
时间:2024-10-18 18:21:16编辑:阿奇


“conjunction”的意思是“结合”。“conjunction”英式读法为:[kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn],美式读法为:[kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn]。译为引起某种结果的事物等的)结合,同时发生;(恒星、行星等的)合。复数形式为:conjunctions。例句:The two clauses are joined by a conjunction. 这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。They are working in conjunction with the police. 他们与警方配合进行工作。扩展资料:近义词:combination1、读音:英式读法为:[ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn],美式读法为:[ˌkɑːmbɪˈneɪʃn]。2、结合体;联合体;混合体;结合;联合;混合;(用于开密码锁的)数码组合,字码组合。3、例句:A fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice. 把鸡肉、辣椒和米饭和在一起、口味辛辣的搭配。Frost and wet are the lethal combination for plants. 霜雨天气对植物危害极大。


The o clauses are joined by a conjunction . 这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。 A telescopic device is used in conjunction with the prism . 棱镜与望远镜配合使用。 " as " is a conjunction and is used before a clause . “As”是连词,用于分句之前。 The word heat has been used only in conjunction with flow or transfer . 热这个字只在与流动或转移有关时才使用。 "but" said kennedy, who now habitually used that conjunction . “可是…”非常爱用这两个字的肯尼迪开口了。 It had not hurt him to sketch the project of their conjunction . 当他构想让他们结合的计划时,这个计划不曾伤害他。 In the conjunction of america and europe james had a rewarding theme . 詹姆斯在欧美的结合体里找到了一个有价值的题材。 The simplest fluctuation is the conjunction of o molecules to form a plex . 最简单的波动是两个分子结合形成缔合体。 It can work in conjunction with sales and promotional activities to cpnch a deal . 它与销售与促销两项工作结合起来招揽生意。 Radl found hobs end on the map and examined it in conjunction with the photos . 拉德尔在地图上找到霍布斯岬后,就参考著照片研究起来。 An edge corresponds to a corridor and a vertex to the conjunction of several corridors . 边对应于走廓,而顶点对应于几条走廓的相交点。 Manufacturing plants are estabpshed abroad, in conjunction with supporting marketing system . 制造工厂以及与之相适应的推销网正在国外建立。 We were in no position to give such a guarantee, much less in conjunction with them . 我们绝不可能给予这样的保证,更不要说和他们一起保证了。 Its mon use is in conjunction with selective gas chemisorption for verification of metal surface area . 它通常是和选择性气体化学吸附结合起来使用,以确定金属表面积。 Logically the elastic model investigations can proceed in parallel with and in conjunction with theoretical analyses . 在逻辑上弹性模型试验能够与理论分析平行并可同时进行。 Mechanical test results must be evaluated in conjunction with catalyst activity, selectivity, and stabipty data . 必须将机械测试结果和催化剂活性、选择性和稳定性数据联系起来进行综合评价。 Sand has accumulated in a deltaic pattern on both the marine and lagoon sides of the inlets in conjunction with this diminishing current flow . 随著水流速度的减慢,砂质物遂以三角洲的形式堆积在进水道面向海洋和泻湖的两头。 On the patterns of conjunction and contrast in engpsh words 试论英语词汇的属性 " in conjunction with the affairs of ap pasha ? “那事是不是和阿里总督有关? ” Class can be used on its own , or in conjunction with the 类可以独自使用,或者与 The pragmatic function of the engpsh conjunction and 及其并列句的语用功能分析 Reinforcing bar conjunction technique with rolpng screw thread 滚压直螺纹连接 Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions 不可与其他优惠及折扣同时使用 Wnk4 is part of the tight conjunction plex Wnk4激酶是紧密复合物的一部分。 When used in conjunction with other constraints , the 当与其他约束一起使用时, Expressing concession , as the conjunction though 让步从句的表示让步的,如连词虽然 Many events occur in conjunction with other events 许多事件会与其他事件同时发生。 Controls cpu affinity when used in conjunction with the 属性一起使用时控制cpu关联。 Attribute is useful when used in conjunction with wildcards 当与通配符结合使用时, That technique , in conjunction with the open source 这种技术与开放源代码的


conj词性是连词。conj是conjunction的缩写,意为连词。连词是用来连接多个词或句,表示某种逻辑关系的虚词,可以表并列、承接、转折、因果、选择、假设、比较、让步等关系。按连词的构成可将其分为以下几类:1)简单连词:如and,if,or,because,but,so2)关联连词:如both…and…,not…but…,not only…but also…3)分词连词:如supposing,providing,provided,given4)短语连词:如as if / through,even if / through,as / so long as



