
时间:2025-02-07 09:32:12编辑:阿奇


  企业一般是指以盈利为目的,运用各种生产要素(土地、劳动力、资本、技术和企业家才能等),向市场提供商品或服务,实行自主经营、自负盈亏、独立核算的法人或其他社会经济组织。那么,你知道企业的英语怎么说吗?   企业的英文释义:   enterprise   company   firm   business   undertaking   manufacturing division   企业的英文例句:   越来越多的大学生主修 企业管理 学。   More and more students are majoring in the science of business management.   他在一家私人企业工作。   He works in a private enterprise.   这家企业是信用证的申请者。   The enterprise is an applicant of this credit. 企业英语怎么说   她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。   She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises.   现在这家企业基础稳固,很快就会赢利。   This enterprise is now on a firm footing and should soon show profits.   小型企业都急于试用计算机。   Small businesses are anxious to experiment with computers.   他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。   He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.   Jensen也认识到了“简约”对于企业的必要性。企业的问题是在执行方面。企业管理倾向于以企业为中心。   The problem is their implementation.   企业伦理是 企业 文化 和企业价值观的核心。   Enterprise ethics is the enterprise culture and the enterprise values core.   企业需要按本身的商业目标,建立本身的项目管理需求,而不是模仿别人的 方法 或模式,需要'强化'企业本身的管理机制,'简化'管理工作,以提升效率,最后'统一'企业的管理模式。   I even cajoled my grandparents into getting me the nike shoes.   我们的资金全部搁死在那个企业了。   All our capital is locked up in that enterprise.   许多企业被控有歧视妇女的做法。   Many businesses are accused of discriminating against women.   如果我们接管这家企业,我们就会陷入麻烦。   We'll let ourselves in for trouble if we take over this business.   如果不使用现代方法管理,这家企业就会赔本。   The business will lose money if it doesn't modernize.   全民所有制企业里有集体所有制职工。   Some enterprises owned by the whole people employ workers and staff originally belonging to collective enterprises.   但是,这对于您的企业意味着什么?   But what does that mean for your business?   那么,您如何管理并度量面向您的企业的IT治理解决方案的有效性呢?   So, how do you manage and measure the effectiveness of your IT governancesolution for your business?   一个在企业内部。   One inside the company.   它们抑制我们的人民和企业的创造力。   They suppress the ingenuity of our people and businesses.   因此,她对家庭和企业都很了解。   So she understands both family and business.   他们所能做的就是和决定任何一家企业命运的那些基础问题搏斗。   What they can do is wrestle with the fundamental questions that govern the fateof any enterprise.   他为挽救这家企业,不惜冒险投入他的全部金钱。   He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.   企业能做什么?   What can business do?   这正是劳拉和我如何创建了我们的企业,我们将会在网络研讨会上和你们分享要如何去做。   That’s exactly how Laura and I have built both of our businesses and we’ll besharing how to do that with you in this webinar.   尚未得到说明的是企业实际上将如何利用这种灵活性进行操作。   What is not yet accounted for is how an enterprise will actually operate with thatflexibility.   但是即使有了这些工具,也只有当你知道你是否有心来实现这些我们都认为可以建立一个引人注目的新企业的机会。   But even with those tools, only you know whether or not you have the heart toexecute on the opportunities we all recognize to launch a compelling newbusiness.   无论他们希望与否,现在每个企业都要经营其内容,对内容的需求也持续存在,并且在不断增长。   Whether they want to be or not, every business is in the content business nowand the need for content is constant and growing.   并不是每个企业员工都能有访问所有信息的权利。   Not everyone in the company should have access to all kinds of information.   企业,而不是任何个人或业务单元,拥有所有数据。   The enterprise, rather than any individual or business unit, owns all data.   通过这些端点,您还可以与不同的企业信息系统交换应用程序信息。   Through these end points, you exchange application information with the differententerprise information systems as well.


1、有限公司用英语表示为:Company Limited2、标准的是:Co.Ltd.“Co.,"为Company的缩写;"Ltd."为Limited的缩写;"Co.,Ltd."连在一起为Company Limited,就是有限公司的意思。“Co”后面的“.”是英文中表示词语短缩省略的符号,所以“Ltd”的后面也应该有一个“.”拓展资料Company Limited1. Welcome to telephone wenling jinyu pipelining equipment manufacture company limited. automationbusiness. 铃音内容参考:欢迎您致电温岭市金悦流水线设备制造有限公司!2. Liu Sichuan Machinery Company Limited space for my Sales Company. 总公司四川柳空机械有限公司为我销售分公司.3. After completion, please return to Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited. 填妥后, 请交回英杰华人寿保险有限公司.4. Analyze this site Liaocheng City Xinglong Seamless Pipe Manufacturing Company Limited. 聊城市兴隆无缝钢管制造有限公司.5. Hefei GewaFood Company Limited located in the scenic city of Anhui Province - Hefei. 合肥歌娃食品有限公司座落于风景优美的安徽省会城市 —— 合肥市.6. Study on Construction of Corporation Culture of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited. 钻井企业技术创新评价模型研究.7. Ming An ( Holdings ) Company Limited is an insurance company in Hong Kong. 民安 ( 控股 ) 有限公司是一家在香港交易所上市的金融公司.8. Founded in 1996 and was reorganized as Company Limited in 2001. 公司成立于1996年,并于2001年改制为股份有限公司.9. Forefront ( China ) Company Limited Hong Kong HK $ 20 100 % Investment holding. 福方 ( 中国 ) 有限公司香港20港元投资控股.10. This insurance plan is underwritten by American Assurance Company, Limited. 此保险计划是由美国友邦保险有限公司承保.11. Special thanks to Canon Hongkong Company Limited for sponsoring the competition. 特别感谢佳能香港有限公司赞助此活动.12. Haifeng Logistics Company Limited for a professional international freight forwarders. 海丰物流有限公司为一家专业的国际货运代理公司.


Under pressure to reduce costs, a ferry company decided that they could maximise the time their ships were at sea if more safety checks were done while the ships were sailing rather than in the dock.英文翻译如下迫于降低成本的压力,一家渡轮公司决定,如果在船只航行时而不是在码头进行更多的安全检查,他们可以最大限度地延长船只在海上的时间。


问题一:商务正装用英语怎么说 商务正装
Business Formal
Business Formal;Business;Business attire

问题二:商务英语英文怎么说 Business English

问题三:英语的商务款式怎么说 Business casual

问题四:商务人士首选 英文怎么说 this is the first choice for business personages.
public personages
He is fast being a personage.
She is stately in personage.

问题五:商务代表英语怎么说?印名片用的。 Business Representative
或者 Business Delegate

问题六:商务专员英文怎么说 商务专员
mercial attache
商务专员:mercialattaché,|mercial Attach
有些国家在驻在国使馆中不设商务参赞,而设商务专员。商务专员是代表本国贸易部门与驻在国贸易部门保持联系、进行交涉的外交专业人员,一般由派遣国外贸主管部门派出。商务专员通常是使馆商务处的负责人,其外交... 详细 ?

问题七:商务部的英文是什么? 商务部的英文是:merce department
商务部的领导:Directors of Ministry 罚f merce

问题八:驻华商务参赞英语怎么说 官网显示:中国驻阿根廷经济商务参赞处:Economic and mercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of P.R. China in A触gentina
所以驻华商务参赞是: mercial Counselor in China

问题九:商务会谈用英语怎么说 Business talk

问题十:"商务礼仪"英语怎么说 Office and business etiquette *** 上查的,共同学习。 The etiquette of business is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions run more *** oothly. Office etiquette in particular applies to coworker interaction, excluding interactions with external contacts such as customers and suppliers. Both office and business etiquette overlap considerably with basic tenets of netiquette. These rules are often echoed throughout an industry or economy.

