许巍《蓝莲花》歌词:没有什么能够阻挡 你对自由的向往天马行空的生涯 你的心了无牵挂穿过幽暗的岁月 也曾感到彷徨当你低头的瞬间 才发觉脚下的路心中那自由的世界 如此的清澈高远盛开着永不凋零 蓝莲花没有什么能够阻挡 你对自由的向往天马行空的生涯 你的心了无牵挂穿过幽暗的岁月 也曾感到彷徨当你低头的瞬间 才发觉脚下的路心中那自由的世界 如此的清澈高远盛开着永不凋零 蓝莲花扩展资料歌曲《蓝莲花》由许巍作词作曲并演唱,选自专辑《时光·漫步》,多次作为歌曲被选入电影、电视剧。《蓝莲花》的创作初衷是许巍写给唐朝著名僧人玄奘法师的,表达了对玄奘法师的敬意。整首歌曲有着浓厚的禅学味道。没有激昂的曲调,却震撼了无数人的心,给人力量。许巍,1968年7月21日出生于陕西省西安市,中国内地摇滚音乐歌手。 2003 获得光纤传媒最佳摇滚歌手, 2006 获得华语榜中榜最佳男歌手(内地) 。
不可阻挡歌词 不可阻挡歌曲简介
This aint where the legends come from
Youre not what a hero looks like
Pretty little flower wont you sit back down and go play nice
Keep talking keep laughing
One day youll wish you hadnt
All the people want fire fire
Maybe its time they meet their dragon
If youre gonna hold me down
And youre not gonna let me in
Into your castle walls
None of you can keep them
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all down
Then well burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all down
Then lets break it all down
Bye bye bye
Playing with fire
And we burn it all down
This is where the bruises come from
This is when the game gets ugly
These blood sweat tears keep running
Licking my plate cause Im so hungry
Keep talking keep laughing
One day youll see what happens
All the people want fire fire
Its about time they meet their dragon
If youre gonna hold me down
And youre not gonna let me in
Into your castle walls
None of you can keep them
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all down
Then well burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all down
Then lets break it all down
Bye bye bye
Playing with fire
And we burn it all down
It starts right now
Baby youre surrounded
Put your money where your mouth is
Bury your doubts under the ground
And they gonna watch you step over the ashes
Right now Im taking my turn with the matches
Cause if I gotta
Bu bu burn it all down
Then well burn it all down
My oh my look at who end up bigger this time
And if I gotta
Bu bu break it all down
Then lets break it all down
Bye bye bye
Playing with fire
And we burn it all down
2、《不可阻挡》是2021英雄联盟全球总决赛主题曲。由Alex Seaver作词, PVRIS演唱;于2021年9月29日发行。
[pái shān dǎo hǎi]
发 音 shì bù kě dǎng
释 义 来势迅猛,不可抵挡.
出 处 《晋书·郗鉴传》:“群逆纵逸,其势不可当,可以算屈,难以力竞.”
示 例 众将见西岐士马英雄,,并无一筹可展,半策可施.(明·许仲琳《封神演义》第二十八回)
发 音 suǒ xiàng wú dí
释 义 敌:抵挡.力量所指向的地方,谁也抵挡不住.形容力量强大,无往不胜.
出 处 三国蜀·诸葛亮《心书》:“善将者因天之时,就地之势,依人之利,则所向无敌,所击者万全矣.”《三国志·吴书·周瑜传》注引《江表传》:“士风劲勇,所向无敌.”
示 例 我自起兵以来,.(清·陈忱《水浒后传》第十五回)
发 音 suǒ xiàng pī mǐ
释 义 所向:指力所到达的地方;披靡:溃败.比喻力量所达到的地方,一切障碍全被扫除.
出 处 《史记·项羽本纪》:“于是项王大呼驰下,汉军皆披靡.”
示 例 遂与其友鲜伯等百余人,直犯秦阵,,杀死秦兵无算.(明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》第四十六回)