is the heaviest?   10. W: Andy, I hear your bike was not here.   M: Mine was here. , but Jane’s wasn’t.   Question: Whose bike was here? ;

