哈士奇英语介绍如下:Siberian Husky英/saɪˈbɪərɪən ˈhʌski/。美/saɪˈbɪriən ˈhʌski/。西伯利亚哈士奇;西伯利亚雪橇犬;哈士奇;西伯利亚雪橇。The Siberian Husky's characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless. 哈士奇的标准步态是平稳轻盈和看起来毫不费力的。In the video, the crippled canine, resembling a Siberian husky or Alaskan malamute, could be seen with a number of wolves. 在视频中,这只狗的腿有点跛,看起来像一只西伯利亚哈士奇或者阿拉斯加犬,此外还可以看到它和一些狼关在一起。An expert has identified an animal captured in east China's Shangdong province as a Siberian husky dog; a domestic animal that resembles wolves in appearance, the Shangdong Business Daily reports. 据《山东商报》报道称:一名专家鉴定于山东捕获的疑似狼动物实则为西伯利亚哈士奇,一种外形似狼的家养宠物。A Siberian and Alaskan Husky farm with 400 dogs is housed on the grounds of the resort. 度假中心的空地有一座西伯利亚和阿拉斯加哈士奇犬饲养场,里头养了四百只狗。
问题一:哈士奇的英文怎么说 根据俄语翻译过来的
Sibirskiy haski
英语:Siberian husky
问题二:哈士奇的英文怎么读 Siberian Husky
问题三:哈士奇的英文怎么说 Siberian Husky哈士奇
Alaskan Husky
问题四:哈士奇的英文名称怎么写啊 哈士奇英文名husky
问题五:”哈士奇”英文怎么拼写? Siberian Husky
问题六:哈士奇取什么英文名好些 10分 很好起: hasiqi.翻译成中文是:哈士奇。
问题七:哈士奇的英文外貌描写 look like wolves, usually have blue eyes, triangle sharp ears and usually have fox like tails.
问题八:今天我们介绍的是哈士奇狗英文 Today we introduce is a dog