
时间:2025-01-23 13:15:38编辑:阿奇


核能(Nuclear Energy)
Nowadays, energy can be obtained through various sources such as oil, coal, natural gas, solar heat, wind, etc. But the conventional energy like oil, coals are being used up rapidly, and solar heat can't become widely used immediately for technological reason. In my opinion, unclear energy will take the place of conventional energy, because people now can control this energy freely, and unclear energy is non-polluting, inexhaustible, and it's much safer than coal and oil. Coal and oil are burned, they also produce many harmful gases, and the air has been seriously polluted by such gases, which will threaten people's living environment. And many accident happened because of the wrong use of such energies.
However, such things can't happen when we use nuclear energy, Though when the nuclear leaks out, it will do great harm to people' s health and the environment. We can do enough work to avoid such things, and limited such things at a low percentage.


核能(或称原子能)是通过核反应从原子核释放的能量。符合阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的质能方程E=mc² ,其中E=能量,m=质量,c=光速。核能(nuclear energy)是人类历史上的一项伟大发现,这离不开早期西方科学家的探索发现,他们为核能的发现和应用奠定了基础。可一直追溯到19世纪末英国物理学家汤姆逊发现电子开始,人类逐渐揭开了原子核的神秘面纱。核能优缺点:一、优点1、核能发电不像化石燃料发电那样排放巨量的污染物质到大气中,因此核能发电不会造成空气污染。2、核能发电不会产生加重地球温室效应的二氧化碳。3、核能发电所使用的铀燃料,除了发电外,暂时没有其他的用途。4、核燃料能量密度比起化石燃料高上几百万倍,故核能电厂所使用的燃料体积小,运输与储存都很方便,一座1000百万瓦的核能电厂一年只需30公吨的铀燃料,一航次的飞机就可以完成运送。5、核能发电的成本中,燃料费用所占的比例较低,核能发电的成本较不易受到国际经济情势影响,故发电成本较其他发电方法为稳定。6、核能发电实际上是最安全的电力生产方式.相比较而言,在煤炭、石油和天然气的开采过程中,爆炸和坍塌事故已杀死了成千上万的从业者。二、缺点1、核能电厂会产生高低阶放射性废料,或者是使用过之核燃料,虽然所占体积不大,但因具有放射线,故必须慎重处理,且需面对相当大的政治困扰。2、核能发电厂热效率较低,因而比一般化石燃料电厂排放更多废热到环境中,故核能电厂的热污染较严重。3、核能电厂投资成本太大,电力公司的财务风险较高。4、核能电厂较不适宜做尖峰、离峰之随载运转。5、兴建核电厂较易引发政治歧见纷争。6、核电厂的反应器内有大量的放射性物质,如果在事故中释放到外界环境,会对生态及民众造成伤害。

