go off是什么意思
go off的含义:对…不再喜欢;失去对…的兴趣;(爆炸装置)爆炸;(枪)开火;(警报器)突然大作;(电器设备)停止运转;进行;进展;(食物或饮料)变质,坏掉英 [ɡəʊ ɒf] 美 [ɡoʊ ɔːf] 例句:A police officer was killed when his car blew up.一名警员在其汽车爆炸时遇难。扩展资料:近义词:1、leave away英 [liːv əˈweɪ] 美 [liːv əˈweɪ] 离开例句:So I had to leave away. 所以,我远远的逃离。2、go away英 [ɡəʊ əˈweɪ] 美 [ɡoʊ ə激绝ˈweɪ] 离开;消失;离开(某地或某人);外出(尤指度假)例句:I think we need to go away and think about this. 我认明知姿为我们有必要走开一猛含下去考虑这件事。
go off有几种意思
go off有以下几种意思:1、(炸弹、汽车等)爆炸、炸毁、引爆;2、(水管等)断裂;3、失去对某物的兴趣,不再喜欢;4、警报器响起;5、进行、进展;6、(食物等)变质、腐败;7、走开,离开。go off的造句如下:1、The bad news caused Jim to go off the deep end.那个坏消息使吉姆勃然大怒,失去理智。2、Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper.土耳其和德国就走到一个角落,小声商量。3、And if you need to set a timer to go off every hour or so to remind you, do it.如果你需要在工作中每一个小时内想找出一些时间来休息,那就这样去做吧。4、we more mercifully had our bouncing betties go off at the head.真是不幸之中的万幸,我们让蹦跳的长颈瓶从头上掉下来了。5、You better think it over and don't go off the deep end.你最好要深加考虑,不要立即下结论。6、To be printed so as to go off the edge or edges of a page after trimming.出血版被印成出血版,使得修剪后超出低页的边7、Lights will go off if no one is in the room.如果房间里没有人,灯会自动熄灭。
gooff什么意思?回答如下:go off有以下几种意思:(炸弹、汽车等)爆炸、炸毁、引爆。(水管等)断裂;失去对某物的兴趣,不再喜欢;警报器响起;进行、进展;(食物等)变质、腐败;走开,离开。go off用法:(1)表示“在…外面”。表示“在某一位置或处所之外”; go off往往强调由于外向的动作而产生的结果或者在某一区域或范围之外。(2)还可表示动作的方向, go off往往表示超出某一地域、范围或限度的运动。例句:The bomb was timed to go off at 12 oclock.炸弹定在12点钟爆炸。双语例句:1.he alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep. 闹钟确实响了,但我只是打了个哈欠,翻个身又接着睡着了。2.Boys at that age should be able to explore and go off on their own, go on bike rides, get into mischief 那个年龄的男孩应该可以自己出去闯,也可以骑车出游,还可以调皮捣蛋。